FortWars (or something)


Aug 18, 2004
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This is an idea I've been kicking around, and I just wanted to get people's impressions and suggestions. It's nothing too elaborate: it would probably use the base Hl2 models and weapons. Primarily this idea was inspired by Source Forts, a great mod, but one with some very glaring problems.

The basic premise is this: Two teams (red and blue probably) play in pretty standard deathmatch-style maps, with a mixture of open spaces and closed areas. Both teams begin in designated "bases" (though in most maps the base wouldn't be anything other than a designated team respawn point) protecting a flag, and with a big pit in the middle, designated the... well, it doesn't have a name yet. We'll call it the Recycl-o-matic for now. Every player is equipped with a gravity gun and some other weapon of their choice, and the map is filled with all sorts of random objects (barrels, tires, boxes, etc.) that fall randomly from the sky, and the ma;ps are dotted wih little glowing pads called "Hot Spots" (there would be quite a few of these, enough so that each team could have about a dozen under their control). These hot spots start in neutral mode (possibly emitting a gray light) and teams can capture them simply by running over them (at which point they change color to indicate the new team).

While the player's ultimate goal is to capture the opposing team's flag, their immediate pobjective is simple: collect the junk (or the corpses of killed enemies) scattered around the map with their grav guns and toss it into their team's recycl-o-matic (back at their base) to generate build points for their team, the heavier the object, the more points it's worth.

Players spend build points by going to hot spots they control, and pressing 'e' (or something) at which point they are given a selection of choices of things to build at that location (such as walls, turrets, minefields, maybe even teleporters) that then spawns on the spot. The hot spots would vary in what they could build, for instance the ones closer to a team's base could build elaborate walls with doorways, ramparts, and maybe even built-in turrets, while ones farther out in the field could be as simple as a low wall that only two players could be behind at any given time (perhaps the hotspots could be divided into three 'degrees', the biggest ones beign able to build the most elaborate structures, the smallest ones the simplest, etc). Teams can also capture hot spots belonging to the other team by standing near them for prolonged periods of time (say, 5 seconds). Obviously you could not capture a hotspot while something is built on it, until that thing is destroyed.

Furthermore, certain hot spots (designated beforehand, depending on the map) could build unique structures (such as one map with a river running across the middle, you could have a hotspot that builds a handy bridge for a team to utilize, with a color coded energy barrier on the other side that prevents the other team from crossing). These unqiue hotspots would become prime real estate, and be the important tactical objectives on a map.

Hopefully, the strategy of the game would come from players fidning good build 'combos' (ie, a spot where two hotspots are lined up the middle of a street. The front one could be turned into a low wall, and the one behind could be turned into an automatic turret, making a sort of pillbox setup. Or a hotspot in a narrow hallway could be converted into a near-invisible minefield o blow away any sneaky enemies trying to get through there). Also, players would have to work together to get the best junk to recycle, one player grabbing the goods, while one or wo other players cover him.

Eventually, add-ons to the mod could contain the ability to use your build points to construct vehicles back at your base. The possibilities are pretty extensive.

So, I'd like everyone to tell me your opinions, please don't hesitate to be harsh (im used to it), and sorry for the rather poor writing, I'm kind of in a hurry.

Nice idea, I like it. If done well it should be fairly fun to play.
Rarther awesome idea, i'd love it.
But is it do-able?
Sounds very do-able. It has a simple but powerful idea behind it. For the first release you wouldn't have to change any of the game models or weapons, just using the gravity gun and a selection of one weapon. You'd just have to do the coding and the mapping, and even the maps wouldn't have to look beautiful if each one had a strong layout.

The one thing I'd change is to have the crowbar as a standard-issue weapon in addition to the gravity gun and another weapon of choice. If you're going to have to destroy walls, and structures to take over hotspots you'll want to include a standard weapon for doing so, or you'll end up having to fill the maps with ammo. You could even do away with ammo boxes in the map and just have an armoury in the main base and the option of turning a hotspot into an armoury. You'd then have to go in with crowbars and gravity guns if you run out of ammo, which would make for suitably frantic gameplay :D
/me laughs manicly.
Good idea:

You could make some game sets where you can only create some things with the hot spots, say:
Armoury, Mines and Turrets.
Or just Walls, anything you like!
I think that's what he was getting at in the threadstarter. Either split the hotspots into groups according to effectiveness, or into groups according to role.

I think 'effectiveness' would work better as it's more open to interpretation (like what was said about the wall+turret=bunker combination). It would be better off to make it so that the mapper can toggle on/off certain 'upgrades'. Therefore you'd be able to rework the map by simply editing the hotspots togglelist which ANYONE could do, so effectively you could get in a good mapper to make an environment and then editing the hotspots would be relatively easy later on if it was felt that there was an imbalance. This could be edited by any member with basic mapping knowledge while the primary mapper works on another map.

I'm already getting a picture of the mapping-specific entities for this:

Hotspot entity
- ref# (relates to parameters of upgrade entities: 'wall', 'sentry gun', 'mines', etc.)
- triggers entities of same ref# when 'bought'
- changes colour when captured
- dictates position where entities such as the 'sentry gun' would appear when bought
- 'orientation' parameter of hotspot entity would determine which way resultant 'upgrade' entities would face (sentry gun, wall)
- triggers 'drop' entity

Wall entity
- ref# (links this entity to specific hotspot of same ref#)
- 'length' parameter (defined by integer)
- 'speed' parameter (defined by integer)
- [In the code you'd have a template for a wall (basic looped texture, 2D cross-sectional, height) which would be used when spawning a wall.]

Mines entity
- ref# (links this entity to specific hotspot of same ref# and 'drop' entity of same ref#)
- number (number of mines to be dropped from plane; defined by integer)
- dimensions (area from which the mines will be randomly dropped, defined by X-plane and Y-plane integers)

Drop entity
- ref# (relates to 'hotspot' entity of same ref#)
- specifies point around which droppable entities are centred (XYZ co-ordinates)

Or you could make a brushbased entity which was tied to the hotspot entity and 'spawned' a wall of mapper-specified dimensions to fall from a specific location.

When a mapper wants to make a hotspot he gives it a reference number (ref#). Off to one side of the map (outside the playable area) will be a collection of 'upgrade' entities that relate to this specific hotspot, all with the same ref#. So 'wall entity 1', wall entity 2', 'mines entity 2', etc. In this example at hotspot #1 you would only be able to place a wall, whereas at hotspot #2 you could drop a wall or mines. As they are both 'droppable' entities, you'd need to assign a point in the map from where they should be dropped, a 'drop entity' with ref# '2' and co-ordinates 'XYZ'. You'd then need to define how long the wall was, going into the 'wall' entity with ref# '2' you'd set the length. But which way is the wall facing? Now you need to go to the 'hotspot' entity with ref# '2' and set its 'orientation' parameter using a 360-degree referring to the map's universal orientation.

Of course, reference numbers could be replaced with 'names', just as long as the entities that needed to link together had the same reference name. For instance the name could relate to a specific location in the map, such as: 'red spawn', 'red gate', 'riverbridge', etc.

Ooh you need to make this mod.
Wow guys, thanks for all the positive feedback! (especially -Crispy- and your mapping suggestions). I'm revising the idea a bit to include suggestions from here and ModDB, and I'll post some of the changes I've made once Ive made up my mind.
really good idea man hope to see somthing to come out of it :D
It encourages recycling, what a clever idea.
Sounds like a great idea for a mod! I like the art of using your enemies corpses and throw them in that recycle-o-matic thingy.

Sounds like something you would see in Quake 4. lol It's a HL2-Q4 Hybrid! :D
BeaverMon said:
Sounds like a great idea for a mod! I like the art of using your enemies corpses and throw them in that recycle-o-matic thingy.
So even if you die fighting for your cause it won't entirely be in vain. Oh god, it's so touching ;(
yes, even in death my body can still fuel the unstoppable warmachine of my allies to cause further death and bloodshed.
it wont be hard to make really just use hl2dm models there so many just make a good map and get an awesome coder and then your set :P
Code the game first, then start on the maps. You'll want to see whether the concept turns out as you imagine it or if you have to make some slight alterations to map concepts before starting.
erk, sorry for the absence. I got horribly sick this week and haven't been able to do much in the way of writing/mapping/getting a site underway, but I'm on the road to recovery, and that damned DD should be available soon. I've come up with a tro of map designs I'd like to implement that each demonstrate different ways that the concept of 'building' could be implemented... ie, one is a massive, open arena, almost UT2K4-ish, another is a few narow avenues and streets, and the third sort of combines the two.
Blackghost905 said:
Nice only one thing, Instead of red an blue team make it Allied and axis team
No. :|

Anyway, if you get this thing off the ground I might make you a map or two. Can't commit just yet but it's pretty likely if you start showing progress and right now you're looking like you've got the capability to pull it off. You might want to talk to the guy who made this thread and see if he's capable of doing this project, and then you'd be pretty much set.