Flashing my BIOS

and that boot disk didn't exactly work, it tried to install windows on me
It appears your right. Yeah, go out and buy some tommorow. Good luck.
I don't think flashing the bios would help all that much unless theres a specific bug related to the AGP port that's fixed by the bios update. If you're running Windows98/98SE or Windows ME I'd suspect theres still left over files from the previous card, and that's probably causing your problem. But keep in mind that if you re-install with the restore disks it may want your old video card back in there because that's the card it expects.

If you're running 98/SE/Me/XP you can do the following and see if it helps:

go to start-> Run
Type msconfig and hit enter
click the "startup" tab
uncheck everything that's checked
try again

That'll kill all the things that start when the computer starts and if you've got a lot of stuff in there it'll hog up all of your memory. Even if it doesn't look like anythings starting with the computer I'd double check because there are normally a lot of hidden things that just stay in the background. You could also play with the windows services but I wouldn't reccomend that unless you know what you're doing.

Anywhoo, I'd check that and if that doesn't work I'd re-install windows but I wouldn't worry about the bios update. The reason flashing your bios is so dangerous is because if the media is unstable, a bit is corrupt or the power goes out while you're updating you're pretty much screwed and you have to either a) Get a new board or b) Send the bios chip off to someone to have it re-flashed. It certainly is risky but I've done it dozens of times and I've never had one fail. So it's not likely that it will but there are major consequences if it does. Good luck! -Noodly

Edit: As far as the boot disk goes you can make one really quick and easy by doing the following:

Go into My Computer
Right click on A:
go to format
check the box that says "mark startup disk" or something like that (If you're running XP)

If you're running 98/98SE (and Maybe ME I don't remember)
Go into control panel
add remove programs
and there should be a startup disk tab or something similar.
hey, thanks for trying to help me and everything, but i've already milked every memory optimization i can out of my system, inlcluding tinkering with the registry, windows services and services on boot

and i can't boot in windows, my BIOS says specifically not to format the disk in windows
huh, now this is weird

for no apparent reason, my 3dMark2003 scores lost 700 marks and went down to 1968, but immediately following that, it's consistantly hitting 5163... maybe a BIOS flash is not needed after all