

Feb 6, 2006
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have you ever stopped and tried to wrap your mind around "forever"?

like wtf, sit there right now and stare at the floor while thinking about forever and how it will NEVER end...

honestly it's mind boggling.

Let's say this is an after're in heaven or hell or whatever...then what? You're just there FOREVER?! it's not a trillion years, and it's certainly longer than a googolplex years which itself an infinintly huge amount of years....:|:cheers:
yea hell could make forever totally suck. Like even after the universe implodes into nothingness, you'd still be in hell doing hellish things.
dude, non existance is way more unfathomable .

Just think, once you die, nothing at all, no black, no white, no light, no dark, no thought, nothing. That's hard to grasp.
Thinking about the universe in general gives me goosebumps.
it should be awsome that when you die you get a magic vcr in heaven where you can repeat and live again memories and be able to alter them

or you just will reincarnate
it should be awsome that when you die you get a magic vcr in heaven where you can repeat and live again memories and be able to alter them

or you just will reincarnate

Reincarnation terrifies me.
yea hell could make forever totally suck. Like even after the universe implodes into nothingness, you'd still be in hell doing hellish things.

Well, hell, even heaven for forever would totally suck.

Personally, I want to be reincarnated. You know what's maybe not as hard to grasp, but I think is a lot more interesting- That you view yourself as you, and you see other people, and hear them and all that, but they are themselves, and they are eperiencing you from the outside like you are experiencing them from the outside.

Or, if you were reincarnated, you wouldn't know. That's the kicker. Right now, I could be wondering what it's like to be a girl. But if I were a girl, right now I could be wondering what it's like to be a boy, and I know now, and I basically have to pretend to forget everything I know. I'm used to penises now, but if I were a girl, they'd be so weird. And I wouldn't even know.
The idea of forgetting everything from this life is what scares me. If you forget everything, you basically become a blank slate, YOU are gone, your body remains and you start over.
But if you were wiped clean, you wouldn't know you had been wiped clean, so why be scared?
yea but even non-existance lasts forever lol.

or like if you keep coming back as a new life form, but within this universe, it will eventually end. But if the universe rebuilds itself constantly then life itself is never-ending which is it will NEVER honestly lol what the hell that very notion of forever is extremely intruiging and scary as hell
I don't believe infinity to be a line that is continuous, but rather something more like a figure 8.
Reincarnation sounds like a good alternative, but that still is mind boggling. If it was true, you could be the reincarnation of someone or something from thousands of years ago or something.
This reminds me of a song from a winnie the pooh movie.

Christopher robin: Forever and ever is a very long time, pooh.
Pooh: Forever isn't long at all, when I'm with you.

I`d love to arm Tigger with a flame thrower, and tell him it's a water gun.

P.S Wanted Bob - 1000 already. (And not for the first time, go infractions!)
dude, non existance is way more unfathomable .

Just think, once you die, nothing at all, no black, no white, no light, no dark, no thought, nothing. That's hard to grasp.
It's not really that hard. If you detach yourself from your 'consciousness' for a moment, you'll notice your entire personality is just a system of electrical signals. When you die, these stop, so you won't even notice the blackness.

That's why I think that the most you can do is be remembered. Even then, however, you won't be around to notice it either way.
I have no problem in comprehending the lack of existance after death. Yeah, I'd like to thing reincarnation is a possiblity, but it's a little far fetched.

The thing that confuses me the most is the beginning of life. Why the hell am I looking out from behind my eyes and not someone else? Where was I plucked from to inhabit this body?
TBH, existence, eternity, moratlity... none of it really bothers me one bit.
Reincarnation doesn't sound as far fetched to me. If you think about it, what were you before you were alive? Nothing. What will you be after you are dead? Nothing. So obviously you can go from nothing to something, so thinking you might be something else after this life isn't completely unfathomable. However, who you are right now would in no way relate to what you might be, so that would make the whole reincarnation idea void.

Anyone follow?
This reminds me of a song from a winnie the pooh movie.

Christopher robin: Forever and ever is a very long time, pooh.
Pooh: Forever isn't long at all, when I'm with you.


omfg thats what kids watch today!?
Sometimes I sit thinking about forever. I also think about numbers and how they always carry on. It is strange.
In all practicality, what is the difference between reincarnation and non-existance?
Imagine a hotel with infinity rooms, each room has 1 person in.

Now, the hotel is full as all its rooms have a person in.

But then a bus comes that has infinity passengers.

The driver asks if the hotel can put them up. The manager asks for the first passanger, then rings up every room at once and asks if everyone would mind moving along to room next to them to free up room number 1 for the passenger. They do so. He then does the same thing for the next person and so on.

And its possible, he fits an infinite more passengers in.
Imagine a hotel with infinity rooms, each room has 1 person in.

Now, the hotel is full as all its rooms have a person in.

But then a bus comes that has infinity passengers.

The driver asks if the hotel can put them up. The manager asks for the first passanger, then rings up every room at once and asks if everyone would mind moving along to room next to them to free up room number 1 for the passenger. They do so. He then does the same thing for the next person and so on.

And its possible, he fits an infinite more passengers in.
no wonder I can never get a ****ing room.
You say that, but people who approach 100 years old start to feel they've had enough.
I'm not really sure there is a "soul" to go on after you die.
If you swap two peoples' memories around, to them it would be like they'd woken up inside the other person's body. Even though they'd both think completely differently (because the rest of the brain wasn't swaped).
What if a machine of some kind stored the information to make an exact copy of someone. 200 years later, after the person is long dead, the information is read and the person is reconstructed. It would be like you've taken the "soul" back from wherever it was and put it back into a body. But then what is you made two copies? That would be like duplicating the soul.
If "you" were born behind your brother's eyes, you'd still be wondering what it would be like to be born behind your brother's eyes.

When we think of our "soul", we think of everything we identify ourselves by, as well as our sensations of touch, sight, thought etc, without which we would be nothing - to ourselves at least. I have no idea what sensations actually are... they may be some kind of paradioxial illusion that our brains are simply not built to understad, and could therefore never be fully explained. Either they're made of something quantifiable, which doesn't really explain much, or they are the result of patterns in our brains, but that doesn't make much sense either. Or they are something we cannot imagine.

Might have gone a bit off-topic there...
I don't think "forever" is even possible.

No matter how much time has passed, it will always be a discrete, measurable number. The universe should come to an end at some point, either through a gravitational "big crunch" or some other end which will inevitably result in the destruction of both space and time. Once that has happened, the universe will have existed for a discrete amount of time, with positively nothing afterwards, thus negating the entire notion of "forever".
it should be awsome that when you die you get a magic vcr in heaven where you can repeat and live again memories and be able to alter them
I want to be able to access my savegames, dammit!
I don't think "forever" is even possible.

No matter how much time has passed, it will always be a discrete, measurable number. The universe should come to an end at some point, either through a gravitational "big crunch" or some other end which will inevitably result in the destruction of both space and time. Once that has happened, the universe will have existed for a discrete amount of time, with positively nothing afterwards, thus negating the entire notion of "forever".

That is assuming the universe will collapse in on itself. What if it just continues to separate (as scientists have predicted it will)?
That is assuming the universe will collapse in on itself. What if it just continues to separate (as scientists have predicted it will)?

Then that is a problem :O

If it continues to accelerate it will mean that both time and space will asymptote. Everything would become very cold, energy would be extremely widely spaced, protons decay. Eventually it would end up being nothing. So I suppose in that case "forever" would be possible.

But also given an infinite amount of time, anything and in fact everything is bound to happen. So who knows, after some discrete time whatever is causing the acceleration could reverse.
but no one knows what's outside the universe if there is anything at all.
"outside" is a meaningless concept when referring to the universe.

Unless you subscribe to string theory...