Forgotten Hope 0.6 coming in 3 days...


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Forgotten Hope is a Battlefield 1942 MOD, the first 0.5 version was released about 5-6 months ago. And now the 0.6 version looks extremely promising, especially the two new tanks that they made, the King Tiger (a.k.a. Königstiger/Tiger II) and the Iosef Stalin 2 heavy tank.
They have some of the most best looking skins I have ever seen in Battlefield 1942, you can really see that the FH team surely loves to work on this MOD.

Anyway, check out the two new tanks. Best looking skin and tank... EVER!

King Tiger

Iosef Stalin 2

Many more images here:

Have a look at it when it’s released, although I heard that it will be around 1 gigabyte. :(
yeah I loved the previous Forgotton hope, I been waiting on this new version to come out... 3 days you say? awesomeness.
thanks for the heads up.
Anyway, check out the two new tanks. Best looking skin and tank... EVER!


Anyway, check out the two new tanks. Best MOD... EVER!

Haven't played FH in a while, but I remember it was damn good, really brought some realism to BF1942.
The rifles needed some work, but the general idea was good.

It releases this saturday btw.
Also, there is a new video up on

They show many new things that will be included in the new version, check it out!

Personally I just love that sound in the BAR that the Americans have in Forgotten Hope, you almost get goose pimples and you don’t want to stop shooting. :D
I think the sound is from Saving Private Ryan, but I’m not sure though.

EDIT: Lol, you got me, Mr. Redundant. ;)
those parachute bombs ROCK THE HOUSE!
OMaha beach looks FANTASTIC

ooooh NO WAY!!! the machine guns on the plains EJECT SHELLS!!! Hardcore
omg this looks amazing.
Some new images on the new modelled weapons in FH which is being included in the 0.6 version, looks amazing.



More images here:
man, thats one of the best looking mods ive ever seen!
hehe bit of a crappy tiem to release a mod with BF:V just round the corner :)
fishymumma said:
hehe bit of a crappy tiem to release a mod with BF:V just round the corner :)

yeah it would be nice if they ported it to BF:V... but just cause BF:V is coming out doesnt mean Im gonna stop playing BF1942 and it's mods (just offers a different experience)
forgotten hope looks great, I cant wait for the new sounds... (sounds are pretty weak in BF1942 :/)

@ Loke: I hope the new texture packs look that Crisp ingame.
Mr. Redundant said:
@ Loke: I hope the new texture packs look that Crisp ingame.

I think they do really, but the screenshots they released during this week looks a little Photoshopped IMO. But we will have to wait and see when 0.6 is released.
Hmmm FH on BF:V engine.... mmmmm King Tiger with normal mapping :D
PvtRyan said:
Hmmm FH on BF:V engine.... mmmmm King Tiger with normal mapping :D
forget normal mapping, Gimme the undergrowth/overgrowth system, and slap in that awesome looking water...
after seeing the vids of BF:V with that ultra cool water, cruising around over water just hasnt been the same in BF1942 :(
Forgotten Hope 0.6 Pre-release has been released, its around 1.17 GB! But you must use either Bittorrent or E-Donkey to download it.
Loke said:
Forgotten Hope 0.6 Pre-release has been released, its around 1.17 GB! But you must use either Bittorrent or E-Donkey to download it.
DAaaamn thats a nice sized mod!

as for getting the pre-release, naw, it comes out tomorrow ;)
Mr. Redundant said:
as for getting the pre-release, naw, it comes out tomorrow ;)

As I' am loosing my temper, I might download the official release instead. Just 8 people that seeds and 144 that leeches.

0.6 kb/s, 100hrs left...

what time is the release... EST time ??? could u tell me when they release it??? pm me or somethin when i can download
Theres no point downloading the file because u need a password which won't be released until tomorrow.
Apollo 13 said:
Theres no point downloading the file because u need a password which won't be released until tomorrow.
well, actually this release is the "uncensored" version of the release, so if you want to grab that early this is your chance.... the version being released tomorrow is the censored version (nazi stuff etc removed).

but they will be releasing a patch to convert the censored version into the uncensored version later.
oh where do i get this then???
Pauly said:
oh where do i get this then???

At , but you need Bittorrent or E-Donkey to download the file. This is a pre-release, the official version will be released tomorrow at 19:00PM GMT. is down..mmm trafic,,,...a lot proly and is down too! and all the files sites
I don't know what the hell they are doing (maybe too many that are downloading FH... don't know), but try download from
me too!! w00t they got regular download spots up....and fileplanet also has it which is is insane mod 1.17gb?? is this really worth it?? its gunna take me 2 hours
I have no idea yet, you need a password to install Forgotten Hope 0.7. It will be released at the same time as the official release I think. :(
umm....isnt it officially released?? beacuse they no longer have just bittorrent links...they have real ddownload links
What kind of stuff are they censoring out? You mentioned Nazis....I hate to throw a spanner in the old censoring machine there but werent Nazis a critical part of World War 2?
prolly the swatsika...WHATS THE PASSWORD?? im at 30%
Pauly said:
umm....isnt it officially released?? beacuse they no longer have just bittorrent links...they have real ddownload links

No, pre-release still.

Farrowlesparrow: They have censored out the Nazi Swastika and some historical textures in the Censored Version, but you will be able to download the uncensored patch later, it will be around 20-30 MB.
ok im at 75% guys.....when are they giving the password out???? or ill just h4x it
oh 1 hour i think then...i dunno how to tell gmt time...but i think thats in 1 im almost done 85%
...I think its probably more in like three hours. I'm at -5:00 GMT, meaning it should release here at four. And right now its 1:08.
im in EST time too, direwolf...but a website i wen to said its 18:18gmt right now...soo i dunno
GAH! when I said I had the pre-release, I was wrong... I saved it to my C: drive Partition this morning (5bg) by accident, see I downloaded Firefox (mozilla) since I was using firebird before, and It has this new Download manager (pretty cool) but I assumed it was saving to my D:\ Partition (75GB) and I ran outta space on C:\... at 99.8%.

just my luck :)
ah well.
Guys, update....about 10 minutes untill password....they said the password release will be on 19:00 GMT and its 18:48 gmt...i checked multiple time zone sites