For the sake of...


Oct 13, 2003
Reaction score
I was asked to give my thoughts to the people that make Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. They showed me three commercials, the first two were indentical, the third was mostly live action, of people in some horrible version of a theme park. Then they asked me what I thought. So I told them

"It's just a pretty face on the same game. I don't want to see live action, I want to see why your game is different than all the other theme park games, and based off what I've seen, you couldn't show me that even if you wanted to, because your game looks to be the EXACT same as all the other ones. You aren't even the first to have a 3D engine and the ability to ride the rides you make; there is only so much you can do with roller coasters. Try to be innovative for once. Yeah, Roller Coaster Tycoon was innovative...the FIRST time. And SimThemePark was slightly innovative when they did it in 3D with the ability to ride the rides you make. But not you, you are just doing the EXACT same thing they are. Nothing more.

So I'm asking you, for the sake of the gaming community, and for the sake of the people working to make gaming an acceptable medium, Stop. Stop driving gaming into the ground. Please, just stop."

That's my response, word for word.
AFAIK its RC2 with 3D graphics

I've seen a few people commenting that it should have simply been left like it was, it ran better and looked far nicer.

I liked RC2, and sometimes 3D shouldn't always be used.
Poor programmers, you probably shattered their morale by saying bad things about their love child. Hehehe.
I wont cry... I wont cry... no i wont shed a tear....
An honest opinion that might do them some good. They can't all be VALVe's,. but it would be nice if more tried.
f|uke said:
An honest opinion that might do them some good. They can't all be VALVe's,. but it would be nice if more tried.
Valve aren't _that_ good..
f|uke said:
An honest opinion that might do them some good. They can't all be VALVe's,. but it would be nice if more tried.
Gaming is what I do, it's my job. I'll do as much as I possibly can to try to maintain, and strengthen the integrity of this form of entertainment/art.
was themepark [that's the name] the first to have the ability to 'ride' the rides ?
Did they say anything? Have a look on their faces?

Or just, thanks for your input!
I didn't like RCT3. And when it turns to night, and you have several rides in your park, the fps dropped to like 5fps. It was unplayable. Why do they have to ruin the genre with 3d graphics? Look at transport tycoon deluxe, and Settlers 2. I love those games, because they actually look better without the 3d grahics. (IMHO)
Icarus said:
I was asked to give my thoughts to the people that make Rollercoaster Tycoon 3. They showed me three commercials, the first two were indentical, the third was mostly live action, of people in some horrible version of a theme park. Then they asked me what I thought. So I told them

"It's just a pretty face on the same game. I don't want to see live action, I want to see why your game is different than all the other theme park games, and based off what I've seen, you couldn't show me that even if you wanted to, because your game looks to be the EXACT same as all the other ones. You aren't even the first to have a 3D engine and the ability to ride the rides you make; there is only so much you can do with roller coasters. Try to be innovative for once. Yeah, Roller Coaster Tycoon was innovative...the FIRST time. And SimThemePark was slightly innovative when they did it in 3D with the ability to ride the rides you make. But not you, you are just doing the EXACT same thing they are. Nothing more.

So I'm asking you, for the sake of the gaming community, and for the sake of the people working to make gaming an acceptable medium, Stop. Stop driving gaming into the ground. Please, just stop."

That's my response, word for word.

Dude. You rock house. Definitely the best thing you could've ever said to them.
Yeah well done :) we dont want companies churning out poor games, that they know are poor... just for the money
Good! Stop those monthy tycoon games..does anybody even buy those? What did they say when you told them that Icarus?
The Dark Elf said:
Valve aren't _that_ good..
Dont give me that. VALVe is that good. VALVe is the most innovative, brilliant developer around.

If thats how you feel, why are you here?
f|uke said:
Dont give me that. VALVe is that good. VALVe is the most innovative, brilliant developer around.

If thats how you feel, why are you here?
to keep you in line.


Oh and you don't have to be a fanboy to post here.
The Dark Elf said:
Oh and you don't have to be a fanboy to post here.
Yeah, but I would have thought a heafty appriciation for VALVe would be a requirement to be a mod :p

(and to make one thing clear, I personally am no fanboy. I am simply a fan).
Icarus said:
"Stop. Stop driving ... into the ground. Please, just stop."
Anyone reminded of that debate between Jon Stewart and Tucker Carlson?

It's hard for me to comment on your response, as I haven't actually seen the game. But it really doesn't seem that bad, at least bad enough to warrant that kind of feedback. There are many, many worse things going on in the gaming industry. But at the same time, I'm glad to see you doing whatever you can to promote innovation.