Floods where I live!!!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Wow, It's been raining hard for a solid 2 days now, and we've had some pretty serious floods happen around here. We've had to close alot of side streets and even some main ones. I am at work now, but when I was on my lunch, I ran out and grabbed a bunch of mediocre pictures. But I'll go ahead and post them. I've not been in floods down in Joplin before, but I've been in them while I lived in Nebraska....sooo, this is a first I guess you can say :p
all i can think of is....HAAA HAAA you cant drive your RX-7!!!

i need mah boat!

im pissed though.. my neighbor's river is bigger than mine :'( thats like 10 feet of water over on their side.. its crazy..

it's not a first in joplin, we have just been in a drought ever since you got here.
I wish we had floods. I want an unusual experience to happen at this time of the year.
It hasn't rained a bit here in like a month. The country is almost turning into a desert.
Quick man, build an ark and grow a beard! There's no time!
I dont buy it, he built a little town and poured water on it......

nice try
We had catastrophic floods here last summer. El Paso is basically built into a few large mountains, and surrounds them in the shape of a U. Naturally, being below the mountain, the city is subject to large amounts of water flowing downhill from the mountain. Couple this with the fact that the ground soaks up zero water and the fact that El Paso is not really prepared for such an event (it IS the desert after all) and you've got the recipe for disaster. The flooding was bad enough for the Governor to declare El Paso a disaster area.

Naturally, the local media had (what they thought was) a catchy name for the event: Monsoon 2006. We were all disappointed by this moniker, as "Destructive Flood 2006" would've been a lot more fitting and cool. Strangely, only one person died, as the result of a bulldozer sliding down an incline and right into a poor road worker. But millions of dollars of damage was done, and some of my friends lost their homes.
hmm.. from the water in the recent weeks..
i know of 2 people drowning.. one kid was 15 and someguy got his car swept off a bridge today

yay for working at a news station! ;)

damn pitz.. thats over by skip's house.. lol that part of town got WTFPWNT lol.

im glad sonic had their free rootbeer floats... LAST thursday.. lol
Ahh shit mate, that must suck?

what do you do with ur time since you cant go out?


Lol, half of Newcastle is flooded. -__-

Newcastle, Australia, that is.
Getting the news about aussie floods. But its winter now isnt it? Unless UV has been acting up again
Yeah, 'tis Winter. But weather's gone psycho recently.