Forum Nazi's...


Companion Cube
Jun 23, 2003
Reaction score
Are we turning into the HL2 gestappo? People new to the forum post questions, or talk about something GENERALLY RELATED TO HL2 and you all blow up. I made an unsure thread that lasted about the time it takes me to take a shit. People, please, calm the **** down, it's a COMPUTER GAME FORUM, you have no control over these people, your the same as everyone else, so stop trying to act like your king of the forums telling people where and what they can and can't post. Your not Nazi's, your 7-20 year old children who need to take a good look in the mirror and say "I yell at people on a message board." Thank you, and good night.:cheers:
Originally posted by guinny
GENERALLY RELATED TO HL2, it's a COMPUTER GAME FORUM, I yell at people on a message board."

:p ;)

It does annoy me when people post in the wrong forums. I can understand if it is something which is on a borderline for each forum part, but if its say a mod idea it needs to go in the general editing forums. Its not like people come to the forums and only see the general disscusion forum is it?
no posts for you!

come back, one year!

(sorry, cant help but think of seinfeld when you said nazi)
Originally posted by guinny
Are we turning into the HL2 gestappo? People new to the forum post questions, or talk about something GENERALLY RELATED TO HL2 and you all blow up. I made an unsure thread that lasted about the time it takes me to take a shit. People, please, calm the **** down, it's a COMPUTER GAME FORUM, you have no control over these people, your the same as everyone else, so stop trying to act like your king of the forums telling people where and what they can and can't post. Your not Nazi's, your 7-20 year old children who need to take a good look in the mirror and say "I yell at people on a message board." Thank you, and good night.:cheers:

/me smacks you.
I officially declare myself the King Of The Forums!

(I decided to edit and add something related)
For the most part I agree with you. I don't mind if useless threads are deleted or topics in the wrong forum moved, but people jumping new forums members cases for asking simple questions is pretty rediculous. I don't get why they respond at all if it upsets them so. Why not either answer the persons question or move on?
I agree with him, some one makes a post about thier system specs or the HL2 and you ****ing make fun of them and shit, it's unnecisary.
I agree that new users should be treated with patience and respect but having to constantly move threads that are blatantly off-topic gets freakin annoying. Off-topic threads clutter up the forums and make it hard to find relevant discussions (not to mention defeating the purpose of the sub-forums).

This thread is a prime example (oh the irony!). The annoyance factor is increased by guinny's inability to comprehend basic grammar. Moved.
yea the general forums are really annoying when u get soo much crap like "new MOd wow" especially when its in a mass i dont think it should be flamed but its annoying just moving or deleting the threads gets moderators flamed
We need to do 2 things - make a pop-up that stays on screen for a split second that says "search" on it, and new members will be subliminally triggered to use the search button. Also, make the search button bright pink so everyoen knows where it is ;)
Everyone says use the search button. But how many people actually do?

Don't answer because most of you will lie and say you use it all the time.

Often, even if we use the search button it doesn't answer our questions properly. This is simply because someone else asked the question and wanted their own answer. Instead of putting effort into getting yourself worked up over nothing, and flaming a guy. Why don't you just answer the questions? You give what you get, and if you are polite with the new people, they will in turn be polite with you and future new people.
yea the search thing is a waste of time
There is only one sollution to this problem: the admins and moderators to delete threads and to tell the noob to check for other threads, we should have more moderators
Certain Degrees of "Forum Nazism" are acceptable.

* If someone posts something that's blantently in the wrong forum.
* If someone posts something that's on the front page of the same forum.

The search function would be far better if it accepted 3 letter long words. I find it very difficult to use.