Forum gone mental?


Oct 14, 2004
Reaction score
I have been reading posts and replying to a few on this forum for a few months, but I am going to have to stop!

Every thread is descending into petty arguments and threats......after about 2 posts things go off topic!

All this seems to have happened after the release of HL2.

Before the release of the game there was a lot of interesting dicussions on this board, now its just lots of nonsense!

I mean today I wanted some information about the update patch and see if it was successful on peoples machines. What do I end up reading? About 3 pages of people arguing about what valves 'suprise' will be!

Anyway to sort it out Moderators? because I feel this site has the potential to be a great source of information for HL2 in the future via the forums. At the moment its like witnessing a bunch of kids arguing in a playground.
I agree, I spend more time scrolling through pointless arguments than I do reading the posts the thread is supposedly about.
well, im a new user to these forums after having finished the game last week. tried a few and this one looked like the most active forum. a lot of repetitive posts each day from people who've just finished the game like so...

i r teh pissed! wheres the hydra, e3 etc
i have opinion on the ending
i just discovered [1-10 gman sightings, 3 turrets methodology, vortigaunts are chatty, zombies talk backwards etc]

maybe a few stickies would help, prob one on the story/ending? its still all very entertaining though. :dozey:
johnstone said:
Every thread is descending into petty arguments and threats......after about 2 posts things go off topic!

All this seems to have happened after the release of HL2.

The giant echo chamber that is the forum at the moment will die down in a month or two when most insta-OMFG-LOLZ-fanboys grow bored with HL2 and find something else to do (KOTOR II, GTA San Andreas, etc) and leave the forum alone.

Average age and IQ will go back up. :thumbs:
And thread readability will improve again.

Unless somebody invents the next 'Counterstrike' mod...

Anyway, if you feel a thread has gone off-topic, you can notify the moderators via the "Contact us" link at the bottom of the page.
Hey! God doesn't want you to argue on the forums because religion > n00bs!

Oh, sorry, I'm doing it, aren't I?
Toffee said:
bring teh Icarus back! :D

I want my special forum head nazi back too :( He was tough but we love him and I want him back!
Duracell said:
I want my special forum head nazi back too :( He was tough but we love him and I want him back!
"after about 2 posts things go off topic!"

the forums have been like this for months. they've just found something new to bitch about.

most of us cower in off topic where it's nice and comfy. also, check out sulkdodds comic over in art & design section :p
Dedalus said:
the forums have been like this for months. they've just found something new to bitch about.

most of us cower in off topic where it's nice and comfy. also, check out sulkdodds comic over in art & design section :p

Thats just funny, really really funny too, not just a half giggle but full blown laugh out loud, the way you do that, you know, complain and bitch about other people, then act like your all sat here being quiet and respectable and never bitching about anyone, I guess bitching about ads or Icarus being fired and blaming anyone you see is considered well behaved or something, in this strange little world some of you have created for yourselves.

No really.. best laugh since I rebooted the PC five minutes ago
The Dark Elf said:
Thats just funny, really really funny too, not just a half giggle but full blown laugh out loud, the way you do that, you know, complain and bitch about other people, then act like your all sat here being quiet and respectable and never bitching about anyone, I guess bitching about ads or Icarus being fired and blaming anyone you see is considered well behaved or something, in this strange little world some of you have created for yourselves.

No really.. best laugh since I rebooted the PC five minutes ago

where the hell did that come from?

1. i dislike the ads in the posts because they're intrusive i've lodged my complaints in the correct place (Site Feedback section) and said nothing further of it.
2. i've never bitched about icarus being fired. i didn't even respond to that thread, i don't even know why he was fired.
3. the rest of what you've said is speculation on your part. i don't know where you pulled that from, and i'd like an explanation if it isn't too much trouble.
Dedalus said:
where the hell did that come from?

1. i dislike the ads in the posts because they're intrusive i've lodged my complaints in the correct place (Site Feedback section) and said nothing further of it.
2. i've never bitched about icarus being fired. i didn't even respond to that thread, i don't even know why he was fired.
3. the rest of what you've said is speculation on your part. i don't know where you pulled that from, and i'd like an explanation if it isn't too much trouble.
Oh noes, I quoted you so I must be talking to you throughout my entire post directly because there's nobody else who posted in this thread :rolleyes:...
The Dark Elf said:
Oh noes, I quoted you so I must be talking to you throughout my entire post directly because there's nobody else who posted in this thread :rolleyes:...

well why don't you make it clear in your post instead of leaving it so ambiguous.
The Dark Elf. I usually really, really do like you. But what are you talking about?
you guys are bitching about other people bitching, simple as that.

I find it kind of annoying too, but I'm doing the bitching sometimes as well so I can't really say anything. As soon as all of the "Hel0 im stuk in revenhelm biut i hav opiniun of gaem ending" people leave, it will go back to normal.

People ran out of HL2 vs H2 arguments so they moved on to argue about other things.
Everyone who comments in this thread should get a stable to keep their high horse in...

I myself keep mine in my bed room which, although leaving a rather rural smell and untidy floor, allows for quick access when I need it in situations like this.
Farrowlesparrow said:
Everyone who comments in this thread should get a stable to keep their high horse in...

I myself keep mine in my bed room which, although leaving a rather rural smell and untidy floor, allows for quick access when I need it in situations like this.
*snort* i just laughed harder than i have in a week :LOL:
LAYP said:
The Dark Elf. I usually really, really do like you. But what are you talking about?
hey dedalus how bout those yankees eh ;)

The forums will settle down in a bit, just hide in OT...
CyberSh33p said:
hey dedalus how bout those yankees eh ;)

The forums will settle down in a bit, just hide in OT...

now i'm really confused. what the hell? :eek:
^Ben said:
Icarus got fired :O

Aha...Well the forums go through these cycles, and they will once again settle down. It will be different though, since the game is now out.
Farrowlesparrow said:
It will be different though, since the game is now out.

Oh Shit, i knew i forgot something!!! while i was spamming away, i actually have to Get The Game !!! :angel:
Letters said:
PAH noi yuoi s get mentle...

Nah, yah say wesa get dem new folks round here mon, dey steal our ganja and flame us, don'you tink?