forcing Ultra High-Res Textures

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Dec 11, 2003
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Hopefully someone can answer this.
A while back I read that Valve was going to release Ultra high res textures for Half Life 2 that would be utilized by 256 meg video cards.
My question was, has it been confirmed if people with 128 meg cards can force the high res textures on, at a price for performance ?

Doom III 'requires' 512 cards for ultra mode, yet people are fine running it with 256, even 128 meg cards.

thanks guys

P.S. -I'm just looking for a yes or no answer, no need to make this thread huge
i have a 128mb 9800 all in wonder and i was running doom at 1024 by 768 on ultra high and getting a decent framerate. So I'll bet if they say its for 256mb that doesnt mean its only for 256mb cards.
HL2's textures would have to be extremely hi-res to be able to fill up a 256mb video card. The only reason Doom3 manages to do it for a 512mb card is because all the textures are uncompressed and there's something like 5 different textures layers for each surface (Carmack referred to all the textures when bundled together would act like a 15-16 channel surface, compared to, say, a bitmap which is three channel (RGB)). Last I checked, HL2 has nowhere near that many.
Devvingiorgio where can I read about what Valve said about these ultra high res textures? Mmm, would be great if these textures enables "detail textures" too
Does any of you know the resolution of the standard textures of HL2 ?
brokenjago said:
Aren't they 512x512? That's what I remember.

Oh Jeez... like Doom 3.
I hope we will see as soon as is possible this hi-res textures pck...
IIRC they were talking about uncompressed light-maps, not textures.
I can play Doom3 in 1024 x 768 in ultra high quality on my comp. That's a P4 2.8 GHz, 1GB DDRRAM, Radeon 9700 Pro. I'm getting average 25-30 FPS which for single player is sufficient for me.

I hope I can use the highest quality textures for HL2 as well.
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