-----Original Message-----
From: Joe [mailto:************]
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 3:52 PM
To: Gabe Newell
Subject: TF2 set during the seven hours war?

Is this true?

Subject: RE: TF2 set during the seven hours war?
From: "Gabe Newell"
To: "Joe" <************>


Thought it sounded too far fetched. :)
well lol that's the end of that.

It can go back in the vapour-ware closet for another 5 years :) Ahh good old tf2.
Oh. Then why would PCG say it was set during the seven hours war? Still, that would be even less TFish if it was, TF has no setting!
Barney_Calhoun said:
Oh. Then why would PCG say it was set during the seven hours war? Still, that would be even less TFish if it was, TF has no setting!
No clue buddy, but I trust Gabe Newell better then I trust PCG.
That paragraph is in "The Spy" section, which you should really take with a pinch of salt. Back in the day, "The Spy" said in HL2 you'd going round the world solving mysteries, or something, with a female sidekick. Well, there was a female sidekick, so they were kinda right...
Maybe the game the Spy is refering to is in fact Half Life 2's fabled revoulutionary mulitiplayer that Gabe talked about before the release of HL2
Dowie said:
Maybe the game the Spy is refering to is in fact Half Life 2's fabled revoulutionary mulitiplayer that Gabe talked about before the release of HL2

I remember something about that. Don't suppose you have a link?
Screw TF2. Screw it in its non-existent ass. I'll wait for the Fortress Forever mod, which is making good progress, I might say.
Unless TF2 will have a singleplayer story, I could care less.
Devvo said:
I remember something about that. Don't suppose you have a link?

I belive it was the Alcatraz interview(video) sorry dont remember where it was fileplanet I think