this is not for ingame obviously with 21288 tris (i was never aiming for ingame) :rolling: don't ask me! lol
whaddya think for a 1st try?
took like 2-3 hours
wow.... for a first try? i take it you must model alot tho, just not weapons. You could lose a few polys on the grip... looks v.nice, good job :cheers:
yeah, as i told you yesterday, the stock is waaayy too square, need to round it off, and change the smoothing around the front. the front of the grip is square cut if i remember correctly.
Nice model. Try and make the rings on the handle the same distances throughout though - from bout the ninth one up from the front, the gaps kinda get bigger for a bit from what i can see.
You might wanna give it an M203 too if you want to work on it some more :naughty:
just looking again, that first render is really cool. the bar at the top and the slight fuzziness of the black and white pictures, makes it look like a wierd photocopy.
...i guess thats just uk's (artistic) talent poking in there hehe
ukfilmer, you need to grab groups of edges and smooth them
a quick fix that will need fixing up is to select all the edges then use soften/harden tool extesion then set the angle threshold to about 45 or so,, this will fix the blatant smoothing problems, but you'll still need to do considerable editing yourself