flash hl2

Omg that is so boring. Stupid music and the controls are unresponsive. You can eternally beat up a CP unit and vice versa.

I met alyx. She jumped down and shot me through the head. :|
I hate the way the objects keep getting in your way, that is so annoying, I can't even jump past them, 0/10 nuf said
Even the loading screens look shizen.

(Three minutes later): Well, at least they flatlined when they died...
Alyx shot me.

Alyx also shot me. But at least the CP's flatlined when they died...
I got to the part where gordon gets off the train... then quit.
Got to the part where the guard tells me to stop, then quit
After so many negative reviews I just have to play it.
I got just past Alyx…
Controls only work 75% of the time 0/10
Graphics crap 0/10
Sound the music was annoying but the hl sound good 2/10
Physics = crap 0/10
Map lay out 1/10
Game play 0/10
Idea 10/10
Over all 0/10
Meh, i won't even bother loading it .. well ... maybe at some point just to see why everyone hates it .. then i'll post what i think .. but for the time being i'll stick to Codename:gordon ^.^
i wish some one would make codename Gordon or some other kind of half life 2 scroller ( a good one ) for gameboy or psp...
Teh CP have lil hats on!!!
Game: 0/10
Lil hats: 10/10
why are the signs that say.. "Resistance Base"... omg...
that was gay... every time i try and click before the g-man is done talking to me i start falling and then die.... gay
Best ****ing ever. HL2 the platform game. Even has realistic physics. Spot on ;-)