Fortress Forever Release Date Set


ValveTime Administrator
Staff member
Mar 18, 2003
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Whatever you're doing on Monday 17th September 2007 forget it, because
Fortress Forever is coming . That's right, Fortress Forever has announced the day it will be officially released. Check out their home page now for the announcement and a couple of new videos from a earlier playtest just to tease
you. There should be plenty of servers ready for the game as the server package will be made available one day prior.
Oh lawdy. Tuesday the 18th I have no class... I'm so playing FF all day.
In other TF2 news, stay tuned for a pretty big announcement next week. You're going to want to hold off on planning any vacations until you hear what we've got to say on Tuesday.
Anyone else got a very minor sinking feeling, or is this pure coincidence?

Ah well, Fortress Forever is always good.
So they did beat TF2 after all. Good on them ;-)
Actually, they didn't...

TF2 Beta will be available for play upon pre-purchasing the Orange Box... and that will become available on Monday 17th!
yea that is... unfortunate, but quite frankly, I doubt any mod being released for HL2 will get big attention anyway... sure some mods will have a good run for one or two weeks, but there is no way in hell that any mod released or not released will ever beat CSS or any Valve game for that matter. I just hope that at least one mod will beat Gmod (but even that is wishful thinking). Mods are good for portfolio work and that's about all mods are good for these days imHo ;)
Wow, after watching those vids... any interest I had for this mod just died.

Looks even faster paced than TFC.
You haven't even tried either one of them yet you are already judging these games.
I on the other hand have tried Fortress Forever and i can assure you that it is as good as the original mod, if not even better with it's new additions that you will get to see soon.So,don't judge anything from a few pictures and videos.
Wait till you try it out yourself.
Damn, the TF2 beta was just announced. Fortress Forever didn't really interest me, but I feel a little sore for the modders who worked to put this out.
I've been home for 5 months and they release it on the first day I go to school :(

A well, nice anyway! :)
Looks even faster paced than TFC.
Not really. I've seen TFC go a lot faster than that. Seems just like movement speed was upped slightly, that's all.

I'm still gonna give this a whirl. FF team deserves their mod to at least be played by people for a bit.
You haven't even tried either one of them yet you are already judging these games.
I on the other hand have tried Fortress Forever and i can assure you that it is as good as the original mod, if not even better with it's new additions that you will get to see soon.So,don't judge anything from a few pictures and videos.
Wait till you try it out yourself.

Given Valves track record the chances that any of the Orange Box games being turkeys is wishful thinking lets be brutally frank here. Like a few I feel sorry for the FF Mod team, but hopefully the work will stand them in good stead for the future.