Follow Freeman



I can't jump from the cabinet against the wall to the cabinet just to the right. I fall and are killed. I have tried 20 times. I think it is step 8 to step 9. I am talking about the room with the red lasers. Yes, I have jumped before.

I need help!


There's not really much to say beyond 'You have to do eeet'

I mean, you're following a walkthrough... everything else is jumping skill.

Are you crouch-jumping?
i think i noe what scene u are talking abt but a screenshot would give you some answers from us.

ure suppose to lightly tap the jump key to climb up and walk along the pipe.
How do you crouch jump? Do you hit the control key then the space bar and then the W?


I think w -> space -> ctrl. Not sure though; never got that to work right.
I have tried the crouch jump. To me that doesn't work. I think it is a matter of timing. I now jump over the target cabinet sometimes. This has been harder for me than any other part of the game. Has anyone else had problems in this section?
Fookin' ell! I hate these kind of puzzles and I figured it out. Use your head.
I can't remember that bit, but if you are getting frustrated you could always cheat and use noclip.
Are you jumping from the cabinet by the pipe? If a person has gotten this far in the game, he has jumped many times and has figured out many puzzles. This "ain't my first rodeo". However, this jump is kicking my ass.
Is it possible to destroy those turrets?
Or are they along the lines of locked wooden doors: Not even the rocket launcher get flick a single splinter off.
I did it another way, my way. It took less than 5 min.

I jumped on the pipes then to the cabinet against the wall next to the pipes but could not make the jump from that cabinet to the cabinet like the walkthrough shows.
You are right. I would have to have jumped many times and figured out many puzzles to have gotten this far. However, I got tired of trying it the suggested way and used my own head and figured out how to get the job done.

Now, I am stuck on the last part of "Dark Energy". I time out. My health numbers are good but it says my assignment has been terminated. This happens in approx. 5 sec. I have tried over 50 times. I have read 2 different ways to accomplish this. Neither way is working for me so far.
Izzat the last chapter? Has Breen already gotton to the top?
W>SPACE>CTRL get it right.. Actually As long as W is infornt, its ok already, but you have to be fast.
Screen shot would be cool, cant even remember that part