For once I just wish someone would make an alien invasion game.


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Seriously, for once I just wish some developer would just come up with something original like say... i dunno, aliens invade earth and you fight them. But seriously, with all this next gen hoopla flying around, doesn't anyone wish that some truly innovative stories would come out? I mean graphics are lovely, control styles are fun, but storylines are engaging, and i've seriously just about fended off my last alien invasion, much more and the games will just start to run together.
Apparently, Psychonauts was a completely original game in terms of story.
ya I've felt that before ..most xbox fps are like that ..after awhile they sort of meld together

try changing it up a bit, play different genres ..I havent played fear, doom, quake, and wont get many of the upcoming titles because there's just too much of the same thing. Havent played a fps since christmas ..been playing ES: Oblivion(exclusively since release), GTA:SA, and WoW ..still iffy on Sin and even HL2: E1 because I'm just afraid of being underwhelmed.

we need more sandbox types games in the fps genre ..Boiling point was some of the most fun I've had in ages playing a fps (despite hundreds of bugs). I'll probably get Hitman: blood money next if it's as open ended as I hope it is
There's really only 3 settings for FPS games to take place:

1 - The past. This is mainly WWII.
2 - The present. Usually involving gangs and modern military situations.
3 - The future. Aliens and robots aplenty.

The storylines have indeed gotten to a point where they meld together. And in some cases a story that clearly needs work, isn't given the proper attention (i.e. Far Cry, Halo 2). The disaster and invasion scenarios are indeed really overdone and I do want more innovative stories. I'm just not sure if it will happen.

There are some interesting storylines out there in games that I have yet to play. Indigo Prophecy and Psychonauts to name a few. Like Stern suggested, it's probably best to move to other genres for different plots. The last truely amazing story in a game that I've played was, believe it or not, Paper Mario.
That insomniac game with the aliens dissapointed me. The trailer at last e3 was better, looked more realistic. I wish they had just stuck with ww2 era weapons, and have the aliens come in with a massive technological advantage. It would have been awsome to take on some laser weapon wielding aliens with nothing but a bolt action rifle. It could have been like Harry Turtledove's colonization novels. That would have at least been slightly original.

I would be happy to fight aliens, but it seems we fight the exact same aliens with the exact same weapons every time. I would love to see new settings. but some originality in the old settings would be good too.
I don't think he mentions any particular genre in his first post, but he is right that there are seemingly no original ideas coming out of most developers these days. Everything is derivative and its getting really tiresome.

That said, I think that the genre best suited for good storytelling is the adventure genre (The Longest Journey, Syberia, Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis, Loom, The Dig, Kings Quest, Space Quest, etc). Here you will find some of the best told tales of any game in any generation. This is probably due to the fact that they don't use graphics and physics as a crutch like so many genres do (but esp. FPSs). They rely on great writing and an engaging story with puzzles that make you use you mind in ways you might not have done so in the past.

And yes, Psychonauts was one of the absolute best recent examples of fresh new thinking in the realm of videogaming. Fscking brilliant.
Innervision961 said:
Seriously, for once I just wish some developer would just come up with something original like say... i dunno, aliens invade earth and you fight them.

Some people are working on games with new and exciting storylines, and interesting and engaging gameplay...

Anyway, I absolutely agree. We need some brilliant new ideas.
I don't work soley on Zombie Master...

Okami is coming out, or you could grab Guitar Hero or Shadow of the Colossus.
Bioshock seems like it'll have an interesting storyline.
Bishock meh, as far as I know it is suposed to be inspired from System Shock, and I didn't like that game.

I would really like it if they would make a FPS with surrealistic environments, like something out of a Salvador Dali painting, where anything is possible and the laws of physics don't seem to apply. From an artistic point of view I would like to see more games with interesting and artistic enviroments like in Alice.
Redneck said:
Bishock meh, as far as I know it is suposed to be inspired from System Shock, and I didn't like that game.

Get off the internet. Right now :|
Aliens eh? I think the only game I fought aliens in was Half-Life of course.
Redneck said:
I would really like it if they would make a FPS with surrealistic environments, like something out of a Salvador Dali painting, where anything is possible and the laws of physics don't seem to apply.

You might want to look into Prey.
I'm with you with the Alice-like environments. Unique storyline too, but that's the topic of a different post. Imagine what you could do if you had the creative bug that American had when he wrote Alice, but had the resources of the Source engine at the time.
How about, and I'm being serious here, a wild west FPS. Huh? Come on, you know this would rock.
Jangle said:
Bioshock seems like it'll have an interesting storyline.
You, sir, have said a mouthful. Not only does the story seem incredbily unique (for a videogame), but the art direction is nothing short of breathtaking! This is one to watch!!!
Xune said:
How about, and I'm being serious here, a wild west FPS. Huh? Come on, you know this would rock.

100% agree!! :cheese:

Remember a game called Outlaws? I think that's what it was called anyway, came out after Quake but still used 2D models a la Duke Nukem 3D. Tremendous fun, got real tense at times! :cool:
Innervision961 said:
Seriously, for once I just wish some developer would just come up with something original like say... i dunno, aliens invade earth and you fight them. But seriously, with all this next gen hoopla flying around, doesn't anyone wish that some truly innovative stories would come out? I mean graphics are lovely, control styles are fun, but storylines are engaging, and i've seriously just about fended off my last alien invasion, much more and the games will just start to run together.

I want a game where YOU'RE the one invading Earth or another planet. That would be a nice twist. There's been too many games where, "OMG mega-evil aliens that are taking over the universe planet by planet!!! Kill them all so they think twice about coming back!"

I want a game where you ARE the mega-evil aliens that are going for galactic supremacy :)
Undying is a great example of a unique and engaging story. But apparently, "unique" doesn't sell well and that's why there won't be a sequel.

Come on Undying 2!!