The embodiment of Team Fortress is teamwork using 9 classes (or 10 for escape maps). The concept behind Fortress Forever is to improve upon every aspect of Team Fortress that has gone unnoticed or ignored over the years. Much of what is going on behind the scenes at FF is coding and working with the entity system to ensure that everything will be in proper working order. [br]</br>The soldier class is most utlitized of all classes in all Team Fortress mods because of the rocket launcher. In this update, rebo has the modeled soldier ready to go (who looks eerily like Bruce Willis :K) [br]</br>Not to be outdone, his buddy decs has skinned the hands for Fortress Forever, as well as giving us a great shot of the demoman's grenade launcher.[br]</br>Last, but certainly not least, the Trepid mapping team have worked a bit more on Hunted and given us a couple more shots of the classic map. It is looking very polished by the screenshots! [br][br]To learn more about the progress going on over at Fortress Forever, be sure to read the Developer Journals, which give terrific insight into the coding development. [br]</br>To see the Official Update for yourself, head on over to Fortress Forever.