for people that dont live in the USA and go to USA based forums


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
isnt sometimes when some people think the rest of the world dont hav internets

for example I visit a cars forums and I was banned, for what reason you say?

"terrible spelling and talks like a 5th grader in an inner-city school"

maybe they just didnt saw in the location part where it DONT SAY USA AND SAY "SOUTHAMERICA" and maybe whit some thinking they could remenber that in southamerica english is not a first language

also if you say a litle and insignificant negative thing about the irak war
BAM they lay the rage on you
post "only in america"(I hav never posted that btw)and BAM RAGE RAGE!

yet when someone made a thread like "all the mexicans should put in a van and set on fire" you can see all the redeneck praises it got

this remind me on that same car forum some menber say he blamed the latin americans people for his past adiction to drugs cuz latinamericans broght drugs to the country
and spend a lot of his posts insult me for being a latinamerican

NEWFLASH if you get adicted to it that means you consume it so you went there and buy it,which means you where asking for it and you get it!if you get adicted to bananas you will blame the plant?

thats what I like of this forum,the USA people of here are not like those and are more open minded,well maybe is cuz this forum is more UK based?

anyway the point is that if americans dont want to be seen as some dumbasses bullies then they shouldnt keep feeding that image
I was new to a forum and got banned for typing in caps. It was the first ever forum I'd ever been on. 7 day ban. That was american.
I was new to a forum and got banned for typing in caps. It was the first ever forum I'd ever been on. 7 day ban. That was american.


Agreed. Also, I think this goes with everything in life concerning people insulting you for some inane reasoning, try not to let them get to you. It's hard, but I think we all would be better for it.


I know but I was new to forums. I've watched my typing change over the past 2 years on my MSN space thing.
first it wuz lyk diz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second It Was Like This
Now, its like this.

Its amazing.
RJMC, you will find idiots like that all over the world. I am sure in other websites on the internet that are primarily in another language, you will find assholes just like them who prejudice against people who don't speak the language perfectly.

All I have to say, is don't worry about it too much. If they were ****tards enough to ban you for your english, then **** them... they're not worth it. I say you give us the name of the forum and we all go there and bitch at them, telling them what morons they are.
nah is a nice forum so dont matter......unles you never mention me

and you all will do that for mee? *puppy eyes*
I was new to a forum and got banned for typing in caps. It was the first ever forum I'd ever been on. 7 day ban. That was american.

maybe people were tired of you screaming at them?

once joined a battlefield vietnam forum along fine up until the bombing in madrid when one of the members posted about it saying they deserved what they got because the citizens of spain were very vocal in their opposition to the war ..being of spanish descent I freaked out ripping their posts apart point by point ..well needless to say accusations of being anti-american, pro-terrorism flew around till the thread was locked and I was banned ...the admin who banned me apologised and said for the good of the forum he had to ban me ...he also said he secretly agreed with me but because he knew most of the members first hand he didnt want to step on any toes

it's not so much that these sites are american's more the fact that those sites attract a certain type of american: nationalistic, pro war, anti-foreign etc ...of course that's just a generalization but that sort of microcosism is very evident depending on the subject matter of the forums a gun forum will more likely have a lot more than say a forum on gardening
Ever been to a Vbulletin forum with reputation enabled?

Every member gets negative reputation at least once until they learn how you're supposed to be there.

Screw Reputation.
Ever been to a Vbulletin forum with reputation enabled?

Every member gets negative reputation at least once until they learn how you're supposed to be there.

Screw Reputation.

the car forum got that reputation stuff

seriously whats the point of that?
RJMC, you will find idiots like that all over the world. I am sure in other websites on the internet that are primarily in another language, you will find assholes just like them who prejudice against people who don't speak the language perfectly.

All I have to say, is don't worry about it too much. If they were ****tards enough to ban you for your english, then **** them... they're not worth it. I say you give us the name of the forum and we all go there and bitch at them, telling them what morons they are.

I was about to say the same thing.

so, a big QFE
I sympathize, RJMC. Also, I think the reason this forum is more chill than other forums that are heavily American in membership is because the kind of douchebag redneck American is not as apt to post on a video game forum as he is on a car forum :p

However, if you say "Only in America" I will go medieval on your ass, no matter what the context.
also if you say a litle and insignificant negative thing about the irak war
BAM they lay the rage on you
post "only in america"(I hav never posted that btw)and BAM RAGE RAGE!

yet when someone made a thread like "all the mexicans should put in a van and set on fire" you can see all the redeneck praises it got

Go to a city like Mtn Brook, AL (98.64% White, 0.31% Black) and shout "ni**er" then go to a place like harlem and shout "ni**er" and watch how differently people react.

It's all about your enviorment, go to talladega, AL and try to start an anti-NASCAR rally and then try the same thing in new'll get vastly different responses.

"the nail that sticks out gets hammered"
Ennui munches on Beerdude26's delicious spleen.

Nothing like a little spleen with garlic...

Go to a city like Mtn Brook, AL (98.64% White, 0.31% Black) and shout "ni**er" then go to a place like harlem and shout "ni**er" and watch how differently people react.

Predominant indifference / probable homicide
isnt sometimes when some people think the rest of the world dont hav internets

for example I visit a cars forums and I was banned, for what reason you say?

"terrible spelling and talks like a 5th grader in an inner-city school"

maybe they just didnt saw in the location part where it DONT SAY USA AND SAY "SOUTHAMERICA" and maybe whit some thinking they could remenber that in southamerica english is not a first language

also if you say a litle and insignificant negative thing about the irak war
BAM they lay the rage on you
post "only in america"(I hav never posted that btw)and BAM RAGE RAGE!

yet when someone made a thread like "all the mexicans should put in a van and set on fire" you can see all the redeneck praises it got

this remind me on that same car forum some menber say he blamed the latin americans people for his past adiction to drugs cuz latinamericans broght drugs to the country
and spend a lot of his posts insult me for being a latinamerican

NEWFLASH if you get adicted to it that means you consume it so you went there and buy it,which means you where asking for it and you get it!if you get adicted to bananas you will blame the plant?

thats what I like of this forum,the USA people of here are not like those and are more open minded,well maybe is cuz this forum is more UK based?

anyway the point is that if americans dont want to be seen as some dumbasses bullies then they shouldnt keep feeding that image
Well it couldn't hurt to use capital letters. You seem to know what words are even though you're from Venezuela, so could it hurt just to spell them right?

Like - whit, litle, menber etc.
I must admit, the reason I got flamed out of forumplanet was because of me acting like a little idiot who just learned that the internet was available. "lol guyz hai! lol!!!"

I guess I can finally say that I have decent grammar skills, and can type like an adult. Well, when I want to that is.
I must admit, the reason I got flamed out of forumplanet was because of me acting like a little idiot who just learned that the internet was available. "lol guyz hai! lol!!!"

I guess I can finally say that I have decent grammar skills, and can type like an adult. Well, when I want to that is.

That's when you're not pretending to be a horny thirteen year old girl.
I hate it when people are so damned concern about spelling and grammar on forums. Like for example, bans you for minor errors, like not capping at the start of a sentense, or mispelling, or comma errors and whatnot, pretty stupid imo.
>< i got banned 3 times at that damned place due to my grammar and spelling errors -_-
haha what a thread you started... I could write for hours. Some random things that come to my mind:

1. Do you people really can't spell in your own language?
2. What's with so much racism? ******s here spics there, foreigners cause all the problems, go back to <put country's name here>... It's not your country, you're a foreigner there just like everyone (unless you are a native american). (#2 mostly on forums with not so strict rules where people can express themselves more freely)
3. Why the hatred for French? (no I'm not French)
4. Sometimes I get the impression that, that country's internet users are mostly overweight nerds with social disorders. What's with that?
5. Why so much prejudice and ignorance at the same time against communism? I guess the propaganda did its job really well during the cold war (and the media doesn't help either).
6. Day by day I believe the "americans are completely ignorant about the world" stereotype even more.
7. Why people are soooooo damn aggresive when they talk about politics?
8. OMG MUSLIM, HE MUST BE A TERRORIST (I'm no muslim either)
9. Why so many people are pro-war?

Just some random ones that popped in my mind.
RJMC, you will find idiots like that all over the world. I am sure in other websites on the internet that are primarily in another language, you will find assholes just like them who prejudice against people who don't speak the language perfectly.

You're sure but you never been in one right? I can assure you they're not nearly as aggresive whether some noob user posts in CAPS, posts in the wrong forum or ignores a rule he wasn't aware of. And yes I read forums in two other languages, they're not nearly as aggresive against noobs nor they misspell every second word themselves.

Ever been to a Vbulletin forum with reputation enabled?

Yeah people rep you there based on opinion and don't dare post something that someone disagrees with...
Don't dare say "only in america" in a thread, you'll get a flood of neg-reppings with such insightful reasons as "your [note the spelling] an idiot", "dumbass", "fu*k you".
Try and say "most games suck nowdays" in a thread about gaming and see all the nerds neg-repping you mercilessly
true that happens some times but not on these forums, atleast what ive seen so far.
I know but I was new to forums. I've watched my typing change over the past 2 years on my MSN space thing.
first it wuz lyk diz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Second It Was Like This
Now, its like this.

Its amazing.
You have seen the light my brother! Some people can be trained, morons cant. The only question is whether a person is a moron or needs training.

lol, all humor aside, it's good that you've learned & we shall continue our quest to ensure quality standards on the internet don't drop below the abismal levels of "lol" and "lmfao."

true that happens some times but not on these forums, atleast what ive seen so far.

this is a PM from Southernman17 I recieved shortly after I posted a thread about americans killing civilians in iraq

Southernman17 said:
**** You douchebag!

You can do shit about it ****ing canadian! stop crying dumb ****, YOU DON'T LIVE HERE! HAHA

dumb ****

here's another

Sheikah42 said:
Debating some useless **** on a Half-Life message board? I have more important things to do like worry about my goddamn MCAT. You on the other hand have no purpose in life. You express your ignorant and misguided liberal views, when in fact you've probably never even been to the middle east before. I bet the only language you're fluent in is English. I bet the only information you have on Iran and Iraq is what you read online. I bet you believe "the war on drugs is going no where, we should tax drugs! that will make this country a much better place!"

My advice to you before you go on making yourself look even more retarded - close your ****ing mouth unless you've seen it. I'm sure there are even smarter people than me on this forum that know you're a phony liberal that pretends to know the entire world.

there's more but I've erased quite a few over the years
thats a lot of chocolate

lol. that reminds me of seinfeld...

"That's alotta potatoes!"

I crack up every time I hear kramer say that.

You're sure but you never been in one right? I can assure you they're not nearly as aggresive whether some noob user posts in CAPS, posts in the wrong forum or ignores a rule he wasn't aware of. And yes I read forums in two other languages, they're not nearly as aggresive against noobs nor they misspell every second word themselves.

You're sure because you've been in all of them, right? Here's a fact about life... universally, people are assholes. Every race and culture is going to have them. Just like most english forums are going to be nice, and some are going to be full of bastards... same is the case for other forums whose only characteristic difference is language spoken.
Framer is the least funniest character in Seinfeld. Jerry is pretty dull too.