Food for thought


Aug 22, 2003
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You might be a leftist if...

You believe John Ashcroft poses a greater danger to America than Osama bin Laden

You think President Bush lied to the nation but his predecessor did not.

You believe President Bush is too dumb to be President and Arnold Schwarzenegger is too dumb to be Governor of California, but the Dixie Chicks, Martin Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Eddie Vedder and Jeanine Garofalo are qualified to discourse at length on foreign policy.

You believe all conservatives are racist, but do not think minorities can ever succeed without Affirmative Action.

You can't decide which is worse: the Patriot Act or the Patriot Missile.

You believe Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, and Yasser Arafat were fairly and democratically elected, but President Bush was not.

You root for prisoners when they escape from our oppressive prisons, but oppose allowing poor children to escape from failing public schools.

You support every kind of "diversity" on campus, except political orientation.

You support banning the smoking of tobacco and legalizing marijuana.

You are enraged by the so-called mistreatment of Muslim prisoners (who have gained weight while dining on their specially prepared Koran-approved meals) at Guantanamo Bay, but believe the world should have stood idly by while Saddam Hussein filled mass graves.

You have found where the right to an abortion is written in the Constitution but cannot find where the Constitution provides for a right to keep and bear arms.

You support campus speech codes that ban pickup lines and amorous gazes, but never spoke out against President Clinton's physical sexual harassment in the White House.

You applauded Jimmy Carter for talking about human rights in foreign policy but opposed George W. Bush for doing something about human rights.

You believe that trial lawyers taking 33 to 40 percent of a plaintiff's recovery in lawsuits is just about right, but the federal government taking this amount of our income in taxes is not nearly enough.

You believe the former Governor of a New England state with 608,827 people is more than adequately experienced to be President in 2004, but the Governor of a Southwestern state with 21,325,018 people was completely unprepared in 2000.

You agree with Toni Morrison that President Clinton was "the first black President," but didn't criticize Al Sharpton for recently labeling President Bush a "gang leader."

You believe we could get more truth out of the Pentagon if only Don Rumsfeld were replaced by Mohammed AlSahhaf.

You believe evangelical Christians are destroying America but don't feel threatened by the radical Wahabbi sect of Islam.

When it comes to violent crime, you believe in hating the crime but loving the criminal.

You support unlimited appeals for convicted criminals, but believe it is undemocratic for Californians to reverse their earlier mistake of electing Gray Davis.

You believe U.S. exports of genetically modified foods pose a greater threat to African nations than corrupt dictators like Zimbabwe's Mugabe.

You believe welfare is a fundamental human right and workfare is a human rights violation.

You believe religion is a scourge on our society, but becoming one with Mother Nature by merging with the universal consciousness and harmonizing with lunar reverberations will save us.

You believe President Bush is an environmental criminal for poisoning the water with arsenic, but have never complained about Saddam Hussein's devastating Iraq and Kuwait's environment by setting intentional oil well fires and committing genocide against the Marsh Arabs by draining their wetlands.

Your car sports the bumper sticker saying that "it will be a great day when our schools have all the money they need and the military has to hold bake sales," but oppose allowing the U.S. military to volunteer recruitment tables on college campuses because of their "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy.

If the above has successfully profiled you, congratulations! You have won a one way ticket to Paris aboard the massive cruise ship, U.S.S.R. Michael Moore. Your ticket will be held at the nearest Dennis Kucinich for President rally. Matricular consular ID cards issued by foreign governments will be gladly accepted as identification.

Have a nice day
Some of those are funny and some of those are stupid.
Written by someone with an extreamly "rightist" view.
And I dont think any of that described Michael Moore in any way.

I seriously dont think this kind of stuff is needed on the forums. Some thing a little more constructive would be a lot better than this.
I don't see hwat the deal wit thte patriot act one is. Its an act that specificaly says our privacy can be compromised whenever they want.

I don't really see the point of this post, and I think a zergling is gnawing on my leg. I'm quite bored. die zergling scum!
It was because they both had patriot in the it would sound clever.
Funny but all true

More Right then anything else yes.

Michael Moore portrayed us as stupid scared Americans.

But then again i guess u never Fought for this Country,or any.
I personally liked bowling for columbine. I think it was well done. Maybe the portrayal has some cause for it, hmm?

also, whats fightin for a country got to do with anything? If you fight for a country your are instantly rightwing and agree with all of its policies?
Originally posted by CyberSh33p
I personally liked bowling for columbine. I think it was well done. Maybe the portrayal has some cause for it, hmm?

also, whats fightin for a country got to do with anything? If you fight for a country your are instantly rightwing and agree with all of its policies?

Agree = everything you said

(i like typing as little as possible :cheese: )
He@t, that is a very relativist and restrictive view on America's political parties. Obviously, not all "leftists" would agree with those statements, especially how you worded them. "Rightists" probably wouldn't agree either simply because the line that divides the terms have been 'grayed' during the last decade.

But then again i guess u never Fought for this Country,or any.

Out of curiosity, have you? Then again, there are more ways to fight for your country than to use a gun. *points to head*.

If you'd like, I can post a "ooh-so-leftist" email I received that contained George W. Bush's "resume" for his 2004 election.
People have been quoting me a lot today :p

and yeah, I agree with javert on that too. The way you (or whoever you took it from if you didn't) wrote those made them sound insanely extremist. "you don't like bush? YOU LOVE OSAMA BIN LADEN YOU PINKO COMMIE CAVE DWELLING BASTARD! EAT GUN!"