First Submission - Opinions Please...


Nov 22, 2004
Reaction score
Hi everyone, this is my first submission here - it's a HL2 wallpaper. I've tried to create the Ravenholm feeling. Any comments/suggestions would be most welcome. :cheers:

The image is at 1280x960 at the mo, but if you want it bigger (up to 1600x1200) send me a pm with your e-mail (a 1600 image was too many kb's for ImageShack). If you want it smaller just ask in this thread and I'll post a link to it.
that looks cool :p i like the way its burnt in tho its a lil hard to make out
I'm on a laptop, so this might not be an issue, but I think it could be somewhat darker and moodier. (since you mentioned ravenholm) Also, I'd prefer that the logo be centered on the lambda instead of as a whole, as it seems slightly askew. The circle shape is more important to the balance than the little '2' nub is.

I really like the scuffed & scratch effect on the logo. It's definitely appropriate for the piece.
Thanks people, I'll re-do/touch-up parts then submit another one.
This wallpaper is great.. :)
Mabey a few changes.. as .. uhm.. SOMETHING.. ! can't find something... but, i know there's missing something. :p
Very effective, like the horizontal grunge effect you've done :)
Thanks for the comments. :thumbs: I've darkened the background slightly, centred the 'circle' of the lambda logo and made the red a bit lighter. I did the grunge effect using a mask over the logo with various dirty/grunge brushes in Photoshop. Here it is, hope you like it:

Tell me what you think of it...
Much better. I still feel that the background content isn't exactly as moody as it could be, considering the feeling that Ravenholm has. Also, the logo seems to sink into the background a little too much. But this version is definitely looking much better, Pen.
I have darkened the overall background, as well as adding a gradient overlay (black) from the bottom. I think this gives the image a little more mood. I have lightened the red again as well as adding a slight drop shadow behind the logo to 'bring it out' from the background. The image in the background is a photo of a fallen dead tree I found on holiday - it looks quite creepy just on it's own. Anyway here it is:

As there isn't that much contrast, the picture looks best if you view it in a dark room :D

btw, that is a 1600x1200 image.
Here is a darker background version (the jpeg's never seem to be as dark as the psd looks!) :angry:

Penfold_ said:
Here is a darker background version (the jpeg's never seem to be as dark as the psd looks!) :angry:

ok either my monitor has uncalibrated itself and made just your image black, or your taking the piss :p

(the jpeg's never seem to be as dark as the psd looks!)

thats cause your likely using color settings inside photoshop that are independant. old problem is that.
Yeah, it is pretty dark, especially that last one. To see it properly, make sure you're in a dark room - with eyes like these -> :eek:
Penfold, it's got a very nice, moody style, but I think it be a lot more effective with a relevant background, instead of the trees - maybe Los Angeles storm drains, like the canals in C17, or a stereotypical Eastern Europe cityscape/street scene
Thanks for the suggestion pomegranate - I see what you mean, although I was trying to 're-invent/replicate' the Ravenholm mood and thought that the image of the tree suited the twisted and evil organic feel of Ravenholm.

I might try using some similar images to those (most of those aren't big enough) with the same 'scratched' logo I did, but in a different colour. Thanks again for the idea :D
Hells Angel said:
nice wallpaper, do you mind if i use it for my background?

Not at all, that's why I've put it here :cheers: