Forum description


Jul 8, 2003
Reaction score
I don't much like the Models and Skins forum description. It says "Show off your HL2 player or weapon models," but what about environment, vehicles, etc.? It should be changed to "Show off your models and skins here" or something of the sort.
ye thats true, but its not exactly worth posting a thread about. Maybe just post an admin or something. You should have told them before they did the update :D but i get what u mean. After u have been here a while its not like it matters anyway because u know what each section is for. But I supose some new people might get a bit confused.

Ow also u said enviroments (mapping section)
Imho it is worth posting a thread for it so that other people can discuss it too and state theyr own oppinion.
Pretend I'm someone else replying to this thread:

I think it should be changed.
Ye pretend I am somone else as well.

"I think it should be changed"

(I don't get it)

(ok I do now, u started the thread LOL)

(O well)