
You say that, but people who approach 100 years old start to feel they've had enough.

Yeah, but old people don't live forever. If I lived forever, my body wouldn't be nearly completely diminished in my first 100 years of life. Noo... I'll be in my prime forever! If I remained in my prime, I'd want to live forever. If my body and mind degraded fast, I wouldn't want to live that way forever.
still, the fact that you'll never wouldn't you be bored outta your mind? Also, when the sun dies, you'll be in constant pain for the rest of your life since there is no more air to breathe. Just because you'll live forever doesn't mean that you'll be immune to pain , doesn't mean your body will be unharmed by the vacuum of space just means you won't die.
You should shift your thinking from the time domain to the frequency domain and everything becomes much more rational
sounds like you've been smoking weed.

seriously when you smoke the grass, simple concepts like infinity and the universe are f*cking amazing to ponder about.
This reminds me of a song from a winnie the pooh movie.

Christopher robin: Forever and ever is a very long time, pooh.
Pooh: Forever isn't long at all, when I'm with you.


that made me smile:)
Whippin' out infractions, old school style.
You are tyrannical and I love you for it.

Really though, forever is impossible to concieve with the human mind. There's probably another race out there that while perhaps not smarter than us, simply thinks differently. They may able to concieve these ideas that our minds are incapable of bringing about. And they will be superior.
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good lord.. this is becoming bad for me..
Reading this thread and thinking about this type of things makes me want to become a better person. It reminds me that I only live once and that I should make the best of it. Be more friendly to people, tell less lies, actually help people out when they need it, listen to people, contribute to something, respect women more.

/walks away shivering.
The thing is, since forever is incomprehensible, we may as well try and make our current lives enjoyable. :D
