Forsaken Forever



Hey all, i got recommended to join up on this site by a friend and i know why

anyways my reason for this post is to talk about my upcoming modification for HL2, Its called Forsaken Forever as u can tell by the title of my post.

Basicly its Marine vs Marine NS but we're adding weapons, new textures, made maps etc, we're planning to have the first beta by christmas if that.

The map we're starting is called FF_firstrun and will be changed to FF_Firstfight upon release (again i say if we get that far!) It is composed of 2 ships facing off in space, at the begining of the game a bridge will come across and connect the 2 ships together, adding a choke point, whoever controls the bridge is free to do as they want, also the main bridge is destructable therefore we're adding a AUX.bridge incase some bright spark finds the hidden pipes leading to the panel controling the bridge in the oxygen pipes.

The mod will revolve around a couple of maps which we plan to modify for different styles of play e.g assualt, facing off against hoards of aliens.

Anyway i'd like to hear what u guys out there think, is it a good idea or a lost cause, tell me i wont bite a promise ^_^

First of all i am the person who recomended RavenOfAzerath.

Raven and I are the current modding team for Forsaken Forever. I am the mapper for the mod and Raven is the Moddler. We are both newbs to scripting so we shall see where we go from there.
Sounds retarded. This is based off the HL1 mod, Natural Selection? If so...then you're going to need alot more than scripts to make a Marine vs Marine gameplay setup. Either of you code? Because this looks like it's going to go no where, ever.
well as i said the idea came from it, i'm not dumb enough to base an entire mod around a style of play from another mod 1. it would be lame 2. theres no sense of satisfaction coming out of it.

also we're not the only people doing this, i have a few friends helping me out and we can code, just not very well

if you think its a lost cause, well thats ur opinion and i appreicate it but that doesnt mean a i agree with you.
Honestly I think the mod has no potential, and maybe you should start off with something simpler, like maybe changing a few values around in HL2.

cout << "Hello World!"; isn't going to get you very far :eek:
Pesmerga said:
Honestly I think the mod has no potential, and maybe you should start off with something simpler, like maybe changing a few values around in HL2.

cout << "Hello World!"; isn't going to get you very far :eek:


And you guys do know that there are already two very popular mods, titled Fortress-Forever and Forsaken? At first I thought this thread was a joke and you were writing a mock combo mod concept so everyone could laugh at you.
Forsaken owns. Not Forsaken forever, but just Forsaken, the mod. Its one of the best ones out there so far...

could get a wee bit confuddling.


cout << "Hello world!" << endl;
would be more appropriate.
cout << "Hello world!\n" does it with less lines.

Does anyone else hate when people refer to programming as "scripting"? "Scripting" and "Coding" are distinctly different things. "Scripting" involves the writing of external files that are intepreted by the game DLLs on a game run. "Coding" is where you actually make changes to the DLLs. Coding is a lot harder, and a lot more powerful.

My advice? Rethink the name, it's already taken by something quite popular with the community. Learn coding, because you're unlikely to find someone to do it for you.

-Angry Lawyer
well i suppose if there are already mods out there with similar name we should rethink the name.

but i refuse to give up on my ideas for this mod, if everyone gave up on things because a few people think there lame the structure of life we live in would cease to exist, i agree it seems daunting even to me but as i said i wont give in.

also Forsaken Forever was kinda a 2 min name so i'm not fussed about it too much.

Everyone starts with nothing and builds upwards and mr. Pesmerga you'll find going round slaggin peoples ideas off, and i quote "sounds retarded", you make a quite a few enemys in the world.
RavenofAzerath said:
Everyone starts with nothing and builds upwards

That's only true if you're willing to put a lot of your blood into a mod. Learning coding, and doing it alongside mapping - that's dedication, and that impresses people to join your team.

People like strong leaders. Lead by example.

-Angry Lawyer
giving in is a sign of weakness

the truth is: i can code just very basicly, i learn things quick and lastly i dont give in on my friends, also i'm not doing the mapping i have the coding, modeling and scripting to think about

i mean, is it me or am i being ganged up on for wanting to share my ideas with the community? then people come and slag them off for no obvious reason to me

and as u said angry lawyer (in my mind) scripting is easy as eating monkfish coding is like pulling teeth, so i plan to learn to code better and as u said lead by example.
I think people were a little riled by
Basicly its Marine vs Marine NS but we're adding weapons, new textures, made maps etc

The way you phrased it makes it seem like you just want to create Natural Selection, but your version's going to be better because you're "adding weapons, new textures, made maps etc"

If you've got the guts to code, then all the power to you. Coders are what get a mod off the ground. Mappers and artistic content providers are what keep it in the air.

-Angry Lawyer
Ah if only those motivational phrases got anyone anywhere.

I think you're underestimating C++. I've gotten about half way through the basics and it gets more difficult with each passing topic.
i think your underestimating my abities to learn quickly, you hardly know me yet you feel the need to make assumtions such as your previous statement. i agree C++ is hard to learn but you'd be surprised what you learn by just reading it over and over again, i simply scan the pages and grasp what occurs to me at that time then go back and read somemore later on
no ya think? i've been working on this mod for a few weeks tops and they've been on theirs for a year

also how does "This Forsaken will be better." assist me at this moment in time?
i'm asking for contructive critism not how rubbish my mod will be
(even though u've seen nothing of it)

you know this is starting to annoy me, i wanted to share my idea with the community and yet i get slapped in the face by a load of comments that are as much use to me as being shot in the foot
No one cares, you've got nothing to show for your work.

Lots of people have ideas for mods, but few ever do anything about it.
well thats correct some hardly do anything about it, but we have been working on the mod constantly, since summer hols started i've been on the computer modeling, scripting even some basic coding for the mod.

also i tell u what pesmerga how bout you leave me to my own accords, i did want constructive critism not a smoking hole in my foot.

i dont give a damn if you lot think its not worth it cuz its my mod and i'l put all my effort into it, i'll show you all.

No really, that made me smile. By the way, Teen Titans is a shitty show.
oh really? well dude u got a shitty attitude and dont think just cuz ur a senior member i respect you, i respect the back end of a cow more
Hey, that's enough. Pesmergia gets my respect because he's actually teaching himself coding.

The best way to get respect on these boards, Raven, is to create something and show it off. Don't start out by asking for a team for your mod. Start out by making some decent maps/models/code, show them off on the relevant board, and in those threads ask if people want to help you.

-Angry Lawyer
Dont underestimate C++. Its a VERY hard language to learn. You cant really teach it to yourself easily; here is what I suggest.

Get an internship, for coding in C++. You learn more then you could ever teach yourself in a job, or internship, or whatever.

You may be able to learn fast, I beleive you. HOWEVER...
Just because you can learn fast doesn't mean you can learn WELL. You have to have someone there saying, "No, thats not the right way to do it."

You CANNOT just teach yourself how to code.
fair enough, thats the kinda thing i want (Constructive critism!)
Puzzlemaker said:
You CANNOT just teach yourself how to code.

I did. I taught myself C++ last year, through loads of reading, and fiddling with the HL1 SDK. But then again, I've been using programming languages since I was 13 (I taught myself BASIC on my dad's Atari 800), so I've always had a knack for it.

-Angry Lawyer
5 years ago me and my friends taught ourselfs TIBASIC on our TI-83s in leui of learning Algerbra. We made some mean text-based RPGS.. and by the end of the year we made a graphical RPG... it was pretty awsome... there were 2 cities and a "wilderness area" between them. And combat was text based still... but you moved on the maps graphically... top down. It was really awesome.

I have a C++ book, and it's something I'd really like to learn, but I just haven't had the time/motivation to do it.
Raven, it is possible that you are underestimating the amount of work it takes to create a mod. This time also includes game design. To be blunt, I think your idea will not be fun. I say you might be underestimating it because like many others you are a novice modder looking to lead a total conversion based almost entirely on an existing mod.
It will take at least a year before you can produce decent quality code in C++. It will take months before you can model and export decent models. Mapping, the same deal.
If you're really determined to do this, more power to you. Please think of an original idea though. Good luck.