For all you chumps who think the E3 builds show footage from last september.

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Thank god we cleared that up - I've been shouting about this for ages.
Originally posted by RoyGBiv


something changed for these shadows to be different, no?

Yes you're right - the fact that the brightness, contrast and gamma levels are different so in the old versions you can see them!

EDIT: Checked the higher quality version part of those pics with the gamma, brightness and contrast setting matching the old versions and on the manhack picture the shadow is in a completely different place because a) either you took a screenie of the wrong frame
b) the realtime physics engine made a discrepancy in the position of the manhack

On the Hydra one, there appears to be no shadow there at all in the high quality version, but I think there is just a very very faint one.
Everyone knows all the videos were oversaturated, or rather they should know. A big reason why the graphics were so hyped up before the Steam videos.
Please people, not so hostile. No need to call people chumps or whatever. If you have news just say it without the put downs. That is totally unnessessary. Knowing more then someone about some insignificant detail in a game that isn't even released yet is fine. It doesn't make anyone better then anyone else.

Like everyone else here I'm curious to read ideas and information about the upcoming game. What I'm concerned about is if you flavour your posts in hostile terminology you encourage people to respond in equally flamable language. This is just not good for a forum.
WTF are you on about? No one's being too insulting neither is anyone being insulted. This is the most placid forum I've ever been to. And this thread is absolutely harmless.

Lighten up fella.
Originally posted by CommieX
I remember thinking to myself, "That looks pretty good, and it's almost a year old!"
The thing is, some of the more unimpressive bits probably were close to a year old.
yeah, these forums are very placid. Sometimes just a little too quiet in my opinion. But meh, thats what you get for scanking jokers.
I think calling everyone chumps in the title is what he was referring to.
Man, I don't completely understand why people are complaining about the graphics in the Bink videos. Looks just as good as the low res vids to me, and Gabe did say they were adding a few number of graphical effects after those bink videos. Who knows what that might or might not include, but I don't see how anyone couldn't be pleased with HL2's graphics. Right now I'm remembering in the Tunnels video how you catch that combine on fire - it looked so sweet and the smoke even looked like it was lit up from beneath by the fire that created it. It looked so real. This game is gonna kick ass. Can't wait, here's hoping I'm unemployed again when it comes out. Isn't that a terrible thing to wish for??!! But it's true

The build was not 8 months old. The building of the engine is on-going, and the last time they updated/tweaked the engine was days before E3, not months.

We don't know anything about this. All we know is that they worked on somethings right before getting on the plane to e3. We know that one o those things was adding in crowbar textures and so on. And we do know that a) the build that was shown to Steve Gibson prior to e3 WAS eight months old and b) he didn't see any noticable difference in engine effects i the e3 version.

Anyone who thinks that the game will look radically different is silly. But many things will be changed that will have an impact on how the game looks: higher res, non-draft lightmaps, animations, AI, more bumpmapping, different blood effects, new shadows, new texturing: all the things they said they were working on. This is the same in most games.
Originally posted by Apos
We don't know anything about this. All we know is that they worked on somethings right before getting on the plane to e3. We know that one o those things was adding in crowbar textures and so on. And we do know that a) the build that was shown to Steve Gibson prior to e3 WAS eight months old and b) he didn't see any noticable difference in engine effects i the e3 version.

Anyone who thinks that the game will look radically different is silly. But many things will be changed that will have an impact on how the game looks: higher res, non-draft lightmaps, animations, AI, more bumpmapping, different blood effects, new shadows, new texturing: all the things they said they were working on. This is the same in most games.

How would an 8 month old build even exist? That's just nonsense. It was the most recent build at the time.

And yes, it's the same with ALL games, except the timeframes is different as HL2 is coming out next month, while other games aren't.
I agree with just about everything Apos said.

Nothing is gona be radicaly different, but small changes might have been made. Stop worrying ffs. It still looks great no mater what.
How would an 8 month old build even exist?

Because Valve has more than 2 gigs of hard drive space, lol. The version shown to Steve Gibson WAS many months old: THAT was confirmed. So Valve clearly has no problem showing off old tech, and indeed a history of it.

As I said, they likely had a version that was that old that the mappers and gameplay people worked with, while the engine people kept developing the engine.

That's just nonsense. It was the most recent build at the time

Again, this is unconfirmed.
Let's clear up "build". when you add anything, a new crowbar texture, a fixed typo in the menu, a different texture, a new effect, you have to recompile the game. the date of that recompile is the "Build Date" to say that the E3 version was an old build with some news stuff is just nonsense. if they added stuff right before getting on the plane, then the only way to describe what we saw is the latest build. there was no old build there. what we saw was hot off the compiler, and ready for action.

Look at the wording:

The first time some of that was done is years ago. The last time it was touched was right before we got on the plane. I'm not sure how to answer your question.

"The first time it was done, was years ago. The last time it was touched was right before we got on the plane." Sure, Alyx's model may have been in the game two years ago, but the one we saw was added just before E3. I think the only video that is actually from last september is the "teaser" vid that only has music. The build, therefore, would be dated to the middle of may, 2003.
Originally posted by Apos
Because Valve has more than 2 gigs of hard drive space, lol. The version shown to Steve Gibson WAS many months old: THAT was confirmed. So Valve clearly has no problem showing off old tech, and indeed a history of it.

As I said, they likely had a version that was that old that the mappers and gameplay people worked with, while the engine people kept developing the engine.

Again, this is unconfirmed.

That's rich, where was it confirmed? You're gunna say an e-mail...
Remember, valve HAS said that they will be releaseing graphical updates over steam after HL2s release. If the problems arnt fixed at release maybe they will at a later time.

They also said that new graphical features have been added to the game since E3. Fact.
Yes, the game engine has been improved upon since after E3 up until today, fact. Same way the engine was improved upon pre-E3, not 8 months since last year. It's logic.

And yes, the changes aren't drastic.
all i will complain about is the "hit splater"... Hopefully that'll look better :(
Hit Splatter is something easy to change, they'll do it.
I read somewhere (PCgamer UK i think) that work on the core engine ceased last september and then they started on making the game. ie the levels and models and stuff. Therefore the levels we saw could have begun to be made last september right up until close to e3.

Graphical touches could have been made to the source in the time after they were made right up until E3. Just as they could be added now :)
The core design of the engine was finished since last year. Yes, fact.

That's why Vampire: Bloodlines already uses Source.

Does that mean improvements weren't made since last year? NOOO..
The hit splatters are from HL1 and are placeholders for the real ones.
Okay, I think it is a good time to lock this topic. Everything is cleared up and nothing new would be said here.
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