Fitness Advice


Nov 8, 2004
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Okay heres the problem.

For the past 6-7 months I was doing exercise every night, but after reading comments on the forums i changed it so that i do them one night, then have a night off.
Now the thing is I think ive got weaker, and my overall muscle mass has gone down (Which isnt good, as im thin anyway)

I dont do a lot but its more than a lot of people I know (Im 14 btw)

Night 1
2x 15-25 press ups (Average 40)
2x 20ish Sit ups (Decline bench, arms at the side of head, average total 40)
2x 15 weigths (6kg per arm)
Leg stretches (Mainly kicks)

Night 2
Leg stretches

Now, my question is is my exercise to much to perform nightly, or should I do it every night as opposed to every two?
It's really hard to apply a weight routine to a 14 year old. Testerone is what effects your growth and when I was 14, I wasnt exactly maturing. I was skinny like you and I couldnt gain any bulk so I just went for toning. Doing lots of reps of lighter weights.

Now everytime you do your routine, its important that you shred the muscles you're focusing on. Like increasing the number of reps you do every week. Try switching your routine up, try lifting slow one week, then lifting fast another. Use different excersises for the same muscles. Keep your body guessing. And whenever you're finishing with your last rep, just do one more and do it really slow to the point you give up.
That happens anyway, its not something I intent to happen :p

Im not so much concerned about weight, its the fact im proud of my stomach in particular :p and I want it to stay in the same condition as it is now.
Are there any good exercises besides those I could do without a pull up bar of any sort? I only have my bench
What muscle group are you focusing on without weights? I love routines that dont require barbells.
Whatever muscles pressups increase (Pecs?) and abdominals
you don't have to worry much about over fatiguing your muscles with those kinds of exercises. Probably 6 times a week would be just fine.
Haha, I'm not sure by what you mean by press-ups unless you mean push-ups. Basically theres two muscles in your chest, upper and lower (minor/major whatever). Working the lower ones will give you a boob look and allow for impressive peck dances. The upper muscles make your pectorials look a little fuller and make you look bulker below your neck.

The position of your arms when you lift will determine which muscle you're going to hit. You will hit the upper part if you extend towards your head when you lift. You will hit the lower part if you extend towards your legs.

Example, the guy is these pics is working out the upper part because he's using an incline.

Try switching between using the bench-press and pushups.
You dont know what a press up is :O

Press up = Hands and soles of feet on the group, raised and lwoering your body down and up while keeping your back in line. The same as pull ups maybe?

you should be careful in that age.. have friends who worked out in their 13-14 and now they're short as ****. working out stunts your growth in that age. you should wait with serious working out until you're like 16.

first of all, i think you do too many muscles in one night and just keeping one night "partly off" (still working out legs, that you even worked out the night before) isn't enough rest. If you work out almost every muscle group, and relatively hard enough, you'll need about a week to recover.

You can split different musclegroups over 3 days, and have one or two days off after that.
Rest a particular muscle group for at least 48 hours.

Another thing, sleep and nutrition is just as important as the workout sessions when you want to build muscle/stay in shape. are you getting enough sleep and are you eating enough, proteins and carbs in particular? a banana and proteinshake after each workout is finished is highly recommended.

i read somewhere that if you don't experience more efficiency with the next workout of a particular muscle group, you haven't gotten enough rest.

take it easy with those guns bud, try and keep it over the course of a week or something. you'll stay in shape and i wouldn't advice bulking up in your age. then again i'm not really a certified expert at these matters, maybe you'd be better off asking someone else.

also, you say you have been working out for 6-7 months, you could be hitting a plateau which means your muscles have adjusted to the kind of workout pattern you're having and slacks off a bit (this usually happens within a couple of months) . try changing your workout abit more, surprise your body.

Llama: a press up is a pushup. Pullup is working out your latissimus dorsi (partial back muscle) by pulling yourself up on a horisontal pole.

Another thing, specify what kind of arm workouts youre doing, the arm and shoulder is comprised of several different muscles and you need to consistently work them all out if you want to increase in size properly.

Do something like this, triceps/shoulders first day, biceps/back second day, legs and stomach the 3rd day. thats what i do. add in a little cardio on off-days to keep the heart and lungs active, they contribute alot to your workouts and general health alot, maybe even more than muscle mass itself.

edit: theres no such thing as toning or bulking, the amount of reps or sets you do don't work like that.
toning/leaning is reducing bodyfat with cardio and proper nutrition, bulking is increasing workout resistance and nutrition to gain muscle mass.
If you read the exercises that he's doing, he's not going to stunt his growth. Or wear out his muscles. Push ups and crunches and light weights don't make a hercules. It's just general fitness. Probably a similar muscular effect as playing soccer, frisbee, or volleyball with friends every day or two.
Llama said:
You dont know what a press up is :O

Press up = Hands and soles of feet on the group, raised and lwoering your body down and up while keeping your back in line. The same as pull ups maybe?
Naw, I think most americans call 'em push-ups. But here's something you might wanna try- take your 6kg weights, lay on your back with your arms out, and bring them up so they're going straight up, then lower them back down slowly.

also, keep doing what you're doing, every night (as it isn't a whole lot) and then, every week, add one or two extra to every set, so you're doing more each week, and actually building stuff up, rather than having a constant...thing.
You wont see really any results until your 16,thats when I started gaining results,but thats also when I started stacking whey protein and creatine. My advice: get some weights,pushups are practically a warm up chest exercise. You need incline,decline and flat bench press. Also try butterflys with dumbells, and the overhead pull down with the extended bar(its a machine). Have your pops pay for a gym membership for you, or use your school weightroom(assuming your a freshman in highschool)
Heh, I really need to start exercising more again. I do some, but really could be doing more. I have too much free time anyway.

Can anyone here do clapping pressups?

Yeah? Nice one, can you do clapping pressups where you clap behind your back! Theres a challenge!!!! :p

Note, I can do a few. Not really sure how many.

Another challenge, pressups whilst in a handstand. If ya cant do a handstand freely do it against a wall. Good thing to show off with :p
Codcommando said:
You wont see really any results until your 16...
I'm fifteen :\
and I'm putting on the pounds, in a good way. But I've been shaving since I was twelve.
I've only recently have had to start shaving regularly. But I already had the funny voice change/funny hair in funny places/acne breakout.

Hehehe, still remember that day taking a whiz.

".......whoa.........I'm a man........heh heh heh heh" *zip "Owwwwwwww!"
CrazyHarij said:
you should be careful in that age.. have friends who worked out in their 13-14 and now they're short as ****. working out stunts your growth in that age. you should wait with serious working out until you're like 16.

now I know why Im a friggin midget. (not kidding)
Doing loads of sit ups won't get you a six pack, you need to work out your whole body, aswell as toning areas of your body.
Shodan said:
Doing loads of sit ups won't get you a six pack, you need to work out your whole body, aswell as toning areas of your body.
Deadlift squats!
Shodan said:
Doing loads of sit ups won't get you a six pack, you need to work out your whole body, aswell as toning areas of your body.
Well ive been doing something right cuz its there :p

Deadlift Squats?
sit ups (do crunches instead so you wont damage your back) will get you a six pack, you just need low body fat percentage for it to show.
CrazyHarij said:
sit ups (do crunches instead so you wont damage your back) will get you a six pack, you just need low body fat percentage for it to show.
True, I'm a proud owner :p
Whats the big difference between a sit up and a crunch?
Que-Ever said:
I'm 6'1". but you could kick my ass. fair trade?
lol, I think my hand can't even reach that high. Even if I did kick your ass, you'd work out a bit and then kick my midget ass :LOL:
Just so I can make sure: Is it decided that continuing use of my routine will not damage or stunt my body in every way, or should I drop the wieghs? Also, I still dont know the difference between a crunch and sit up
Take it easy. Don't push yourself too much. I don't think you should focus on bulking, rather just work out moderately so you stay in shape.

everything has its time and place.

This is a crunch:

You don't "sit up", you just focus on working the abdominal muscles. the animation should show you how it works.
also, do this for the obliques (muscles on the sides of your stomach)