Why dont you use the legal download system. Everyone nowadays uses is. I alows you to download music which cant be burned onto CD or played in anythough other than spyware. Its the greatest thing ever.
p2p programs were declared legal.
buuuut their content is not
and why would I not use the legal download thingy?
I like being able to burn my music onto a cd, and I like free musaq.
naw Im jus' joshin' I buyest mine ceedees like a good yungun'
I used to like Weird Al, I liked most of his old stuff, but after "running with scissors' (well except a couple songs) it went downhill, this new "couch potato" off the "Poodle Hat" album, sucks majorly... it sounds like a rehash of his old songs, nothing too original except he is singing to the tune of that one eminem song.
anywhoo, not really my taste anymore. the lyrics as I said are unoriginal and sounds like something off of one his older albums.