F'Kin delivery men & F'kin NTL!


Jul 5, 2003
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Man, I hate waiting at home for stuff.

I'm waiting for a delivery (or rather was) and the delivery man scheduled to deliver today just pulled up five minutes ago, and without even knocking on the door just drove off.

I went out of my house to shout and shake my fist a bit, but the guy didn't pay any attention and just carried on driving away.

So anyway, I rung up the depo he works for and the conversation basically went like:

Me: "Scuse me, I've just got up to wait for a delivery and your guy pulled up for 2 minutes, and then drove off without even checking to see if I was in".

Depo: "uh huh, well we can probably get him to come back, no promises though, or maybe tomorrow?"

Me: (knowing full well this guy doesn't give a shit about his job) "yeah, whatever".

And NTL. Am I the only one in the world who gets weak ass service from these guys? I've had Broadband since they introduced it in the UK 2/3 years ago, and in that time I've gone from 500k to 1500k. In that time I've also had a technician out anually due to some fault that affects me and no-one else in my town.

Basically my modem looses it's signal and just goes through the boot sequence connecting every once and a while briefly before loosing it again.

I run NTL up yesteray to try get them to send a techncian out, an sods law as soon as the guy on the phone said "let me run some tests on your modem" the damn thing started to work, so he didn't believe me!

As luck would have it the modem ****ed up again before he even put the phone down, and he was like "whoa, your modems just vanished from the system, let me run some more tests".

So after an hour on the phone he finally believed me and arranged to get a technician to come and sort it....

.... who I am currently waiting for, browsing the web on crummy 56k!

</end rant>
tell me about it, my order from overclockers was dispatched on the 12th after me paying for next day delivery. 5 days later and still nothing. cocks :(
Hmmm, ive never had any problems with NTL, im in Nottingham. Whereabouts are you? I have their 'Ultimate Cheapskate' broadband package, which I am pleased to announce will be going from 150k to 300k very soon (for free).
Onions said:
tell me about it, my order from overclockers was dispatched on the 12th after me paying for next day delivery. 5 days later and still nothing. cocks :(

Wouldn't happen to be Initial City Link would it? I've ordered from them numerous times and to be honest the service is pretty lame. They've even lost my parcel once before.

jabberwock95 said:
Hmmm, ive never had any problems with NTL, im in Nottingham. Whereabouts are you? I have their 'Ultimate Cheapskate' broadband package, which I am pleased to announce will be going from 150k to 300k very soon (for free).

Mines already been upgraded. I'm in the Huddersfield area (and yesterday on the fone the guy did test to see if there was any problems in the area, which there wasnt. And because my modem was working to begin with treated me like a typical n00b customer giving me the usual "oh theres probably some un-explainable thing causing this, even though the symptoms are identical to the last problem you had last time" line).
yeah, I had modem problems from comcast.

it was out for a good whie, dude comes in, does the usual, power cycling etc, no go, gets a signal from his own little magic box, goes to grab another modem to test, and while hes outside it starts working again. He was pretty cool so he didn't charge, but sure enough, the next day comes, and its out again.
I've never had any problems with NTL...However, I'm not on NTL.

Our internet was intalled without any fuss really, hopefully BT will be bringing those new SDSL lines around here soon enough.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I've never had any problems with NTL...However, I'm not on NTL.

Our internet was intalled without any fuss really, hopefully BT will be bringing those new SDSL lines around here soon enough.

What service do you use Farrow, because I'm really thinking of scrapping NTL. I dont watch the TV service, or use the phone much (got a mobile) and including them and my Internet, I pay just short of £70 a month, which is disgusting.
I'm on NTL in the Huddersfield area and have had one problem in the past 4 years. Just one. Rang up NTL, guy came round less than 5 mins after hanging up, attatched a line filter (20 second job) then left. Worked fine since.

That was a few years ago though, maybe NTL has gone downhill since they've gone bust or something.

Their DNS servers are always on the blink, though I stopped using them ages ago in favor of Demons much faster DNS.
I use BT Openworld (At least thats what it was called...not sure what their name is. Maybes its still the same)

Anyway, its pretty good. Officially its generally not as fast as NTL, but NTL isnt so good in the upload department I believe. Its also considered a little more stable, I know I haven't had any problems with it.
Excerpt from the BT Openworld webpage:

BT Yahoo! Broadband products feature:

• 512kbps - 15GB monthly usage allowance
• 1Mb - 30GB monthly usage allowance

Well, I guess thats the end of me even considering BT as an option. Download limits are the shitz0r.

BTW, the guy messed about in my house for 2 hours today, changing modems, re-wiring and finally came to the conclusion that my local box is screwed (hence the reason Pobz and everyone else in Huddersfield aren't affected).