flesh test

Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
ok i have NEVER posted anything here well not really so here goes .
today i made a little skin fleshy test to see how i could do organics ive only done metal textures so it was kind of hard, i think i have got a bit of the shading rite but i need help creating a skin texture or pattern kind of thing because as you can tell my pattern looks like metal scratches.
http://the3dstudio.com/forum/files/2414/skin.jpg its just a texture test so its not suposed to look very real, the whole skin was fleshed out from this base color http://the3dstudio.com/forum/files/2414/skin2.jpg.
i just need to know a few basics of making skin .
any advise?
kind of looks like fabric, call it fabric and everything will be right.
hey thats not funny dude lol.
i just need help getting a good base pattern.