Fo' Shizzle! ...56K beware

TheSomeone said:
BUT, the texture quality is at least equal, even slightly above to today's PS2 standard. The model looks a shitload better than GTA: SA as well.

50 cent is a millionaire, he did what millions of Americans can't, he got rich. He did not start out rich, he earned his money, wether it was by making songs you judge to be terrible, I think he deserves some credit/respect for the amount of fame he has collected.
Yeah but notice how all the texture quality is directed to his logo-branded Cap, his Face, and his shiny cross instead of where it matters like the blurry things that are meant to be clothes.

Also, I think GTA:SA will have a little bit more gameplay than this piece of drivvel.

And also I don't disrespect that 50 Cent made a lot of money by working. But it wasn't made by working in the gaming industry - something he should stay out of for lack of experience. Also I hate greedy millionaires. He has already got millions, why does he want more by making shitty games?
1. Having seen a video of the game in action, it looks like every single other crappy licensed third-person shooter ever.

2. 50 cent's music is bad.

3. Not only is his music bad, but the stupendous arrogance with which he approaches everything, saying that he's the best thing ever, and everything he does is better than everything anyone else does, really annoys people.
TheSomeone said:
Hum, how does that prevent him from being a cultural phenomenon? Everyone here seems to know/hate him.

notority is different than "cultural phenomenom" ....that would imply he adds something to culture ..sorry but that's just not the case artist, a sculpter, a musician adds something to culture ...this guy doesnt sorry

TheSomeone said:
*Jumps on bandwagon*

*Jumps off bandwagon since it's starting to smell like bullshit*

First of all, I hate 50 cent. I hate his music, I hate the way he talks, I don't like anything about him.

BUT, the texture quality is at least equal, even slightly above to today's PS2 standard. The model looks a shitload better than GTA: SA as well.

graphics dont make the game ...look, just like any movie tie-in, you know this is going to be crap ...people who dont work in the industry are poor judges as to what makes a game successful. A person who can barely make a coherent sentence isnt the best person to consult when creating something which is creative

TheSomeone said:
50 cent is a millionaire, he did what millions of Americans can't, he got rich. He did not start out rich, he earned his money, wether it was by making songs you judge to be terrible, I think he deserves some credit/respect for the amount of fame he has collected.

he became rich because of his image ...his music is immaterial to his success ..the fact that he had street cred, was shot several times and for all intents and purposes is a gangster makes him a star ...most people recognise that, even his fans do ..even half-a-dollar does ..or else he wouldnt be making this game where you play him as a gangster
Sulkdodds said:
50 Pence is better anyway.
Aren't all his songs rip-offs of 50 Cents music, but with British Tie-ins?
And wasn't he created pretty much by Radio 1?
Yes. And he was still better than 50 cent (although perhaps just for the comedy value...).
CptStern said:
notority is different than "cultural phenomenom" ....that would imply he adds something to culture ..sorry but that's just not the case artist, a sculpter, a musician adds something to culture ...this guy doesnt sorry

Maybe not the culture that surrounds you, but the culture that surrounds me as a high school student sure as hell has been affected by 50 cent.

graphics dont make the game ...look, just like any movie tie-in, you know this is going to be crap ...people who dont work in the industry are poor judges as to what makes a game successful. A person who can barely make a coherent sentence isnt the best person to consult when creating something which is creative

My point was that many people were insulting the graphics just because it's 50 cent, which they would not have if it wasn't. I completely agree with you, my statement was not contradictory.

he became rich because of his image ...his music is immaterial to his success ..the fact that he had street cred, was shot several times and for all intents and purposes is a gangster makes him a star ...most people recognise that, even his fans do ..even half-a-dollar does ..or else he wouldnt be making this game where you play him as a gangster

I live a few miles from the Richmond triangle. It's the most violent part of the bay area (more so than the shady parts of west oakland) and there are shootings every months. There are an unccountable amount of criminals and thugs who rap and have street cred, I see them everyday. Yet somehow only one LA chump has been picked up by Eminem and Dr. Dre. 50 cent wasn't born with 200 pounds of muscle, 8 bullets in his body and a record deal with Shady and Aftermath records.

PS: 50 pence is hilarious.
Lets see. It stars a black gansta, it's a 3rd person shooter and there is an auto repare shop in the background...this won't be a GTA rip-off.:|
Is it supposed to be that freeform? If not, I'm willing to bet that it will in fact be more of a Syphon Filter ripoff. :p