for one, it aint human thats for sure

And here is an even more chilling version of the first picture, it appears to be the same entity and if you compare it to the blue glow G-man they don't quite look the same.

Its that big ass grin and small beady eyes that give me the chills:eek:


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Originally posted by LoneDeranger


The GMans eyes have always irked me. In HL1, the HL2 trailer, and now they are highlighted in the quick frames that flash by. I don't know what it is, but those eyes are hiding something. Anyway, I hope the GMan turns out to be something cool, like a ghost. He is really creepy, and one of my favorite characters.
Originally posted by GLMinorThreat
Those images are quite interesting.

Whats even more interesting is that Gabe said they were put in there with a specific purpose.
Could someone post the pictures of these mutiple pictures? They would be a nice study. I am extreamly interested in the one with Gordon slumped in the chair.

But this is more scary than DOOM 3 anyway.
ok ok, theory.

the first pic is the Gman I say. you know on those horror movies when the villan which is actually a vampire or shit, he's shadow is always that creepy alien/ghost like thingy.

second pic, is possibly this father gregory we know about o_O
I think it's g-mans boss, god, leader or master. whatever you want to call it.
this is what I see.


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Hydrac, yes I can see that, it just makes it more disturbing though. A zombie? But the zombies have headcrabs on there face.
i think it is the gman because the zombie like creature appears to have a suit on... and if my attachment works it looks like it a little
A suit? Looks more like a cloak of some sort. Check out the hood over his head too. Might be the Grim Reaper...
well my pic doesnt work,
well i'll point you to the frame and i'll show you it looks like a suit!

go to frame 00:22:24 ad press the right arrow key from far away it looks like a suit,and as you get closer you cant see it, and he also looks like his hands are up ( like a boxing position except hands open)

anywayz its all freaky and cool :)
I posted all the creepy stuff from the very end in this one thread
Originally posted by El_Chi
The only reason you couldn't kill him was because the only time you were in face to face contact with him, you had no weapons. Alright, if you did impulse 101 and shot him all he'd do was spark, but then there were quite a few characters at certain points in the game on whom you could inflict as much damage as you liked and all they'd do was squeal and bleed (piggy)
And just 'cause you never saw anything attack him doesn't mean squat.
And lots of English speakers have problems with the language. Just look at this forum for proof.

Like I said - I'ma be stubborn about this...

No, you had a weapon, and could take a shot at the GMan very early in the game, I beleive it was the part right before you see the first houndeyes, he's on a catwalk thing, and you can have a pistol by then (from the dead Security)
I remember because at first I thought he was an alien and shot him on accident, but then I thought, "Why is he bulletproof?"
Unforgettable scene with the catwalk. First glimpse at him, and started to get our brains goin'. He's probably an alien cause of what Nihilanth said, and I'm pretty sure he was referring to the G-Man. Maybe he's an alien with the same bone structure :p. This has been discussed for soooo long, but it never really gets tiring. Bottom line -- G-Man freaks me out.
Originally posted by Boogaleeboo
Making him an alien seems so passe. There are so many non-human things BESIDES alien you could make him. Of course even making him an alien wouldn't be too bad if he wasn't an alien bad guy. It'd be a let down. He's so much more interesting as a good guy than as a bad guy.
Yes! Making him this completely uncompassionate person makes him far scarier because he doesn't care about repercussions or people(Hmmm, maybe he's CIA?) Him being an alien would seem to detract from the whole G (Government) aspect of "G-Man"
Although, the idea of him not being an alien because it would be passe doesn't rule it out... HL1 always did have a nice, mildly cliched B-movie feel to the main plot.

But he's NOT an alien! <Sticks Fingers in ears> Lalalalaaa! Not an alien...lalalaaa.
Originally posted by RakuraiTenjin
No, you had a weapon, and could take a shot at the GMan very early in the game, I beleive it was the part right before you see the first houndeyes, he's on a catwalk thing, and you can have a pistol by then (from the dead Security)
I remember because at first I thought he was an alien and shot him on accident, but then I thought, "Why is he bulletproof?"
Oh, I stand very corrected! I forgot about that... But I still think he's bullet-proof because if you'd shot him and he'd bled it would have destroyed his persona (but yes that does the beg the question of "why didn't it simply go through him with no effect?")
That bit was great - I remember frantically running up to try and find him :) <Sighs nostalgically>
Still. He's human. No, really.
If VALVe didn't want the G-man to be bullet proof they would have made the game in a different way. The G-man would only pop up behind bullet proof glass, and you would never meet him when you were armed... I started to play HL1 yesterday and I have seen him at new places...
Originally posted by NiteStalker
I started to play HL1 yesterday and I have seen him at new places...
He was a busy guy...
I'm suprised no one has figured this yet..... that the freaky figure could be ELI VANCE. Look at the attached pic to see the likeness.

Notice, that in booth of the pictures, he is in the exact same position. Also the clothes look similar, and the face shape. Also note that Alyx says "We should have listened to my father and done it his way, now we're jjust sitting ducks", in the E3 video. Doesn't this suggest that he is dead.

So it's either just there to freak us out, or it's what is to become of Eli...

EDIT: Note that you can see the outline on the 'freaky' pic is a little off if you look carefully.
I think that G-Man looks like a skeleton... :)
Doesn't nihilanth say something like "He is waiting.... for you... you are human.... he is not...." or something like that? It was the last boss of HL2.

Makes you wonder, perhaps G-Man isn't human.
Originally posted by Marauder
Doesn't nihilanth say something like "He is waiting.... for you... you are human.... he is not...." or something like that? It was the last boss of HL2.

Makes you wonder, perhaps G-Man isn't human.

"You are man, he is not man. For you he waits, for you"


"Decieve you, he will decieve you"

Then again, in the source code it says that the G-Man is "the misunderstood servant of the people". I don't know what to think ..
sure coolfunkman blame on the black guy
(note this is a joke)
I think its part of what will be the opening scene.
gordon will come out of his coma or catatonia or stuff, but before all he could see were twisted nighmarish visages of those around him. whether it be the g-man or eli, they're gonna be there when he wakes up.
its just a bad dream gordon...
It looks like an x-ray to me; the skull, the ribs. We assume Gordon's in a coma and the suit is checking up on him...maybe it took an x-ray of him and that's Gordon's own skeleton?

Besides, as I said before about G-Man being an alien based on what Nihilanth says, HE ONLY SAYS THAT LINE THE FOURTH TIME HE TELEPORTS YOU TO THE THIRD AREA WHERE A GARG, WHO IS NOT MAN, IS WAITING FOR YOU. Besides, that's a human skeleton in the picture, even if it isn't Gordon. Looks human enough to me.
Also, Some people think they seem to think they see some ghost with a huge gaping mouth, I think its just his neck and the rest is too dark to see.
Can some post the image of Gordon in a chair with alien behind him. Sorry to lazy to find it myself.
its definately Mr G.
He is no-way a human, but hes an intergalactic fairy out to rid the world of slimy squgly things that want to enslave humans.
Hes the silver Surfer (is he still around?).

Late in the game we're gonna find out that his name is Gabriel- so hes like an angel/champion of the people type thingy.

i really dont know, im just rambling like a madman. raaar.
1. That is the last boss in HL2

2. That is nothing, valve just play around with our feelings


3. That is some kind of enemy undressed... :)