Fortress Forever is the pre-emiment community created Team Fortress modification. American, Australian, and European TFC still have active leagues with many clans participating. Although TFC's numbers don't rival the ever vigilant Counterstrike, rest assured, that those still playing TFC remain steadfast in their love for one of the greatest games ever made. [br]</br>Tonight brings us a new media feast, involving the fastest of all the classes, the scout. Well known TFC European mapper, Defrag, has been hard at work on several maps, but his remake of Bases has made a lot of progress that's being shown tonight.[br]</br>Also check out the new sound effect for the Napalm grenade on the media page, simply by clicking on it (created by Ghroth). [br][br]To learn more about Fortress Forever, visit their website.[br]</br>To join their ever growing online community, register with their forums.