First Tribes: Ascend screenshots

Tribes Ascend Open Beta begins Friday

New gamemode: Arena Deathmatch
ADM maps: Air Arena, Lavarena Primary (going on image filenames here)
New CTF map: Temple Ruins
New TDM map: Inferno
crapload of balance tweaks
name-change service
no plans for stat wipes

In light of this: FR1C3F4665478E4E28A17B26B
I got a beta key... can someone give me an idea about what makes this game different/special before I go and download it?
Class-based high-speed futuristic competitive CTF-centric skill-based rechargeable-jetpack shooter encouraging "skiing" which is the use of frictionless jets to hover and preserve velocity when moving across terrain

In a nutshell: gotta go fast
I got a beta key... can someone give me an idea about what makes this game different/special before I go and download it?
uh everyone has jetpacks