Forum Birthday - 07-01

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Jan 7, 2005
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I have been here a year, and what a year!

I sorta worked out that last week was my 'birthday' on the forums, but didn't think I should party...

Today Happy 1 Year to:

Happy 2 Year to:

Time to wonder and marvel at how long you've really been here, but age wise...
SHUT UP!!! AMERICA IS NOT SO GREAT ..oh damn you're from Melbourne ...and that's NOT in america

happy birthday everybody
To think, you're only 1 1/2 years old from this point of view; not the oldest member now, are we?

***Canda is the good! - Melbourne is the better***
Melbourne is the better
hmmm i'm not convinced
you guys have really strict censorship laws, a recent history of institutionalised racism, a bewildering 'sport' called aussie rules and have summer when it should be snowing 0.o
on the other hand you have marsupials so all is forgiven :)
evilsloth said:
To think, you're only 1 1/2 years old from this point of view; not the oldest member now, are we?

***Canda is the good! - Melbourne is the better***

canada has snow, igloos and whale blubber! australia has none of that so there!

and I may be a year and a half old but I've mastered potty training :dozey:
I was a year last month.


Or thread.. whatever.
Danimal said:
Gold Coast > Melbourne.
Too true, our weather is eratic to say the least.

Wait a sec: Everywhere > Melbourne > Everywhere Else?
It has it's good moments and horribly bad, as does everwhere.

john3571000 said:
...a bewildering 'sport' called aussie rules...
It's more only in Victoria, but I do agree. Hockey is my sport.

CptStern said:
and I may be a year and a half old but I've mastered potty training :dozey:

It's not my fault, I'm just not motavated!
I was just putting one up, as I'd never seen one before. Sorry if you think it's Spam.
evilsloth said:
I have been here a year, and what a year!

I sorta worked out that last week was my 'birthday' on the forums, but didn't think I should party...

Today Happy 1 Year to:

Happy 2 Year to:

Time to wonder and marvel at how long you've really been here, but age wise...

Its my 365th day here? :eek:


anyway, Korea > US =Canada = UK = Aus = various european states/nations > Africa > Antartica > Japan > hl2worl* :P
Why don't we just agree (and get back on topic) by saying " > All"
15357 said:
Its my 365th day here? :eek:


anyway, Korea > US =Canada = UK = Aus = various european states/nations > Africa > Antartica > Japan > hl2worl* :P
hells yea, korea ftw!
15357 said:
anyway, Korea > US =Canada = UK = Aus = various european states/nations > Africa > Antartica > Japan > hl2worl* :P

oh I see, so that's why Bush wants to invade your country ..cuz you're better all makes sense now
CptStern said:
oh I see, so that's why Bush wants to invade your country ..cuz you're better all makes sense now

He... does?

*goes and beats up US soldiers with some uber-protesters armed with iron pipes*
Danimal said:
Why don't we just agree (and get back on topic) by saying " > All"
lol arent these the topics you should be slicing the entrails of with your mighty sword closedandtrix?
Shh Cpt, wrong Half!

Next person to post, tell me how many days you've been here.
369 days for me.
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