Fistful of Frags: second media update.



Hi everybody, time has flown by since our first media release and unfortunately we were unable to reach some of our objectives, but the following shows you part of our progress during these past two months. Our plans for earlier internal testing were too optimistic, however our situation has improved considerably and we?ll reach that stage soon. Very talented developers joined the project since the first media release and here are some of their contributions to date.

The weapon department is well covered with weapons like these. Sharps rifles were very appreciated by Old West sharpshooters, its precision was legendary during that age. This is a Sharps model 1874 made by Thomas Hess (Hessi), well known for his awesome work, and this is no exception:

This is another fine model, a close reproduction of the rifle that changed the Old West forever. The Henry Rifle was the first successful repeating rifle, which later evolved into the famous Winchester brand. A rifle with a load of 16 shells had no rival during the western age, and as hand bill claimed: "A resolute man, armed with one of these Rifles, particularly if on horseback, cannot be captured." We wanted to recreate such weapons with as much detail as possible. Masher and Kaskad did an outstanding reproduction:

We are also preparing our player models. These are some concepts (not final artwork) brought to life by Gary Welsh. If you like his drawings as much as we do, take a look here and here.

Okay, and now onto some level design. These are some captures of the fof_tramonto map, based on early forts made by Spaniards. This one is a singular oasis surrounded by a sea of dunes, creepy dungeons and adobe buildings.

And finally, a long walk around our El Paso map. In this video you can watch a range of our first person weapon models with their animations (WIP) made by our lead animator Cat. Along side this are some gameplay elements (collecting money from crates, spending notoriety in the equipment selection menu, etc). We hope you?ll notice how our weapons have secondary functions for example: blunt weapons can be thrown, revolvers have precision mode and fanning (fast fire) and rifles support iron sights. I recommend you download it for a full quality version, as the streaming quality is quite poor (and distorted): Filefront

Our third media release should come much sooner than this second one did, and that update will also be the time when we?ll announce our close beta testing stage, which will take place just before our first public release.

We are still looking for additional help in certain areas. If you are an experienced character modeler or 2d artists (weapon/props skins or level textures), take a look at our web site for further details.
Love your character concept art. Very awesome weapon models too.
Please finish ASAP.