Follow Freeman complete chapter speedrun video! 8min



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80.4MB speedrun vid
8min completion, lots of grav jumpin and cool tricks :)

follow freeman is the last chapter in the city, it starts with the level where you save barney from the snipers, and it has the museum / overwatch nexus, rooftop gunship battle, the striders in the courtyard, and the rooftop strider battle. of course we only do half of that :tongue

levels played by me and Suga.

if you want to see more vids/demos of our project:
that was nice. I wish I could do that fly off physics object thing. Every time I try, i just mearly high jumpings ;( that was very nice..keep it up!
How did u get across the bridge (museum roof)?? It looks like you either super-jumped or walked on an invisible surface!
valve was lazy and even though the bridge is not down, you can walk across the air like it was a floor :)
LightningX said:
valve was lazy and even though the bridge is not down, you can walk across the air like it was a floor :)
Haha, nice.
Nice run, impressive! Too bad the AI/scripts had to slow everything down ^_^.
Are you guys working on a Highway 17 one by any chance?
we've got all the demos for highway 17 done, the problem is we use a lot of bunnyhopping which makes the demo rumble and the video look shaky. If we get around to it though we were planning on trying to make that vid next.

The crazy thing is, we can beat highway 17 faster on foot than with the car. There's a lot of shortcuts you can take but the car can't go through so...

The total time from when you get the car to right after the lighthouse battle where you ditch it is about 8 minutes.
Lightning's SDA HL2 thread? ;)

Anyway, why are you releasing these movies? No one will download my next run if you show them all the goodies.
Not everyone wants to download a several hundred mb movie file, i prefer the smaller chapter by chapter ones :)
Javert said:
How did u get across the bridge (museum roof)?? It looks like you either super-jumped or walked on an invisible surface!
Was thinking the same thing...
he walked across an invisible bridge.

since the level was designed for you to get there using the bridge, there is already a walking path there.
Hey, that was really awesome! I didn't know you could use the grav gun to jump over certain areas.
But they didnt rescue Barney from snipers! That's one of the nicest chapters in HL2, and they skipped it. Well guys just because you can skip chapters doesnt mean you have to. You might as well skip all meetings with Alyx as well...:frown:
m00b said:
But they didnt rescue Barney from snipers! That's one of the nicest chapters in HL2, and they skipped it. Well guys just because you can skip chapters doesnt mean you have to. You might as well skip all meetings with Alyx as well...:frown:
2 words

speed run
Do the tasks in the fastest possibile time. This way if there was a way from the trainstation into citadel they would have taken it. :p
m00b said:
Do the tasks in the fastest possibile time. This way if there was a way from the trainstation into citadel they would have taken it. :p

speaking of which:

technically, you go from kleiner's lab(trainstation 04) to breen's office in the citadel :D