First Tablet drawing


Companion Cube
Aug 7, 2003
Reaction score
Got me tablet today and been fiddling around it and i done a little cartoon character guy :) First of many i hope :)
Curvy! Coolness. Have some fun. Can we expect to see some really good stuff comin' from you now?
I hope so, hopfly im gunna get in to it and really start improving my drawing skills :) I just got to think of some stuff to draw hehe.
Stormy said:
Got me tablet today and been fiddling around it and i done a little cartoon character guy :) First of many i hope :)
that looks cool :) I like it, especially for a first one.

As for other stuff to draw, well good practice to just draw lots and lots of characters like that in different poses.
Another few little sketches, one guy trying to swat a fly and another guy trying to open a Jar :)

I do alot of drawing like that in my animation class, but its quite hard to get it right, if people are too tight together its hard to see what they are trying to do. Im just trying to get some practis in, need to get in to a habbit of drawing alot lighter.
neat! it's cool, better than my first crack at a drawing with a tablet...
Stormy said:
Another few little sketches, one guy trying to swat a fly and another guy trying to open a Jar :)

I do alot of drawing like that in my animation class, but its quite hard to get it right, if people are too tight together its hard to see what they are trying to do. Im just trying to get some practis in, need to get in to a habbit of drawing alot lighter.
It's ok but I prefer the first one, sorry :(
Sweet stuff.

A question though. When people say 'i did this using only photoshop', do they use a graphics tablet aswell?
MetalPiranha said:
Sweet stuff.

A question though. When people say 'i did this using only photoshop', do they use a graphics tablet aswell?
most do yeah, photoshop is geared to using tablets these days.
The Dark Elf said:
It's ok but I prefer the first one, sorry :(

I quite like the guy with the fly swatter, he got a nice sketchy feel to it but im not to sure on the jar guy, he dosnt really flow enough :( ill give it another go.

Maybe if people wanna give me some actions i can try and pose some of my little cartoon men doing it, will be quite fun and i can get some pracsic at the same time. And sorry for all the typos, abit drunky atm :laugh:

Heres some in the form of a vortigaunt party!

I did these in garys mod but i'd like to see your character in these positions!
For a second there I thought you were attempting to hijack the thread...
lol I could do that whenever i wanted! ;)

Seriously It'd be good practice to put your character in the 'drunk' position.
MetalPiranha said:
lol I could do that whenever i wanted! ;)

Seriously It'd be good practice to put your character in the 'drunk' position.

Hehe, just what i was about to post up :) i done it lastnight wile i was abit drink so i had a really good model for it :cheers:

Also a cople more there, like some sad guys, one throwing a punch and some guy on the floor with a gun :)
Stormy said:
Hehe, just what i was about to post up :) i done it lastnight wile i was abit drink so i had a really good model for it :cheers:

Also a cople more there, like some sad guys, one throwing a punch and some guy on the floor with a gun :)
Haha there we go, those are great, got a lot of expression in them.
another cople, some cross guy and some zombie dude, rahhh!
Stormy said:
another cople, some cross guy and some zombie dude, rahhh!
The zombie looks cute until you look closer at the face, cool side effects to sketching loosely like that, trying to duplicate it perfectly never seems to work. :(
Yea i totaly agree, i used to draw really slow and it never came out that well, drawing fast always makes my drawings flow alot more. Defo the way to go for drawing.
Wow, something about these I really like. Keep drawing!!
nice one stormy. you may want to make it look less sketch like, as in i feel youve got too many pencil strokes. i personally do sketches like that all the time but i start to rub out lines, and then go over them in a black pen that is relatively thick. makes it look cartoony and the detail really sticks out
Stormy said:
Yea i totaly agree, i used to draw really slow and it never came out that well, drawing fast always makes my drawings flow alot more. Defo the way to go for drawing.
yep, their certainly getting somewhere :)
Joims said:
those are really cool!

animation class? at uni or summink!! ??

Yea im in the first year at the mo, im doing a course on video game design and get to do loads of different stuff relivent to computer games. Do alot of animation, had character design today. Also do quite abit of game narative and stuff like that. In the second year we learn 3d max, level design, photoshop and i think some other stuff. Its really good fun.
Ahhhg, i been playing around and stuff and i have lost the brushs/mode i used to do them drawings :( Does any one have any idea what brushs i used ?? :(
Joims is that really you on the avatar picture?
it freaks me out when i look at it ;/
dunno why
Garfield_ said:
Joims is that really you on the avatar picture?
it freaks me out when i look at it ;/
dunno why
no its not him, looks like that actress who's name i forgot now.
hehe nah it isnt me its Keegan connor tracy, from jake 2.0

Ima bloke! :P aswell as having brown hair without highlights and not in grayscale :P if u want to see an old pic of me just go to my profile i think ther eis one of me from about 2 years ago :P
NONONonono i dont wanna see you, thought you were a girl. but no :/
haha so funyy
Got a cople of pics that i done in painter, First guy is called Kaine he was done in my charater design class and was painter in painter when i got home, he was designed for a beat um up game :) kind of a cyborge kung fu monk. The second is an Ork Face Origanaly sketched out on lined paper and then drawn in and coloured on the tablet. I dont think the drawing is to great, some sections are abit ott and its pritty hard to comprohend what the hell is going on. But im really quite pleased with the painting of the characters.

Sorry about any tyos and stuff, kinda just got back in form a night out so im quite quite drunk :)
Stormy said:
Yea im in the first year at the mo, im doing a course on video game design and get to do loads of different stuff relivent to computer games. Do alot of animation, had character design today. Also do quite abit of game narative and stuff like that. In the second year we learn 3d max, level design, photoshop and i think some other stuff. Its really good fun.

Wow0rz, they look great. And that sounds like a great course to do too... modelling, art, design etc. all the best in one :D