Fortnightly Modelling Contest Number 1: Discussion


Jun 8, 2003
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Fortnightly Modelling Contest Number 1: Discussion


Use this thread to discuss this week's entries. Compliments and constructive criticism are encouraged here, so long as it is kept constructive
sweet, i guess it was just a matter of time before we were gonna have one of these.
EDIT: w00t first modeling discussion post :D
I'll wait for the next comp i think. Just making a Santa Gun doesnt really give me the enthusiasm to go out and model one :P
Short_Fuse said:
I'll wait for the next comp i think. Just making a Santa Gun doesnt really give me the enthusiasm to go out and model one :P

aye, i know, but come on, i'm stuck for idea's give me your ideas people :cheese:, see i even smiled nicely
Hmmm, ideas for a modeling contest.
There are so many possibilities (I'm thinking along the lines of stuff that might be in a children's drawing contest):
Modelling a house of the future, creating some sort of fantasy creature, maybe some-opne could come up with a description of something and everyone has to model their interpritation of it, create your own civilisation (sounds like a Sims expansion pack) and then make a scene from that considering what clothes people would wear, where they would live etc., maybe take a popular book/film/game and create either a character from it (in the case of a book) or a character you could imagine fitting in to the film/game/book or whatever, take fairy tale character and model that, take a picture of a character and try to work out what sort of weapon it would carry and make that. I can come up with more if I think about it. These would all work for the art contest as well, but I'm giving them to you because of the weakness of the idea you started with.
Hazza said:
Hmmm, ideas for a modeling contest.
There are so many possibilities (I'm thinking along the lines of stuff that might be in a children's drawing contest):
Modelling a house of the future, creating some sort of fantasy creature, maybe some-opne could come up with a description of something and everyone has to model their interpritation of it, create your own civilisation (sounds like a Sims expansion pack) and then make a scene from that considering what clothes people would wear, where they would live etc., maybe take a popular book/film/game and create either a character from it (in the case of a book) or a character you could imagine fitting in to the film/game/book or whatever, take fairy tale character and model that, take a picture of a character and try to work out what sort of weapon it would carry and make that. I can come up with more if I think about it. These would all work for the art contest as well, but I'm giving them to you because of the weakness of the idea you started with.

Hazza you be a genious you be, man i loves you :P, i didn't think of that at all.... :(
I really like the idea of having a picture of a character then making a weapon that that character would use. or using written discriptions for characters then making a model after that.

yeah I'm also skipping this contest. I'm kinda all Christmased out. still looking forward to the next one tho.
ive got quite a cool idea, but im not sure if i can make it, as i have mock GCSEs ( England ) when i go back to school, so i might have to skip this one. if someone who has time wants to borrow my idea, as long as they give me some credit, ill gladly tell you.

that makes it sound impressive, you might think otherwise, i dont know :p
Who picked this topic??? This topic may work in an art contest, but this isn't the kind of stuff 3D modelers are interseted in. I'm opting out of this one. I vote that we model a tank, hummer/buggy/jeep, low poly tree, damaged building, melee weapon, misc rubble/junk, etc... Modeling does take a bit of time an effort to do, and I imagine most of us here would rather put our work to some use (as in make something useful for our MOD projects at the same time as doing the contest).

Getting a few reference pictures ready before the contest would probably help if we're going to do something more specific.
modelling a low poly tree doesnt sound much more interesting, and nor does a humvee. the majority want something where we can individually add something or come up with the design, some bones, around which we can put some flesh and skin.
could we have two seperate catagory's. high poly model competitions, and low poly.. and keeping the subject on HL2, Cause of its origionality, its way more fun doin HL2 stuff... (modelling guns and humvee's isnt really my idea of fun either, it gets done too much.)
or you could have a 'Scene' and 'character' catagory, two seperate comps running at the same time, then people choose which they want to enter, maybe even both. Keeping it realistic though. :E
I know that a low poly tree or a humvee may not sound "interesting." What I really think would make a good contest would be to have people create a explorable enviroment. People submit as many as 4 images to convey the enviroment they are creating to show that it would look good in a game or in real life.

I think this would be a rather flexible option allowing people to be creative, while allowing people to sue this work in their own MODs.

Clarky003: Making 2-4 contest categories for a modeling contest on a gaming site is ridiculous.
How about something that will stretch your imagination? Like model your dream car. Or maybe model your dream computer. I don't know.
Hazza said:
... take a picture of a character and try to work out what sort of weapon it would carry and make that. ...

That is a very interesting idea that would be very fun to do. It could also work the other way around, as in being given a weapon and designing and modeling the character you think would carry such a weapon. Allowing the artists to use their imaginations while still sticking to a similar theme is much more fun than having everyone model a specific object.
Either way, give stone some slack... It's a pain to make these competitions work and I respect the hard work he has to go through to setup this contest. It's been a while in the making, and he finally got it all ready to go. The first week's idea might not be what everyone is interested in, but give it time and keep giving suggestions. It took the art contest a while to get going also.

Good luck Stone, and thanks.
Heh you might win... No one else posted one. I will try to see what I can do.
i think nostradamus won this one.........

right if someone would like to give me the details (PM me it) i will post the first REAL modelling Comp :P

oh well, can't blame me for trying.... :p