Fortress Forever Media Update


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
Reaction score
Good news folks, I have managed to hide Sui's crayons from
him long enough to post a good old fashioned news story. Our home page appears
to have taken a strange turn in the last few days but hopefully it should return
to near-normality today.[br]
A Team Fortress modification who I'm sure everyone is aware of has released four
new screenshots today yet again showing off their exceptional work. You can view
these and more at the Fortress
Forever home page

Thank god.
While comics are nice, a news site is not where they belong.
At least, not replacing the news people come here to see.
Ah finally some normal news again...

Nice media update :) Looks good!
Hmm ammo count on the autocannon and a PSI (ammo?) indicator on the flamethrower. Does that mean they're going to go with a minimal hud? There's something on the rocket launcher that looks like it'd be able to show how many rockets were still available (although the model does that, too), but I can't find any other weapons that seem to do this.

You can also see the disorientating effects of the conc grenade sneaking into the right of the autocannon/well screenshot.
sniper now has a laser beam, might that provide a really easy way to find hiding snipers? Anyway looks great, here's hoping the beta that I forgot about comes out soon.
The lighting on Well, in the middle of the map with the water, looks a bit dull to me, but doesn't take away the fact that I will play this mod when it comes out :p.
yay, news FTW! :D

Fortress Forever looks nice, I can't wait to play it. Hopfully their beta comes along smoothly.
It's clearly not a dodge animation, it's some form of concussion grenade effect or something with a shader similar to the charging of the strider cannon / hopwire in episode 1.
Wow, looking great.
I like the dark & gritty looks of the maps. n.n
looks great but I'm not too sure on the sniper's laser beam... it gives away his position immediatly
Yeah I agree with the sniper beam. Very silly, the dot gave the sniper away but you had to work out where he was coming from. Anyway most lazer sights mean that you only see the dot anyway so it makes no sense.
Crispy: We're still going to go with a "normal" HUD. It's gone through many iterations, but I think it's being finalized now.

WhiteZero: that's a worldspace warp effect from the scout's conc (as opposed to a dodge effect)

surfer^rosa: you'll only be able to see the sniper's laser beem if it's within a limited number of degrees within your field of view. If you had dozens of snipers in the yard, you'd only see the beams if they were aiming near you. If you start seeing lots of beams as a player, it'd be a good indicator for you to WATCH OUT hehe. :imu:
Sui was pwning the news board. It was an original and funny way to present them... I hope he'll be back soon to kick some zombie asses :dork:

schtoofa:"you'll only be able to see the sniper's laser beem if it's within a limited number of degrees within your field of view." I'm really not sure about this, I mean you can easily see on the screen shots some lasers that are not pointed near you. The sniper beam maybe appear only when the sniper is charging his shot, if not... it's sad.

I want 2_fort !!! :cool:

Sui was pwning the news board. It was an original and funny way to present them... I hope he'll be back soon to kick some zombie asses :dork:

schtoofa:"you'll only be able to see the sniper's laser beem if it's within a limited number of degrees within your field of view." I'm really not sure about this, I mean you can easily see on the screen shots some lasers that are not pointed near you. The sniper beam maybe appear only when the sniper is charging his shot, if not... it's sad.

I want 2_fort !!! :cool:


hehe, what I said wasn't the case in those shots :p it's a change made since we made those screen captures.

Sui, break the mould once more! Have some fun on t'internet!
Are you planing to change the HL1 mapping style (box maps with no props or interesting scenery)?
Are you planing to change the HL1 mapping style (box maps with no props or interesting scenery)?

If you're looking for lush scenery I don't think TF in general is the game for you.

It's all about the gameplay. ;)

That said, I feel the FF team has done a wonderful job with mapping.
Adding a bunch of props would wreck it. When the game comes out, try playing a CS map on it. Every time you conc you'll get stuck on pipes/brush etc.

That said they've jazzed up the dullness from HL1. The architecture is superb and all curvey.

And I'm a fan of not having Sui's drawings, because people talk more about those than the content of the media.
ROCK!! This made my weekend. FF FTW WW!

... the extra W's were for symmetry
This was posted on the FF forums about the sniper laser: said:
just a clarification- the sniper laser beam is being tweaked so it's only visible within a few basically by the time you see it you are pretty much a dead man.
Every FF update looks nicer than the last. Cant wait to play :)