First Superman Returns: The Videogame official Screenshot


Aug 24, 2004
Reaction score
A has released the first of four screenshots taken from the upcoming trailer of Superman Returns: The Videogame, which is scheduled for a summer 2006 release in conjunction with the release of Warner Bros. Pictures' film Superman Returns on June 30, 2006.

The game, which features storylines from both the movie and more than 60 years of comic book content, is being developed by Electronic Arts-Tiburon in Orlando, Fla., the award-winning studio that develops Madden NFL, the most popular sports franchise in videogame history. Superman Returns: The Videogame will be released on the Xbox 360 from Microsoft, as well as current generation platforms.


wow wow

that's really nice but i have bad feeling about this game (You know the games based on a movies)
A decent Superman game would kick so much ass :)
I have a bad feeling just because the LAST Superman game ranks among the worst ever.
Superman 64, with prettier graphics?

Oh boy oh boy, I can hardly wait!
Superman was cool in the 80's

nowday's the gay factor is a bit too high.
Yeah, I could care less about this, but it would be hard. Superman just doesn't do it for me. The Chris Reeves movies were terrific, but they should leave it there. I never liked Smallville either, so this really has almost no appeal for me.

Of course, I never got everyone's recent love for Spiderman and such either. The effects in those movies were terrible! Why all of a sudden do people care about Spidey (esp. with no alien symbiote suit or anything--3 will have Venom at least, but Topher Grace??? Say it ain't so!!!) or any of the superheroes they are making horrible movies about? FF4 anyone? X-Men were the only decent ones IMO.
I never did like superman all that much ..he was just too super for me ..and the clark kent/superman thing where no one saw the similiarity is just beyond stupid

that said the concept could go a long way in a video game if done well (think superman GTA) but this is a movie tie in so I wouldnt get my hopes up too high
This will suck.

Review Prediction: 5/10

Of course, I never got everyone's recent love for Spiderman and such either. The effects in those movies were terrible! Why all of a sudden do people care about Spidey (esp. with no alien symbiote suit or anything--3 will have Venom at least, but Topher Grace??? Say it ain't so!!!) or any of the superheroes they are making horrible movies about? FF4 anyone? X-Men were the only decent ones IMO.
I though the latest Spiderman movies were better than X-Men. At least they gave him the proper wardrobe... Not a fan of the X-Men movies at all.
Batman kicks SO much more ass. If they made an excellent batman game, I would gladly pay a c-note for it.
Omg how silly does that look, look how tiny superman is :laugh:

But you know games like this arnt supposed to be good, there done because there are enough fanboy's out there (majority in their early teens) that will lap it up anyway.

That ontop of the fact that with every movie these days there is always a game in conjuction with release.. just so the movie industry can attempt to keep up with the gaming industry profit wise, all you can hope for is that they accidentally make it half decent somehow.
i think that ill pass on this one...unless someone says that its good :\
Wow i wasnt interested at all, but holy shit those screens got me hyped up.
N64 Superman shot the next future 3 superman games right in the face.
Why don't they show some in-game screenshots rather than all this prerendered crap.
StardogChampion said:
At least they gave him the proper wardrobe... Not a fan of the X-Men movies at all.
Well I for one am glad that they didn't give Wolverine that dreadful yellow costume, nostalgia-inducing as it may be!

And no, Spidey's wasn't right either. Anything that isn't the alien symbiote suit is crud in my book!
I found the Hulk movie (and game) to be the most decent comic to movie/game adaptions. This unfortunately looks like utter bullshit.
Superman can kick any other superheros ass

I will gladly buy this game
Dalamari said:
Superman can kick any other superheros ass

I will gladly buy this game
but superman is a dumb jock from hicksville USA - i'd find it offensive to play him :D
give me a ****ed up sado masaochistic Dark Knight any time