Fortress Forever Media

...and your reasoning is? You just saw a video that didn't display any gameplay what-so-ever. It just showed you the characters. I love the TF2 video, but I wouldn't be taking sides just yet. But fine, go ahead and be naive and ignorant and rant and rave before you have anything that definitively proves your point. GG

And what have we seen from FF? No videos whatsoever, and a handful of odd pics. And from what we can see, it's a rehash of TFC - who the **** wants a remake of TFC, when they can have this excellent, innovative, fresh title?
We have no idea of TF2's gameplay thus we don't know anything innovative in either.

How can you watch that video and have any doubt that this will be an innovative title? Even if it's just graphical changes (which it WONT be), it's still clearly an innovative change to a dying series.
And what have we seen from FF? No videos whatsoever, and a handful of odd pics. And from what we can see, it's a rehash of TFC - who the **** wants a remake of TFC, when they can have this excellent, innovative, fresh title?

No videos? Well, nothing's been posted on the front page, but there are two 15 second clips of demoman and soldier reload animation in action. As for something official, the FF team is putting together a video as we speak for an upcoming media update. A handful of odd pics? Do you ever go beyond the news update here? There is a whole cornucopia of pictures on that website, and even some pictures of leaks on the boards. Obviously, you don't do your homework.

Yes, from what you see is a good categorization of your inability to dig even further. Yes, FF is based on TFC (models, movement, etc.), but it is not a direct port to Source. There are tons of dev journal postings and discussions on the forums of how different this game is from TFC.

So, TF2 is still blowing FF out of the water? In 7 years, VALVe has only given you 1 video and a teaser screen shot. None of which tells you anything about the gameplay, it just introduces you to the classes and lets you see a little bit of 2fort. On the other hand, FF has been in development for 2 1/2+ years and has given you tons upon tons of information about the game. So how are you going to sit there and tell me there is no innovation in FF? And who is to say TF2 has tons innovative changes in gameplay? Do you even have solid proof to show to the rest of the world about this? Didn't think so, even though you claim so in the last post you made.

In summation, you just end up showing your ignorance about the matter. I have no doubt FF and TF2 are going to be great games that end up re-writting the way people think about fortress-style play. I believe anyone who is taking a side so early on without even knowing about how the gameplay is or actually playing the game yourself is just downright retarded. Everyone needs to have an open mind about this and wait until after both games are out to be like FF>/<TF2. Until that day comes when we can play the two games, your one-sided opinions are worthless and you should consider not posting them at all.

true hl2 fans will play FF and respect it for what it is. they'll be proud of how successful the community has become in creating a mod that is comparable to valve. even so, we haven't seen enough of either game (especially tf2) to be able to judge them properly.

but so far i like the idea of portal better than tf2. if i saw more gameplay from tf2, i could change my mind.
I will definitely be giving both TF2 and FF a major workout before deciding which game to devote the majority of my time on. 2006 is turning out to be an exceptional year for pc gaming!

TF2 is coming early 2007
so 2007 will be an exeptional year too :cheers:
Mike.G, you might want to be a little more educated before you spout your bullshit. Had you known anything about FF at all, which it's clear you don't, you'ld know that the devs understand it's a dying game, and thus are not making a rehash of TFC, as they know that would fail.

Additionally, they've released a few videos so far, which show how the game plays, instead of the TF2 video which shows jack-shit. They also have a big video coming out in a week or two.

So next time, before you post, try knowing what it is you're talking about.
I've very disapointed, where are the unskinned renders?
LOL, on what planet did TFC 'fail'?

Most developers would give their collective left arm to 'fail' the way TFC/TF1.5 did.
I think FF has the potential to be more popular than TF2. The mod looks of a very high quality, and is soon to be released. All TF fans (and even those that arent yet fans) will probably check it out, and it doesnt take a huge stretch of imagination to assume that for a few months atleast it will have many people playing it, simply for the "new" factor. Once people have gotten used to it (and if its popular), will people really want to then go and pay money for TF2, which will feature essentially the same style of gameplay but with a much more cartoony/unique art style ?
I still play tfc, it's still great :p. It certainly has not died. But sure there aren't as many players as before however do remember that it did come out many years ago now :p.

Either way I have a feeling that TF2 will be very much simular to FF apart from FF will be a source replica of TFC pretty much and TF2 will be TFC with cartoon models.

It's all speculation though isn't it.

Ill play both damn it!
Most developers would give their collective left arm to 'fail' the way TFC/TF1.5 did.

Quoted for truth. Hell, even now it's on the top list of mods played. (see steampowered status page)