Fix One Problem, Then Theres Another!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
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I have a bad head cold, so I took some cough medicine (liquid), it did what it says and cured my sore throat and blocked nose (somewhat), but now I feel like I'll puke, the expiry date is August 2007, what the hell happened?
I have a bad head cold, so I took some cough medicine (liquid), it did what it says and cured my sore throat and blocked nose (somewhat), but now I feel like I'll puke, the expiry date is August 2007, what the hell happened?

Allergic Reaction?
But I have taken this stuff before..
Drink water, lots of water. It'll cure your head cold and dilute any shit in your stomach that's making you feel sick.
Yeah.......take some more! Vomitting (along with aids, cancer, uglyness, inverting penis, and heart failure) is probably a listed side affect. If not call them and sue.

Otherwise uhh...take some medcine to help with vomitting and hope nothing bad happens.
I'm not puking yet, but when I breath in deep, I can feel it about to come up, so no deep breaths and I'm fine....