Forgive me but ...



Halflife 2 cost me over $650 dollars...
When halflife 2 was all for ati 9800xt i bought one.....needs 512 megs of ram i bought a gig of corsair twin-4000pro high performance ram and i'm way over the system recommandations...yet i get the stu stu stutering game and no lobster shiny ant lion that i've been waiting for five years for...i've played the game through twice...i guess my $650 pays for a lot of frustration and their stu stu stuttering daughter...Hey gabe if your car dont start tomorrow gimmi a call...865-932-1171
Yep, it's happened to other people, so there is no point in feeling especially ripped off.

Maybe Valve will one day actually release a stuttering fix.
Because valve didn't go out of their way to make the game scalable down to directx 7.0

Maybe you should check around and find out if there's a patch for your problem. I'm running a consideribly lower video card and I had absolutely no problems.
audio rage thats whats pissing me off...i gave my best friend my nvidia gforce card and he's running halflife2 on max settings..yet i blow $500 on an Ati 9800xt and it chugs on med settings...
dont get me wrong i think halflife 2 is a great game...but i feel lied too...i mean $650 for a game is bull$hit
GJaaGular said:
dont get me wrong i think halflife 2 is a great game...but i feel lied too...i mean $650 for a game is bull$hit

You did not pay $650 for a game. You paid $650 for (at the time) the high end of the high end of Video Cards and 1GB of insanely fast RAM.

Every game has bugs and has things that do not work correctly. This is part of PC gaming... it has been this way for a very long time. With tens of thousands of different possible hardware configurations this stuff happens... yeah it sucks, but it does happen. Some bugs are worse than others... in this case it seems to hit a small, but still significant, number of users. There are a lot of 9800XT/9800Pro users w/o problems, so it is not the card. I am not sure exactly what causes the stutter bug (and if Valve knew 100% it would be resolved for everyone by now), but it is not your 9800XT or RAM, or they are not the main culprit.

I can understand your frustration... I feel bad for you. Really, I do. But I am sure Valve, if they knew the exact problem, would solve it. Just try not to get too upset at them for the $650, because you did get what you paid for. I hope a patch comes out shortly that resolves your specific issue though. Maybe your friend will let you use the GeForce for a week or so?
Hey GJaaGular, I've got a great gridge for sale wanna buy it? It's right in the heart of the big apple!

Here is a quick lesson on reality for you.
Lots of people sell things to make money, these people often lie about the product so that you buy it. It's not right, but it's the way it is. You were stupid to invest that much in this game. You made a big mistake. Blame Valve all you want, but it's called the real world.
i cant be too up set i've played it through twice...i just wanted shiny lobster skin antlions like in the video...and i wanted the combine to kick in doors damn it....really i just wanted shiny surfaces like the roof and the ant lion....
Hey, I also bought a graphics card for 500 bucks. The 9800XT, when it first came out. Then you know what? I sold it 6 months later for 350, kept the voucher, and got a 4600 for free, which I sold for 100 bucks. 450 + 50 dollar voucher = 500. I saved up 50 more and got myself a 6800U. :)
u should NOT be running on medium settings, because my friends 9800pro EASILY runs hl2 at 1280x960 4xAA 8 xAF HIGH settings.

maybe its your system.

and thats why i only upgrade when the game has gone gold.
you guys are missing my point...i dont care about money ...i got plenty...i'm pissed cause they promised me shiny antlions ands all i got were duke nukem graphics...and a lot of lo lo loading times on a fast comp
dont get me wrong i think halflife 2 is a great game...but i feel lied too...i mean $650 for a game is bull$hit

uhhh sounds like your complaining rite there.

anyways they didnt promise u shiny antlions. AND u got duke nukems gfx? i wouldnt know because i never played duke nukem, but i doubt duke nukem looks like this:


and uhh remember to blow the picture up to full size by clicking on that thingy in the bottom right corner.
i'm assuming that picture is motion blurred bizzy420?
i hate putting up specs but ...damn it
Gateway 2.4 gig p4
1gig Corsair Twinx-4000Pro ram
tons of speakers
all i know is i'm way over recomended specs and i'm getting med crap yet my best friend has a dell 2gig p4 with my old gforce4200 with a gig of ram and he says he's getting the highest settings with shiny surfaces
i'm poor and yes now i'm complaining
woah, $650, you have complete rights to be disappointed :|
since when does a 9800xt cost 650 bucks? u were ripped off my friend... its probably ur sound card, since i bought a new one and everything was fine. didn valve release a fix already? or does it not work?
jameth what do u mean by motion blurring? i just used the patch on the steam forums.

Gjaagular, have u seen it with your own eyes, or is your friend jsut saying that? anyways, i've played on a friends system.

he has a 2.8 9800pro 1gb of ddr400. and his gameplay is very smooth, also running on high settings.

seriously, theres no way a gf4 outruns a 9800 pro. You also know that his card isnt running in DX9 right? Geforces and Fx's run in a default 8.1 path compared to 9800pros DX9 path.
The 9800XT was probably at least $400 when he bought it, which leaves $250 for the PC4000 Dimms, which could have also been that high. I don't doubt how much he paid or his problem. You have a very similar to mine (P4 2.533GHz OCed to 2.85, 1GB Corsair DDR400, Audigy 2 ZS, I have a GF 6800GT though). Your system should be fine... my guess is either (1) a software issue or (2) MB chipset/driver issue in conjunction with the large files, steam running, etc... I hope Valve figures this out for you guys.

Btw, I played Duke Nukem... and, well, errr... HL2 looks just a 'tad' bit better. Not much mind you ;)

Ps- A lot of the effect features you are talking about no one got. Those were tech demos showing what Source COULD do. HDRL and some of the other stuff is nice and all, but if it runs anything like how HDRL does on FarCry it does not matter because it is pretty much unplayable, not to metion looks cheesy (custs FPS in half, even w/o AA, compared to the same resolution running high levels of AA and AF... HDRL, at least the type in FarCry, wont even work with AA)
thanks Acert and you right we're close to the same..i cant figure it out maybe Valve hates Gateway..i dunno...but i sure did get a hard on for that tech demo of the antlion and the shiny roofs...even thoughi tried maxed out settings in a zombie dice 3 frames per sec if that...i dunno whats up but i deserve better than this....but i have played it through twice on med levels and had a good time...but its still unacceptable
yea i htink the hdr is coming out in a patch.

yea im thinking its a software/chipset problem. if ya got the time try a reformat it might help.
no offense here, but gateways arent exactly a good platform to build a 'gaming' rig. you would be better off with something like a falcon northwest or hell, even a dell XPS or a low end alienware.
You make 650$ sound like a lot of money... I've spent so much money on my PC that 650$ makes one of my GFX cards alone. You gave away your NVidia to buy an ATI-card :) hihi. Nice.
bizzy420 said:
yea i htink the hdr is coming out in a patch.

yea im thinking its a software/chipset problem. if ya got the time try a reformat it might help.

which patch you are talking about in steam forums ?
First of all the Gods of Halflife said to get an ATI 9800xt in order to get max settings...and i apologise if i'm not as rich as you Mika
GJaaGular said:
First of all the Gods of Halflife said to get an ATI 9800xt in order to get max settings...and i apologise if i'm not as rich as you Mika

Don't get me wrong. I just haven't heard about anyone else with a rig like yours complaining. It's just that a nice gaming-rig costs a lot of money...
Wait on a sec. I have a 9800 Pro, P4 3.0Ghz, 1 GB Corsair DDR400 XMS memory on an MSI 865PE motherboard. i have all the settings on their 'recommended' ones bar AA and AF which I have at 4x / 4x respectively.

I'm playing on a 26" widescreen LCD at 1360 x 760 resolution and it looks lovely...I haven't experienced a single level where the fps has dropped below the 30 mark (when you can actually see pauses). The sound skipping problem happens on occasion, but it doesn't exactly ruin the gameplay for me.

I'm convinced there is a problem with your system somewhere...I'd suggest updating your Chipset drivers, sound card drivers and graphics card drivers as a starting point, running a scandisk and defrag and also check your system for trojans/spyware etc. To get such low framerates on a system like that is just wrong. Something is up somewhere.
well i'm only on a sony trinitron 19 inch but i put my face real close....and yes ive updated every driver and defraged and i have destroyed spyware have a firewall and antivirus....yet still beyond medium gfx its just too slow to play... i havent ruled out God
You must truly be the unluckiest gamer in the world :)
If you base the cost of a game on what it costs you to build a system to run it, you forgot to include the cost of all the original components that sit alongside your $650 of new purchases.
Either that or you alternatively have forgotten to divide that $650 in buying new components between all the games you will ever use them to play.

You can't blame Valve because you spent your own money on things that are not really connected to the game at all.
well i did play through twice on med gfx...but i still feel a lil slighted but it must not be valves fault....i think i dunno what i'm gonna do maybe reinstall....oh well damn manhacks
GJaaGular said:
Halflife 2 cost me over $650 dollars...
When halflife 2 was all for ati 9800xt i bought one.....needs 512 megs of ram i bought a gig of corsair twin-4000pro high performance ram and i'm way over the system recommandations...yet i get the stu stu stutering game and no lobster shiny ant lion that i've been waiting for five years for...i've played the game through twice...i guess my $650 pays for a lot of frustration and their stu stu stuttering daughter...Hey gabe if your car dont start tomorrow gimmi a call...865-932-1171

Knoxvillian eh
I have a 9600XT with 512mb of RAM and everything is on High except the textures, if i put high quality textures on the game takes ages to load some maps (like 2-3 minutes in some cases) and it stutters pretty bad. ;( I'm gonna buy more RAM this month and see if it helps.
There is no God. Maybe this explains why you are so dumb.

First you say you are pissed that you spent $650 on HL2. Then you say that you don't care about money, because you have alot of it, and you wanted shiny ant lions or something like that. Then you say that you are just pissed that you spent alot of money and that you are poor. Now you are saying that that you are just pissed that you are too slow to play it.

I have a system thats worse than yours. An amd 2200+ sempron, Radeon 9800 SE (shitty edition), 512 ram. I run everything on high. It's called "REINSTALL WINDOWS" you lazy ****.
then somethings is definitely wrong. that card = great looking game