Fortress Forever - Dustbowl Video


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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The Fortress-Forever team have released a new video clip containing gameplay footage of their dustbowl map. There are a number of file sizes available and you can grab the video at their home page here.
Any progress on the beta side of things or has that been abandoned?
Well, obviously there will be a beta test...
Any progress on the beta side of things or has that been abandoned?
The SDK update kinda derailed us and every other mod for a few weeks, in fact, we would've had this video out weeks ago but we didn't have a linux server to play on (as the sdk wouldn't compile on linux, then it was crashing on linux). We're working hard on getting the mod ship-shape. Apologies for the generic "hey dudes, it's done when it's done" comment, but it's all I can offer you :)
Looking exciting! Can't wait can't wait!!

EDIT: Please tell me 2fort media's next!
Next vidio should show each class more clearly.
or atleast show as the HW guy and the sniper in action.
But this game looks so cool.
Loving it!
Some of that footage was created many weeks ago and certain things were missing from the mod back then, so we couldn't really feature a few things.
Ugh, lame, there's someone bunny hopping in pretty much every shot. The internets have spoken - TF2 > FF.
Ugh, lame, there's someone bunny hopping in pretty much every shot. The internets have spoken - TF2 > FF.

TF2=well comes with ep.2 which everyone will buy anyway, but standalone...NOT SO FREE:eek:
Yes, I was a HUGE tfc pub player, and have always been opposed to bhopping. It almost ruined TFC, and wall help to ensure fewer people will get into FF. By promoting the skills of the elite, you're creating barriers for new players - which is one of the reasons why TFC has died - no one wants to join and play against the few remaining hardcore players.

And yes, I kow, you're making it easier to bhop in FF to help the nubs. But why not just remove it? It's a silly skill.
The game was created with the majority of TFC players' interests in mind. Not having bhopping would be like taking out scouts. IMHO anyway.

Besides, Mike.G, you've done nothing but nay-say about this mod since the first post I saw. Why the hate? ;(
Having the majority of TFC players in mind is a BAD idea, considering how dead TFC is - and the fact that most TFC players are elitist snobs who insist on changing nothing, so they can pwn every n00b in this game too. I would be ALL FOR this game if they took some initiative and used some innovation -instead we have a TFC clone - and TFC was great in it's day, but this mod is doomed for failure. The announcement of TF2 has ensured that, too.
lol might wanna read up about it rather than making uneducated assumptions
Having the majority of TFC players in mind is a BAD idea, considering how dead TFC is - and the fact that most TFC players are elitist snobs who insist on changing nothing, so they can pwn every n00b in this game too. I would be ALL FOR this game if they took some initiative and used some innovation -instead we have a TFC clone - and TFC was great in it's day, but this mod is doomed for failure. The announcement of TF2 has ensured that, too.
I said this to you before and I'll say it again: I dare you to post that in the FF forums.
dude stop redirecting trolls to FF :upstare:

SUPERB clip! awesome work with dustbowl.
silly devs :dozey:
Uhm I agree with Mike.G.

But its their mod so...

And I seem to remember I did post it on the FF forums. But who cares the design decision has allready been taken.

The majority of tfc players left are -> Elitist snobs. Its a fact.

I'd hate being a newbie trying out tfc today. Back in 98 people were friendly. Now its newb this and newb that.

I don't mind people getting skilled at a game but let it be something generic and intuitive.

If you are good at aiming you get more kills.
If you are good at movement you dodge more bullets.

Theres nothing intuitive about the "Concussion" (its not called a fly grenade is it ?) grenade making you fly through the air?

Theres nothing intuitive about choosing a "medic" and never heal or infect?

Theres nothing intuitive about jumping, using only sidestep buttons and rotating ur mouse will movie you faster FORWARD (without using the forward button?)?

Besides if people wanna move faster theres the sv_maxspeed command. Just let everybody run at twice the speed.

But the "i wanna look pro" factor wins over "i want speedy gameplay" anyday doesnt it?

N e ways... I'm bitter...

And TFC does need a graphical update.... So keep up the good work FF ...
There's a movement cap just like TFC. We can alter it as necessary; i.e. if bhop is too fast or effective, we can take the sting out of it. Also, jumping in FF is more like the quake based games -- it's easier to learn to bunny hop as a result, and it also eliminates the resulting two tier system in TFC where people were scripting things to achieve better consistency.

The training system should also help with this.

Furthermore, I find it somewhat baffling that you are criticising us for being unoriginal when, at the present time, there is very little new stuff on show in the TF2 video other than aesthetic changes thus far (obviously there are TF2 changes in store, but we haven't seen much yet other than a cool video showing off the look more than anything). If you look at our video again, there's quite a few new things on display (spy disguise theft, pyro IC arc, sg build indicator, assault cannon overheat bar etc) and I can assure you there's more to come. It's not a straight TFC clone. Is it closer to TFC than an entirely new game? Absolutely. Is it a TFC clone? No.
I said this to you before and I'll say it again: I dare you to post that in the FF forums.

I posted this in the FF forums months ago, and all I got was snobby faboi's telling me I'm wrong - they dont want discussion or innovation, they want TFC:S, even if they wont admit it. I want a game that will attract new crowds, because as far as I'm concerned, TFC has never been so fun as it was in it's first 2 years, when everyone was a n00b, bhop didn't eist (to any real extent), and people played for fun instead of to pwn new players.

Defrag - if you're making it an easy system anyhow, why not just remove it? Solves the ridiculous looking bouncing player models, as will be much more encouraging to new players.

As the mod stands now, I know I'm only going to play it until TF2 comes out (presumably FF will come out first, but I wouldn't put money on it). TF2 has better graphics and more innovation, from a team who really cares about community and pub play. I dont care what anyone says, Valve is more community-oriented than any other developer, and have the original TF desginers on their team.
spy disguise theft, pyro IC arc, sg build indicator, assault cannon overheat bar etc) and I can assure you there's more to come.

Every one of these changes is entirely superficial, and will have no real effect on gameplay. And having the AC overheat is just lame.
Every one of these changes is entirely superficial, and will have no real effect on gameplay. And having the AC overheat is just lame.
Well, I'll disagree with you on that. Spy disguise theft means a sneaky player can kill someone and remain disguised. The IC arc means that the weapon is almost entirely different to use now -- it's like firing a hand-held mortar and has a kickback effect, you can fire projectiles into positions other weapons can't reach and it is no longer the rocket launcher's worthless brother. The AC overheat means that a HW can't just stand mowing everyone down in yard situations. The idea being that players have to keep the AC revved up at the maximum speed without going over the overheat threshold -- i.e. it is no longer indiscrimate, never ending firing. The closer to the overheat the AC is, the faster it fires, so players can either play it safe or try and keep it in the danger zone. It allows players to use it as they see fit depending on the situation, plus it stops people just wailing on everyone without thinking about it. The engy build indicator is pretty superficial, but it's also very useful. You can also build sentries using the 'slots' as weapons, reorientate sentries by clicking using the VGUI and lots more stuff that makes sense from a usability standpoint. We've tried to simplify the interface and make it more intuitive for new and old players alike.

Why retain bunnyhopping? It's fun. If it ends up being unpopular, we will take steps to remedy the problem -- we're not above doing what is required. I guess valve being the quintessential community oriented developer means they were wrong to leave bhop in TFC while removing it in all other official valve games? You can't have it both ways. We've retained it in FF (albiet in a different format) just as Valve retained it in TFC. Valve listened to the TFC players, otherwise it would've been entirely eliminated.

TF2 has better graphics and more innovation, from a team who really cares about community and pub play
More innovation how exactly? Aesthetically it has had a huge overhaul and it is clear we can't compete with Valve in terms of art, direction and quality. I'm not being a sour puss here, but Valve's TF2 trailer has shown little in terms of new gameplay so far. We've seen an engy building a sentry, soldiers rocket jumping, snipers headshotting, scouts running, demos blowing stuff up etc. I'm not having a go at Valve as I think TF2 looks great, but if you're having a go at us for a perceived lack of originality and innovation based on a video, then I don't see why Valve isn't receiving the same criticism. Thus far, the only discernable difference between TF2 and traditional TF is the graphics. This may obviously change as they release more information, but ultimately you're making judgements on the same information all of us have, information that just doesn't support your case at the present time.

Anyway, I'll leave this here as I have to get back to modding :p
I'm a TFC elitist snob having played TFC for many years. I don't care if the change a few things, but I'd rather they don't. Why? Well because it's the best game I've ever played online and I see no reason to make huge changes to the best gameplay ever.
Defrag may feel the necessity to placate one person's view on the game but personally, I couldn't give a crap what you think.

If you don't want to play it, don't. There'll be plenty of people that do. People that haven't spit their dummy out of the pram and are willing to try it based on their love for Team Fortress and not what other people say or do.

FF will be popular. Anybody with any sense will play both FF and TF2 and enjoy both on their merits.
Mike.G, I don't know what you were trying to prove, but trolling and heralding the doom of FF on their own forums is a very stupid thing to do. I also find your concerns about FF not attracting a new crowd and failing to hold popularity a very weak assumption. If you caught flak from their community and now you're catching it here, I think it'd be safe to say that there is a lot of support and anticipation for this game. Jesus, I mean if one of FF's own developers is here trying to refute your doubts, I think there's something everyone new and old can look forward to in its release.

And if being an elitist prick for not wanting new innovations and keeping things simple scares you off, I'll be glad you won't be around to ruin my fun.
Wowee, people get excited about this mod vs TF2. Seriously, you can play both, just one or maybe the other. Complaining about this is like saying your a jerk for playing Starcraft cause I play FarCry. They are called different games, neither FF or TF2 is TFC, TFC is TFC and that will never change.

I'm no bhop fan and usually only play on anti-bhop servers and I've played TFC since shortly after it came out. I disagree with the bhop being in TFC and people saying well it's there so it should be, before people figured out bhopping and concing to the extent it is now, Valve had already stopped putting out updates, it was an abandoned game (unless there have been updates in the past couple of years that I haven't noticed). I liked the slower game play, it made it not so much like quake. And by the speed of people moving about the screen in the video, it unfortunately reminds me of quake, but I can see a lot of people liking that.

That being said, the first thing I'm doing in FF if bhop isn't bound to a key is replacing UP with a bind to a bhop script. Why run when run isn't the fastest speed. why not make bhop the default run and than make run walk (gad, i sound like ordering a tall/small at starbucks). I would like a modifier such as stamina to bhop like sprinting in most other games.

nitpicking aside, awesome work, it's a fantastic looking mod and I am ever grateful as a player to the mod community to keep my games fresh and new.
hey dingus, wanna do a little experiment?

what you need to do is to read some online tutorial on bhoping in TFC or some other movement technique from .. let's say this site
then you do some practice on it.

gonna take you a while but never mind.

then you play some TFC on some proper servers.

then you get back here and tell us if you think this statment was valid or just a clueless brain fart (no offense, jo)
dingus said:
Why run when run isn't the fastest speed. why not make bhop the default run and than make run walk (gad, i sound like ordering a tall/small at starbucks). I would like a modifier such as stamina to bhop like sprinting in most other games.
hey dingus, wanna do a little experiment?

what you need to do is to read some online tutorial on bhoping in TFC or some other movement technique from .. let's say this site
then you do some practice on it.
I was going to rant, but got busy with work...groan...anyhoo, no rant.. but...
You illustrate my point well, from the site .....
Buttons: Jump + Swing Mouse + Left Strafe
Jump + Swing Mouse + Right Strafe
Then repeat the pattern....
me=casual gamer, i get to play maybe at tops 2 hours a week and usually just enough to play one map at a time, busy guy. no time for "practicing" how to move. all of the other gamers I know are in the same boat, just casual, we're all IT guys holding down sometimes crazy hours.

anyhoo, i can see both sides of the arguement, one is more complex movements that require practicing which I guarentee will remove casual gamers or a more simplistic game in line with many other games. but i can remember being young and learning BASIC so I could input "additional info" into old games on my Apple II, sometimes complex is fun, but ya got to have the time.

so to answer you, yeah, it's a valid statement. and after having read many forums on the subject (particulary the FFvsTF2 ones) it seems to be a widely supported statement. not sure how it's coming as news to you? maybe brainfart?:naughty:

so sorry to have an opinion, cause i forgot to consult you first before i got out of bed today:E gad, don't have time to proofread flame disclaimer, not tryign to get anyone riled up, just want to say some people know everything about bhop, but still don't like it.
So you understand that getting skill at anything is a little time consuming. Especially skill-based-games. I'm mean, we're not talking about Counter Strike here are we? /troll mode off :sniper:

And no, it's actually ok to have an opinion. It just doesn't help you much when you have no clue ;)
Also you should stop reading those TF2vsFF threads (espesially on if you know what i mean..) untill peeps will get some idea on how TF2 is gonna be like. Cuz frankly no one ****ing knows yet.

Anyway, find some time on some weekend and for the love of Team Fortress, learn to bhop. It's fun :imu:
I posted this in the FF forums months ago, and all I got was snobby faboi's telling me I'm wrong - they dont want discussion or innovation, they want TFC:S, even if they wont admit it. I want a game that will attract new crowds, because as far as I'm concerned, TFC has never been so fun as it was in it's first 2 years, when everyone was a n00b, bhop didn't eist (to any real extent), and people played for fun instead of to pwn new players.

Defrag - if you're making it an easy system anyhow, why not just remove it? Solves the ridiculous looking bouncing player models, as will be much more encouraging to new players.

As the mod stands now, I know I'm only going to play it until TF2 comes out (presumably FF will come out first, but I wouldn't put money on it). TF2 has better graphics and more innovation, from a team who really cares about community and pub play. I dont care what anyone says, Valve is more community-oriented than any other developer, and have the original TF desginers on their team.

You make me laugh. You seem to be very angry. I think you just got owned to much and can't handle it so your just taking your frustration out on people that play better then you.

If you want to talk about when TFC started to die you have to go way back to when the net code changed. Thats when TFC lost allmost half it's player base.
good thing the mod is free.... i wanted to purchase it or pre order it after that video!

i think ill build an sg outside the hore house to protect the hores :sniper:
The bottom line that nobody is noticing here, is that if Mike.G stays away from the game, everyone wins. Good riddance.
If you're a fan of TFC and don't like how Valve have treated TF2, play FF. If you like what like what they've done, then play TF2. No reason to go bitching about the other.