For future reference, Valve

Mr Neutron

Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
An apology is in order--albeit a very small one (they hardly murdered our families). A pushback of Y days should be made Y days before the missed release-date to-be. The actual release should never be more than twice as far away as the initial date. Were it late October at this point rather than early October, we'd be justifiably irritated. "Holiday" usually implies in time for Thanksgiving weekend, so I'm betting they're now aiming for mid-November. Notice the position change though of no specific date: they're keeping their options open. Why couldn't they have reneged on the 30th at least a month ago?

If they're doing this for added features, not bug-squashing, then they're making a mistake; hell, I'd settle for them releasing SP now and activating MP months later. Even then, people say they hate buggy releases, but there are 'bugs' and then there are bugs. I'd only justify this if playtesters found install issues and other basic functionality bugs when they tried installations on many different configurations. If so, they shouldn't have claimed to have had stable code for months.

In sum, when you don't know, say you don't know. That's the clincher: Valve suggested that this time is different, 'we know 99%'. Developers avoid those claims, so I actually believed them. The possiblity of this much of a delay should have been mentioned earlier.
woa.. what are all these rules your listing off on how to tell people a game is delayed???

there is no handbook, they can do it however the f they want to, and you'll like it, becuase its hl2 and you can say nothing to that.
Originally posted by Quotidian---
woa.. what are all these rules your listing off on how to tell people a game is delayed???

there is no handbook, they can do it however the f they want to, and you'll like it, becuase its hl2 and you can say nothing to that.

if that's the case, valve can suck my donkey balls for all i care :cheers:
if you promise something then deliver

if you cant deliver dont promise

Originally posted by mknlb50
if that's the case, valve can suck my donkey balls for all i care :cheers:

thast fine with me, don't buy hl2.. i'll dish 50 bucks for it still, and kiss gabes feet either way.
You guys are idiots. When HL2 is released you'll think Valve is God's gift to mankind. Grow up.
Its just a respect thing. We all expected HL2 in a week, and they push it back 2 months. They should have done it MUCH earlier instead of all this "We'll see" and "we're still going for the 30th" business. If they push it back this much they would have know for weeks if not months they wouldnt make the 30th, so why didnt they tell us. I feel sort of cheated.
Originally posted by MadMechwarrior
Its just a respect thing. We all expected HL2 in a week, and they push it back 2 months. They should have done it MUCH earlier instead of all this "We'll see" and "we're still going for the 30th" business. If they push it back this much they would have know for weeks if not months they wouldnt make the 30th, so why didnt they tell us. I feel sort of cheated.

At least you're not spouting off that "Valve sucks balls" crap...
Originally posted by MadMechwarrior
Its just a respect thing. We all expected HL2 in a week, and they push it back 2 months. They should have done it MUCH earlier instead of all this "We'll see" and "we're still going for the 30th" business. If they push it back this much they would have know for weeks if not months they wouldnt make the 30th, so why didnt they tell us. I feel sort of cheated.

same :flame:
Originally posted by MadMechwarrior
Its just a respect thing. We all expected HL2 in a week, and they push it back 2 months. They should have done it MUCH earlier instead of all this "We'll see" and "we're still going for the 30th" business. If they push it back this much they would have know for weeks if not months they wouldnt make the 30th, so why didnt they tell us. I feel sort of cheated.
Exactly how I feel...
I do agree Neutron, that an apology would help to placate the poulous at large. I tend to empathize with Valve, so I don't mind that much.
Originally posted by John
YOU feel cheated because they are making a game for us?

Yeah and guess what, I pay their salary dumbass, they make the game for cash, which I happen to have. This isnt a mod, im a paying customer. So shut your mouth.
To the guys that say we should be kissing their feet because they are making the game for us, and we will like it nomatter when it comes out:

Like I said without us Valve would not be in business... It's just repectful for a game company to tell us well before hand whether there is a delay or not... not a few days before. Valve left us in the Dark big time, and I do not respect them as much as I did before.
You guys might want to hold on for more than a day before you start accusing them for delaying the game. We don't even know WHY they did it yet.
I'd reserve your judgement for a bit.
Originally posted by TheOriginalEvil
To the guys that say we should be kissing their feet because they are making the game for us, and we will like it nomatter when it comes out:

Like I said without us Valve would not be in business... It's just repectful for a game company to tell us well before hand whether there is a delay or not... not a few days before. Valve left us in the Dark big time, and I do not respect them as much as I did before.

you spoke my thoughts exactly. although yes i will still obviously buy the game, im really disappointed in Valve.. being advised of the delay a week or 2 before now would of been acceptable. I dont understand how Valve could think announcing a delay of 2 months-ish less then a week before the initial release date would be the best move..

But they are HUMAN just like us and make mistakes so im willing to forgive them if they dont repeat the same mistake.
Originally posted by OrrA
you spoke my thoughts exactly. although yes i will still obviously buy the game, im really disappointed in Valve.. being advised of the delay a week or 2 before now would of been acceptable. I dont understand how Valve could think announcing a delay of 2 months-ish less then a week before the initial release date would be the best move..

But they are HUMAN just like us and make mistakes so im willing to forgive them if they dont repeat the same mistake.

I will forgive them also but it still wasnt a great decision, they had multiple opportunities to tell us it might be delayed. Instead we are met with "No Comment" replies. Not only that but it was held up until about the 15th when there was silence then on the 23rd the delay email. Seems they would have known, even if vivendi told them to hold the title to give CZ and others a chance, they would have known.
Originally posted by Redsniper
Yea This REALLY makes me want to buy CZ!

well it would give you something to do while you waited, prolly what they were trying to acheive :borg:
Nah, I've been meaning to finish all the C&C Generals single player campaigns. I'll prolly get Zero Hour also.
Meh, now i think Valve is the Microsoft of the gaming community, personally i think Valve should apologize....with new info
Ah same crap, people crying. All of you will get HL2 in the end, one way or another. All of you will play it. You know it, Valve knows it, Vivendi knows it, that's why nobody gives a thing about whining fanboys.
Think of all the ppl who have booked time off work, upgraded there computers to play half life 2. I wasnt going to upgrade mine till next year but they were so adamant it was coming out on the 30th september I decided too. They should have said alot earlier as then ppl like me could have waited and myabe got the hardware alot cheaper. I booked a couple of days of work to play it as well.
I'm still going to buy the game, just very dissapointed ;(
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Ah same crap, people crying. All of you will get HL2 in the end, one way or another. All of you will play it. You know it, Valve knows it, Vivendi knows it, that's why nobody gives a thing about whining fanboys.

Listen dude, the truth is valve could have told us alot earlier. It would have saved some people some money, it would have disappointed less also. Unless you dont already notice im not a whining fanboy. I want the game to come out as much as the next guy but im not gonna get all 13 yr old about it. The point is its not a very good decision for valve not to tell us before, and we can all feel cheated about it. Its not a matter of when the game will come out, its a matter of PR and respect for the customer.
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Ah same crap, people crying. All of you will get HL2 in the end, one way or another. All of you will play it. You know it, Valve knows it, Vivendi knows it, that's why nobody gives a thing about whining fanboys.

damn, i just love living in a world where all that matters is money and respect can go straight out the window with the rest of our manners :E
Wake up guys, games are business, more now than ever. Feeling cheated is your own damn problem, you didn’t paid your money yet for HL2, Valve owns you NOTHING. Don’t start “we helped them to get where they are now, bla bla bla”. No you paid $50 for a game, you got that game, you played it. But flaming on the forum about how Valve sucks won't help anyone. It seems like each member here needs to create his own "I hate Valve, why they did it to us" thread. So now what, it's cool again to hate Valve?
Originally posted by Redsniper
Yea This REALLY makes me want to buy CZ!

Come on, even if hl2 is delayed, it still isnt right to commit suicide by playing bad games.

Wake up guys, games are business, more now than ever. Feeling cheated is your own damn problem, you didn’t paid your money yet for HL2, Valve owns you NOTHING. Don’t start “we helped them to get where they are now, bla bla bla”. No you paid $50 for a game, you got that game, you played it. But flaming on the forum about how Valve sucks won't help anyone. It seems like each member here needs to create his own "I hate Valve, why they did it to us" thread. So now what, it's cool again to hate Valve?

Someone understands! :cheers:
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Wake up guys, games are business, more now than ever. Feeling cheated is your own damn problem, you didn’t paid your money yet for HL2, Valve owns you NOTHING.

The least they owe us, as their customers, their fans..and main source of their to be notified a tad earlier than a week before an announced release date that the game has been delayed.

Don’t start “we helped them to get where they are now, bla bla bla”. No you paid $50 for a game, you got that game, you played it.

And thusly a portion of that $50 (or more) that we paid, ended up in Valve's pockets. We paid for a product, and we got that product, end of contract right? In most cases, yes. But in this case, where almost all revenue generated from the original Half-Life went back into the production of Half-Life 2, so in a way we've all already paid something for HL2.
Oh and for the record, I already have payed for Half-Life 2...$80 (CDN) actually, and that is quite a chunk out of my savings.

But flaming on the forum about how Valve sucks won't help anyone.

True, it only took me a few hours to get over the news

It seems like each member here needs to create his own "I hate Valve, why they did it to us" thread. So now what, it's cool again to hate Valve?

No, it isn't cool to hate anyone for anything, people that do perpetuate hate are called Nazis. But it is our right as consumers to feel cheated when we have been mislead in such a manner. I really think all those retarded monkeys that go spouting "**** Valve, they suck *****" should really shut the **** up...but I don't think you need to go around accusing everyone on the forum of being like that even though the majority of people upset about this are explaining their opinions in rational and eloquent manners.
Think of all the ppl who have booked time off work, upgraded there computers to play half life 2.
Ignorant idiots deserve everything they got.
Well I bet they are releasing somewhere around christmas, maybe a little before. I mean sure everyone is going to go "You are impatient, valve can do what they want, U R t3h un1337 |\|00|3", but I still say game companies shouldn't even release any info about games until the game is ready to be copied and distributed, it's just pathetic. I have enough patience to wait for anything as long as I know when it is coming, this isn't patience this is just a load of crap. Go blizzard clones.
Man some of you people are pathetic. Welcome to the real world. Nothing always works out the way you plan it. Can't always meet a deadline. Valve owes you nothing. They never promised the 30th, but only set a goal for themselves. I think unless you are part of the software business or part of a gaming company you have no room to talk, since you know nothing and would only be spitting out BS. They said it would be tight to make the 30th, and thats the reason i think they waited so long to tell us. Most of you do not know about how business works. Being disappointed about it is fine, but when you are angry and throwing a hissy fit like your going through PMS is just sad. Get a life.
Originally posted by Dagobert
Ignorant idiots deserve everything they got.

what?? people are idiots because they upgraded their PCs for HL2 when Valve kept repeating with assurance that they would make the 30th then all of a sudden they need 2 more months out of nowhere? sure, shit can happen and a huge bug could pop up, but i dont understand your logic. If you have anything actually worth saying go ahead, but if not shut the hell up please, we already have enough morons running around here
Originally posted by Mr Neutron
An apology is in order--albeit a very small one (they hardly murdered our families). A pushback of Y days should be made Y days before the missed release-date to-be. The actual release should never be more than twice as far away as the initial date. Were it late October at this point rather than early October, we'd be justifiably irritated. "Holiday" usually implies in time for Thanksgiving weekend, so I'm betting they're now aiming for mid-November. Notice the position change though of no specific date: they're keeping their options open. Why couldn't they have reneged on the 30th at least a month ago?

If they're doing this for added features, not bug-squashing, then they're making a mistake; hell, I'd settle for them releasing SP now and activating MP months later. Even then, people say they hate buggy releases, but there are 'bugs' and then there are bugs. I'd only justify this if playtesters found install issues and other basic functionality bugs when they tried installations on many different configurations. If so, they shouldn't have claimed to have had stable code for months.

In sum, when you don't know, say you don't know. That's the clincher: Valve suggested that this time is different, 'we know 99%'. Developers avoid those claims, so I actually believed them. The possiblity of this much of a delay should have been mentioned earlier.

God you make it sound like the Government should make some regulations for gaming companies for Delay Policies. One question are you liberal?
Re: Re: For future reference, Valve

Originally posted by Razak
God you make it sound like the Government should make some regulations for gaming companies for Delay Policies. One question are you liberal?

Radical, but where did I imply anything about law? It's just an etiquette guideline. You know? For not pissing people off?