

John Kerry, who changed his mind what, 8 times in the debates alone?
I love flip-flops, they are so great!!!!! yeah yeah yeah!!!! flip-flops!!!!!!!

This will so make anyone vote for bush!!! :D
slicktick said:
I love flip-flops, they are so great!!!!! yeah yeah yeah!!!! flip-flops!!!!!!!

This will so make anyone vote for bush!!! :D

It made me buy flipflops.
Neutrino said:
Name one.
iraq was bad, but its good that saddam is gone etc etc. he comes across as somebody trying to please everyone at once.
gh0st said:
iraq was bad, but its good that saddam is gone etc etc. he comes across as somebody trying to please everyone at once.
He's had one stance on Iraq the whole time. He clearly stated that he was sceptical of there being weapons of mass destruction and said he gave the president power under the condition that he would go through all negotiation processes and let the UN inspectors do their jobs.
gh0st said:
iraq was bad, but its good that saddam is gone etc etc. he comes across as somebody trying to please everyone at once.

Not a flip-flop.

He says Iraq was a threat. He has alwasy said that. He said it when he addressed congress before the war and he says it now. He only disagrees with how it was dealt with. Thus, no contradiction. I even have direct quotes for you. Here's a post I made detailing Kerry's position before and after the war: http://www.halflife2.net/forums/showpost.php?p=811118&postcount=96

Try again. :)

You guys make baby Jesus cry. ;(
Neutrino said:
Try again. :)
im just saying what i thought he was thinking, i have no opinion on this subject anymore, its been done to death.
Kerry changes his mind! Jesus Christ, burn him! Burn him!

Bush changes his reasons for going to war after we all find out the original ones were bullshit. Re-elect him!
Wow. I thought this was about computer circuits... I feel like such a geek now.
seinfeldrules said:
Can't imagine him wearing them... :stare:
Oh, it was a bad joke? :upstare:

The whole "flip-flop" concept is their cause to frame an opposing candidate, in a flaw, no matter how small. Thus, they can repeat the same flaw over and over in that frame, and just make it a bigger deal than it really is. I can cast a frame on Valve as a money-grubbing, untimely, irresponsible company. Or I won't.

PS: I wouldn't wear those either. I prefer sandals that don't dig in between your toes.
KidRock said:
Kerry is a liar.
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No more Political Flamewars!

No more!

Just love each other!
Erestheux said:
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No more Political Flamewars!

No more!

Just love each other!

I need to tell you, those comics, kick ass :D

Thank you! :D
qckbeam said:
I need to tell you, those comics, kick ass :D

Thank you! :D

Did you just read them now?

You're welcome. They are the most magnificent things on the net.

Whoa, wait, are you saying those flip-flops have built-in vibrators... to help Canada?! :D:D:D In that case, I take back what I said! GIMME!
Erestheux said:

Did you just read them now?

You're welcome. They are the most magnificent things on the net.


No, I've been reading them all day! :) I just never told you how great they are in your thread because you insisted on spamming :p