For all you experts on the subject


Aug 19, 2003
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Ok say you and your girl friend got in a huge fight and were not talking. She has reason to not trust you anymore because you did something to hurt her. How would you go about building that trust back up? I'm totally lost here and I cant get a hint from anyone so i figured I would ask all the women experts here on :D thanks.
well, that all depends on what you DID, dude.
I wish I was adam corolla from loveline so I could start some random 5 minute rant and then conclude with the remark that you should never be allowed to have kids.

What did you do?
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
well, that all depends on what you DID, dude.
yeah! i mean, if it was kissing another girl or something, that's as simple as some flowers and sweet-talking, but if it involves mass sacrifices in ghana to raise demons and spread false prophets.. well, again flowers mostly. but, if it has something to do with invading new jersey on the pretense of WMD factories, but then not finding any, and stock piling flu vaccines on the side.. it's still pretty much flowers. point is flowers and apologies are your friends.
i hear chicks dig chocolate. don't give her too much, though. she'll get fat. nobody want to have the fat girlfriend who USED to be hot. i would know. *shame*...
What you need is one of those girls who never learns.
you mean the girls who hang with the guys who are all like "I BEAT HER CUZ I LOOOOVE HER!"?
Hey just be a total asshole and ignore her, don’t forget to treat her like total shit. For some reason girls, sometimes even women, like/hate men like that, but always come back for more. It’s part of a reason why women are from another planet.
I'm assuming you cheated on her...

site her down, look her in the eyes, and tell her that she is your one and only...if you haven't said "I love you" yet, then this is the perfect time...(cry if possible) Tell her how weak you were when you did that, say how horrible it was, that you couldn't stop thinking about her(your girlfriend) and talk about how the girl is nothing compared to her, and how much she(your girlfriend) is better then the girl.
Icarus said:
I'm assuming you cheated on her...

site her down, look her in the eyes, and tell her that she is your one and only...if you haven't said "I love you" yet, then this is the perfect time...(cry if possible) Tell her how weak you were when you did that, say how horrible it was, that you couldn't stop thinking about her(your girlfriend) and talk about how the girl is nothing compared to her, and how much she(your girlfriend) is better then the girl.

Actually if he cheated on her, nothing will work. I mean he can get his relationship back on track, but she will never trust him, even if she wants to. As I understand they are both quite young, bet both teenagers. If I were a guy who posted this thread, I would just start over, focus on school and later find some other girl. Plus you already experienced doing something incredibly stupid, so I don’t think you will do same mistake two times.
Homer said:
What you need is one of those girls who never learns.

Lol...those are hard to come by...and if you do...they are usually painfully dumb. Not the "haha" dumb but the kind of dumb you can hardly stand to be around.
AmishSlayer said:
Lol...those are hard to come by...and if you do...they are usually painfully dumb. Not the "haha" dumb but the kind of dumb you can hardly stand to be around.
i've yet to come across a girl who is inteligent. well, that might not be so, i've yet to come across a girl who has the right kind of inteligence and is attractive.
Lil' Timmy said:
yeah! i mean, if it was kissing another girl or something, that's as simple as some flowers and sweet-talking, but if it involves mass sacrifices in ghana to raise demons and spread false prophets.. well, again flowers mostly. but, if it has something to do with invading new jersey on the pretense of WMD factories, but then not finding any, and stock piling flu vaccines on the side.. it's still pretty much flowers. point is flowers and apologies are your friends.

u forgot to cover the nuke-bomb scenerio, how forgetful of u :rolleyes:
anyway as others have mentioned, if u cheated on her...well u can probably get her to talk to u again but to expect the relationship to ever be back to that level of trust the two of u had before the cheating.. well im afraid it won't be happening :)

perhaps its time to learn a lesson and move on? :p
Jakeic said:
i've yet to come across a girl who is inteligent. well, that might not be so, i've yet to come across a girl who has the right kind of inteligence and is attractive.

I know some very intelligent girls (they put me to shame) who are attractive. I wouldn't classify them as super model beauty, but put them under the categeory of cute. IMO, cute is far better than super model beauty.

I can tell you it's weird going out with somebody who is smarter than you. Especially when people call you smart, but your girlfriend is smarter.
Deadline said:
Ok say you and your girl friend got in a huge fight and were not talking. She has reason to not trust you anymore because you did something to hurt her. How would you go about building that trust back up? I'm totally lost here and I cant get a hint from anyone so i figured I would ask all the women experts here on :D thanks.

1) Ask forgiveness
2) Show humility
3) ask her what you can do to earn her trust back
4) Then "earn" it back.
5) Do not put yourself in a posistion where this inccident could be repeated
Icarus said:
I'm assuming you cheated on her...

site her down, look her in the eyes, and tell her that she is your one and only...if you haven't said "I love you" yet, then this is the perfect time...(cry if possible) Tell her how weak you were when you did that, say how horrible it was, that you couldn't stop thinking about her(your girlfriend) and talk about how the girl is nothing compared to her, and how much she(your girlfriend) is better then the girl.

Sorry man, but if a girl told me that i would be insulted.

Cry if possible, heheh... yep get out of one deception by using another. :cheers:
blahblahblah said:
I know some very intelligent girls (they put me to shame) who are attractive. I wouldn't classify them as super model beauty, but put them under the categeory of cute. IMO, cute is far better than super model beauty.

I can tell you it's weird going out with somebody who is smarter than you. Especially when people call you smart, but your girlfriend is smarter.
it's kind of a relative thing though, in what sense are we all smart? I have a fairly high opinion of my own mental capacities.

but i'd like to met a girl who is smarter than me. i find inteligence to be sexier than super model beauty.
inteligence is very sexy and attractive imo. a girl with inteligence i can have more fun with that a dumb girl with looks.
Anyone remember David from the Office? I like his definition of the perfect woman.

"She has the looks, well, you know... which isn't really important, but it's a bonus, that she has the looks and the smarts. I like an intelligent woman. Well, of course, slightly less intelligent that myself."
If you cheated on her, you wont get trust back. Unless the girl is an idiot. So deal with it :P

If not, you got to give details about what you were fighting about.
if you're really a cyborg warlord from the 8th dimension, and you never told her but she found out from your arch-enemy Zothor, the 7th of the twilight gods.. flowers will not do you any good, that's the one situation i forgot about in my previous post.
Timmy is on the right track, but he forgot one possible scenario, that is, if she found out she was your sister. If that is the case, just tell her that it's perfectly normal and you'll move to Alabama, and some flowers will help too.
Ok this is what happened.

I have known this one girl for like 5 years (online) she lives in Georgia. So one day we are talking and we think it would be really cool If I were to go down to GA and visit her. Anyhow, my girl friend didnt think so but she still let me go. When I was down there, I got some screwed up feelings for this girl in GA (but we didnt do anything). And when I came home I felt really wierd around my g/f for some reason. The next day I dumped her... I know... im a f-ing retard... anyhow this girl is GA is full of *@&!, every word she says is full of lies.

Anyhow, I learned that alittle too late and I think the wierdness I was feeling when I was around my g/f when I got home was just made up.
Anyhow, I now realize more than ever what I really had with my g/f and how much it really ment to me and now im trying to get things back on track.

PS. we are still talking and have gone out quite a few times since then. She says she forgives me but she doesnt trust me like she did. She is afriad I may do something like that again in the future and says I need to earn her trust back but wont tell me what I need to do to do it. She says i need to find out on my own :(
aww man, atleast she's still your friend, and it looks like you'll be getting back together. cheer up, be honest with her and get her some flowers ;)
was this girl in georgia named Zothor by any chance? was she, perhaps, one of the elder gods of twilight rage? does she command an ancient demon-army of despair and conquest that sweeps over the land as we speak?

ok, seriously now:
Deadline said:
Anyhow, I learned that alittle too late and I think the wierdness I was feeling when I was around my g/f when I got home was just made up.
Anyhow, I now realize more than ever what I really had with my g/f and how much it really ment to me and now im trying to get things back on track.
i wouldn't be so quick to dismiss your second thoughts. personally, i think people convince themselves that everything is better than it really is too often. sometimes it's better to trust your gut than your head. just b/c the GA girl was wrong, doesn't mean your g/f is right..

PS. we are still talking and have gone out quite a few times since then. She says she forgives me but she doesnt trust me like she did. She is afriad I may do something like that again in the future and says I need to earn her trust back but wont tell me what I need to do to do it. She says i need to find out on my own :(
yeah, girls always say shit like that. it's a little game they play. honestly man, i say **** it. you didn't even do anything really. yeah dumping her was retarded, but again, maybe there's a reason you were feeling that stuff to begin with. that's what you need to look at. figure out what exactly you felt, and wehy you felt it.

if she can't trust you, who cares. seriously, how old are you? i'm just asking b/c if you're young, it's probably not nearly as serious a relationship as you think it is. i wouldn't worry about it anymore. her lack of trust is her problem not yours, imo.

maybe i'm the wrong guy to ask :)
Deadline said:
PS. we are still talking and have gone out quite a few times since then. She says she forgives me but she doesnt trust me like she did. She is afriad I may do something like that again in the future and says I need to earn her trust back but wont tell me what I need to do to do it. She says i need to find out on my own :(
Not much you can do except slowly work your way back up. Pushing her to tell you will only make her annoyed with you, the most you can do is pay close attention to everything she does and says and eventually you may get enough hints to know what she expects.
if she can't trust you, who cares. seriously, how old are you? i'm just asking b/c if you're young, it's probably not nearly as serious a relationship as you think it is. i wouldn't worry about it anymore. her lack of trust is her problem not yours, imo.

I am 18

Another thing I forgot to mention is that we went out for 3 years before I broke up with her.

And I care for her way too much to just say 'screw it'...
Deadline said:
yeah, it's not as serious as you likely think it is. you'll know what i mean in a few years, trust me ;)
anyway, the gist of my last post stands. don't dismiss yadda yadda, figure out why blah blah blah.. etc.
Deadline said:
I am 18

Another thing I forgot to mention is that we went out for 3 years before I broke up with her.

And I care for her way too much to just say 'screw it'...

hmm.. u care for her way too much and u still went to see that other girl? not saying u did anything with that other girl.. but man u have to be a dolt to think this wasn't a receipe for disaster.

the best thing IMHO u can do now is just let her decide on her own.
do ur own thing... yeah u care alot about her and it hurts not to be with her but if u mean anything of value to her.. she will decide to forgive u and start over.

worse case scenerio: time to find another girl...and u only have urself to blame for it..