for one, it aint human thats for sure

Jul 8, 2003
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After an extensive process of trying to enhance the freaky face in the end of the E3 HL2 movie, all I have to say is that whatever it is, it is freaky looking and it obviously aint human. Could possibly be the g-man which makes it even more freaky. Maybe there is a side to him we haven't seen yet? the freakiness is doubled just with the already eary G-man standing next to this face.

My other theory is that it could be how a combine soldier looks. Judging from the form of the face (alf like) with somewhat of a snout, it could very well be the horror that lies beneath the mask of a combine soldier.

Either way, just damn, this thing looks freaky. :eek:


  • godthatsfreeky.jpg
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I don't know, it doesn't really look like nihilanth because he had big holes for eyes and a baby like appearance.
Originally posted by qckbeam
It's the G-Mans true apperance, he isn't human.
Its a conspiracy for sure! G-Man is a Doom 3 zombie, that's what I think it looks like :D
I say take a look at the G-man in that pic. Black sockets for eyes and looks like his nose is just a hole also. Maybe the closer he gets he morphs into what we see as human...
dammit, I am the only one who doesn't even have a clue what you're talking about?

I haven't seen the 22min video, and I guess I missed something, huh?

btw, that picture looks like a heavily blurred skull of a man
Thats just the end of the E3 demo, when the camera is zooming into the Gman before he says:

'Well, well, isnt this just like... old times'

Whats so alien about that. The image above is just grey scaled and it just so happens to be a screen grab of the sequence that makes him look scarey.
i guess we wil know when the official valve version is released
That really is a freaky picture, like EVIL said we will probably find out once the video is released officialy.

The picture would make an interesting avatar though, im not gonna use it though.
seems more in the direction of a resident evil zombie to to say thats not quite human though...
Is it just me or is the shape of that thing's head the same thin shape as the head of the G-Man?

Or, maybe its just something there to throw ya off, just a random face. Or its just a bunch of smoke that looks like a face by accident.
That's not freaky, looks to me like a couple dots with some blurred shit in the middle...
I messed with the photomore to bring that image part out.


  • scary345.jpg
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Originally posted by qckbeam
It's the G-Mans true apperance, he isn't human.
All this talk of the G-Man being an alien... Other than the garbled words of Nihilanth, is there any proof?
(BTW, I will be very stubborn on this point as I don't want to believe it)
It's obviously G-man.

Also, it could've well been someone just fooled around in Photoshop and made that image. It's not so hard at all. Of course it could also be authentic... who knows.
G-man has to be alien... notice you could never kill him.. nothing would ever attack him... he sounds like he has a problem with english... gotta be alien.
Originally posted by Skeeze
G-man has to be alien... notice you could never kill him.. nothing would ever attack him... he sounds like he has a problem with english... gotta be alien.
The only reason you couldn't kill him was because the only time you were in face to face contact with him, you had no weapons. Alright, if you did impulse 101 and shot him all he'd do was spark, but then there were quite a few characters at certain points in the game on whom you could inflict as much damage as you liked and all they'd do was squeal and bleed (piggy)
And just 'cause you never saw anything attack him doesn't mean squat.
And lots of English speakers have problems with the language. Just look at this forum for proof.

Like I said - I'ma be stubborn about this...
It could be a new enemy in the game that wasn't in HL1 that we have yet to find out about
I know Combine are alien because in the Barney part of the E3 video and you sneak around to attack them, everytime one of them dies you hear them scream like a zombie in HL1, just like when you hit them with your crowbar in HL1.
The zombie combine scream is merely a placeholder, and has been verified as such. I think we're not gonna know until the game comes out. :b
Woah those 2 pictures are freaky. Has anyone looked the whole end part frame by frame to check to see if there are any other weird shapes?
Originally posted by DuncanIdahoTPF
Woah those 2 pictures are freaky. Has anyone looked the whole end part frame by frame to check to see if there are any other weird shapes?

Yes there are! After veiwing frame by frame there are many scary images infact. There is actually a second version of the face I posted wich is actually more made out and it appears to be G-man indeed with a zombie appearance and huge as razor teeth(Not even lying)

Then there is bright blue image of G-man with glowing eyes

Then there is an image of what seems to be gordon slumped in a chair and an alien like form standing just behind him (this image is shown multiple times)

Go ahead take a look, i'm not lying!
It could be just an x-ray image of G-Man. But no, I tend to believe he's alien :)
Yes there are! After veiwing frame by frame there are many scary images infact. There is actually a second version of the face I posted wich is actually more made out and it appears to be G-man indeed with a zombie appearance and huge as razor teeth(Not even lying)

Then there is bright blue image of G-man with glowing eyes

Then there is an image of what seems to be gordon slumped in a chair and an alien like form standing just behind him (this image is shown multiple times)

Go ahead take a look, i'm not lying!
give us some screenshots, I can't be bothered to replay the videos, thanks :p
Making him an alien seems so passe. There are so many non-human things BESIDES alien you could make him. Of course even making him an alien wouldn't be too bad if he wasn't an alien bad guy. It'd be a let down. He's so much more interesting as a good guy than as a bad guy.
aw man you beat me to that one, well anyways, here is an enhanced version of that one


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