Fork, Spoon, or Knife?

Spoon, Fork, or Knife?

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fork, man. you can use it as a spoon in some cases, and it can hurt people like a knife.
I meant to vote Fork.

Spoons are basically secondary tiny bowls. Totally unnecessary. Knives? Forks can work in most cases, and if not, just get a single steak knife and share it. Forks are what's necessary. You can't twirl spaghetti with a knife!
For those of you who care, the University only stocks forks, spoons, and knifes so I am unable to steal some of the previously posted suggestions.

No chopsticks. No sporks. And no Backburner?
I got anomaly'd too. Though I at first thought it was this thread without the poll showing. Didn't think this forum was chernobyl'd
Also wtf at votes for useless knife.
I'm changing my vote to knife. I need something to protect myself when whatever Darkside is planning happens.

I'm watching you...
Spoon was my choice, but not because of how much pain it'd cause. Why would you even consider using it for something like that?

Plus, you can't eat ice cream with a knife or a fork.
Whatever you're planning Darkside, I will fight you to stop it. I've tolerated your smaller acts of evil here, but I just know you're planning something sinister this time around, and I wont stand for it!
Spoon was my choice, but not because of how much pain it'd cause. Why would you even consider using it for something like that?

Plus, you can't eat ice cream with a knife or a fork.

I beg to differ. When your out of the proper utensils, you will resort to anything. I mean, I ate Ramen last night with a broken clothes hanger. Improvisation is at its best when you're hungry. ;)
I eat Ice cream with knives and forks all the time. :O
Well technically you could scoop ice cream into your mouth with a knife, or pick it up with a fork before it melts, but it's hardly ideal. Technically you could use a spoon to cut through softer foods like a knife, but it's not the best thing for it.

I beg to differ. When your out of the proper utensils, you will resort to anything. I mean, I ate Ramen last night with a broken clothes hanger. Improvisation is at its best when you're hungry. ;)
Ramen you can slurp without any utensils at all. ;)

But why not just wash your dishes? Don't be lazy.

Whatever you're planning Darkside, I will fight you to stop it. I've tolerated your smaller acts of evil here, but I just know you're planning something sinister this time around, and I wont stand for it!
You are a silly dog. That's why I like you.


Alternatively, knork:
You become desensitised to it after about two thirds of an episode.
But it doesn't work so well when the ice cream is starting to melt.

Also, you can cut a cake with a big enough spoon.
But it doesn't work so well when the ice cream is starting to melt.

Also, you can cut a cake with a big enough spoon.

It works plenty well! I just can't get the little bits that are all melted when I finish eating. Which isn't that much to be honest, since unless you're eating a shitload of icecream it doesn't take a long time to eat and where you have a huge portion of it melted in a soupy mess.

The real workhorses of the world are the forks. Pitchfork, Forklift, etc etc.

Are there any spoons in the road, knives in the road? No. There are forks in the road!

Do people have knifed tongues or spooned tongues? No! They have forked tongues!