Foxnews shows it's true colors

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What does that matter CB? A moment ago you were talking about him taking this thread off-topic, now your willing to debate his education?

...sounds a little off-topic to me...
Take a look at his post history, he's just here to start flamewars.
How did this erupt into an argument?

I think it was obvious the foxnews article was fake. It was mocking Kerry with imaginary quotes. Any democrat or republican should have been able to realize that as soon as they read the article. However, there still was a fundamental break down in Fox New System. I think they should personally apoligize to Mr. Kerry since they initially attempted to pass the article off as legite. Regardless of the article's original intention.

Secondly, why are democrats browsing foxnews? Fuel for the hate game?
God, FOX apologized for it. We should commend them for living up to their mistakes in a serious amount of time. Although such statements are unneeded.

But a Fox insider claimed late Friday that tempers were raging. "The folks here are furious," the source said.

They are mad at the person for making the comments.

I think they should personally apoligize to Mr. Kerry since they initially attempted to pass the article off as legite. Regardless of the article's original intention.
They did apologize.
blahblahblah said:
How did this erupt into an argument?

Secondly, why are democrats browsing foxnews? Fuel for the hate game?

It's politics + internet = apeshit insane flame wars.

Keep your friend close, but enemies closer. Goes something like that I guess :)
blahblahblah said:
Secondly, why are democrats browsing foxnews?

But I thought they were "fair and balanced"? Shouldn't the democrats get their news from a "fair and balanced" news source as well? Are you saying there's a reason that democrats shouldn't get their news from Fox news? I'm confused. :angel:
Neutrino said:
But I thought they were "fair and balanced"? Shouldn't the democrats get their news from a "fair and balanced" news source as well? Are you saying there's a reason that democrats shouldn't get their news from Fox news? I'm confused. :angel:

Yes, and Disney Land is the happiest place on earth. :rolleyes:

You conviently cut out my "Fuel for the hate game". Tell me democrats don't go to Fox News and gather more fuel to make the hate burn stronger. Tell me, they really go to Fox News and obtain another slant on today's stories so they can form an unbiased opinion on today's political news. :rolleyes:

Don't take me too seriously with that post. :) Just poking fun.
They are not! ;)

I take offense to that. :hmph:

Emoticons are just an evil addiction. :smoking:

They should not be used in today's forums. :sniper:

We must debate this! :E
Ok, CBS apologized also. The difference between the two being, CBS actually was given sources/domcuments and witnesses. Those documents were falsified (not by CBS) and the witnesses we're lying (again not CBS's fault.) CBS didn't do their research, they wanted to be first to break the story. Which is what news organizations strive to do, the early bird gets the worm, the worm in this case being higher ratings and commercial revenue. Again, once investigated further, CBS apologized for its mistakes.

Fox's lies in question here are worse, and I'll tell you why. People who read those claims were under the impression that the statements were true, and in fact they weren't. There was absolutely no evidence to back up those statements (unlike CBS) Fox wasn't lied to. They lied. Someone working for Fox posted those.

If you people can't see the difference, then God help you if Fox reports that Bush wants all Americans to jump off a cliff... I'll have to scrape you off the bottom.
CB | Para said:
Foxnews should be shutdown
The seeds of facism.

I despise the liberal grip on the media- but it is their right to say what they please, I will defend that to my death.

Just as we conservatives have a bastion in talk radio. The way you destroy the liberal news sources is by creating an alternative, it's a fundamental of capitalism, not "SHUT THEM DOWQNNN!!! LOLOL *GOVERNMENT CENSOR FACISM*"
RakuraiTenjin said:
The seeds of facism.

I despise the liberal grip on the media- but it is their right to say what they please, I will defend that to my death.

Just as we conservatives have a bastion in talk radio. The way you destroy the liberal news sources is by creating an alternative, it's a fundamental of capitalism, not "SHUT THEM DOWQNNN!!! LOLOL *GOVERNMENT CENSOR FACISM*"

ah true true, but fox claims to be fair and balanced, not a conservative alternative... Their words, not mine.
RakuraiTenjin said:
The seeds of facism.

I despise the liberal grip on the media- but it is their right to say what they please, I will defend that to my death.

Good for you.

Go watch more TV, after all it's your only source of education. :|
I actually made the mistake of reading the replies in this thread. jesus christ.

as for the thread: that was pretty effin' stupid of foxnews to do. even as a joke its a huge faux pas.
Ok, CBS apologized also. The difference between the two being, CBS actually was given sources/domcuments and witnesses. Those documents were falsified (not by CBS)

They apologized a week after the event happened. They called the bloggers that discovered the falsified documents 'conservative extremists with no evidence'. CBS refused to listen to its own experts that would not back up the documents because of the erection it got at the chance to knock Bush out of the election. A story that major should have been checked down to the last period, and they rushed it.

Which is what news organizations strive to do

News organizations dont rush stories as large as this one. As you can see, when they do it gets blown back in their face.

CBS apologized for its mistakes.

So did FOX, hours after the story was put up. It didnt take a week for FOX to live up to its mistake.
blahblahblah said:

Secondly, why are democrats browsing foxnews? Fuel for the hate game?

If you don't know more liberals watch fox news.
seinfeldrules said:
They apologized a week after the event happened. They called the bloggers that discovered the falsified documents 'conservative extremists with no evidence'. CBS refused to listen to its own experts that would not back up the documents because of the erection it got at the chance to knock Bush out of the election. A story that major should have been checked down to the last period, and they rushed it.

News organizations dont rush stories as large as this one. As you can see, when they do it gets blown back in their face.

So did FOX, hours after the story was put up. It didnt take a week for FOX to live up to its mistake.

It should even taken a few hours to discover the posts were faked... They had the damn thing live and he never said that. Sure CBS took weeks, their reputation was on the line, they didn't know one way or the other. They held an investigation... Investigations take time. Its a little harder to track down historical records that have accidentally *dissapeared* to confirm your story, not so difficult to watch an hour of tape that you have on file from 3 or 4 days ago to check and see if it matches.
Several problems here:

1) the reporter who wrote the comments is the main reporter assigned to cover Kerry. Fox has repeatedly claimed that its coverage of Kerry is fair, even though independant reports have shown that it is overwhelmingly negative. Brit Hume even defended the network after that report by claiming that Cameron (the reporter in question) has been very fair and balanced. Now we find out that Cameron gets his kicks by passing a gay bashing portrayal of Kerry, his beat, around the office.
2) Reporters don't just get to magically post stories on the internet. News organizations aren't like messageboards. They have things called editors. Some editor, probably more than one, had to have read this and signed off on it.
3) Simmilar language and themes that Cameron's "joke" used were echoed by Fox reporters on Tv, sugguesting that his more overt joke is part of the basic underlying talking points internal to FoxNews.

Fox clearly isn't taking this very seriously. The only reason others aren't taking it seriously is because they tactily admit that Fox in general is hard to take seriously as a source of real journalism. I mean, this is the LEAD POLITICAL REPORTER assigned to cover Kerry basically calling Kerry a flaming proto-queer.

And if that weren't enough, in the past day Fox has apparently:
1) selectively made sure that none of the pictures that show Kerry being taller than Bush are used, favoring those that showed a perspective that concealed the height difference
2) run an article about "Communists for Kerry" in which they quoted people saying that North Korea would be rooting for a Kerry win and communists loved Kerry. They even had a line saying "it was not known if the Kerry campaign accepted the endorsement" as if the Kerry camapign would know what a bunch of kids in a bar were saying about Kerry. Problem is: the group was a joke, a Republican parody group just like Billionares for Bush. Only, with THAT parody group, Fox of course remembers to mention that it was a joke.
They held an investigation... Investigations take time. Its a little harder to track down historical records that have accidentally *dissapeared*

LOL they had the papers. They were typed on a WORD PROCESSOR. Go do a search for a animation which proves this. If they needed an investigation to prove this then they have problems. You and me both know the real reason it took a week for the truth to come out.

they didn't know one way or the other.

The document experts they hired didnt either, so they still run the story? Heck, after the story came out almost all of the document experts in America claimed the documents to be fake. Didnt know... RIiiigghhhttttt.
blahblahblah said:
Secondly, why are democrats browsing foxnews? Fuel for the hate game?
Hmm, I thought thats why republicans watched Faux. Actually, it seems to me thats the entire reason for the existance of Faux.
Hmm, I thought thats why republicans watched Faux. Actually, it seems to me thats the entire reason for the existance of Faux.
Ah, what a suprise, a liberal talking French. Do you follow their battle plans as well?
Omg the republican folk are so clearly in denial. Fox is SO in league with the Bush administration, they apologised so they wouldnt get in trouble, because it all became too obvious.

Fox are so corrupt and controlled, it's quite clear that when they think they can get away with it they stretch for downright manipulation, this time they were caught out and had to own up.
seinfeldrules said:
Ah, what a suprise, a liberal talking French. Do you follow their battle plans as well?
Faux news. They distort, you comply!

I am a patriotic American, my friend.
clarky003 said:
Omg the republican folk are so clearly in denial. Fox is SO in league with the Bush administration, they apologised so they wouldnt get in trouble, because it all became too obvious.

Fox are so corrupt and controlled, it's quite clear that when they think they can get away with it they stretch for downright manipulation, this time they were caught out and had to own up.

Yes, I am so in denial. Thank-you for pointing that out to me.

Do you know I have a Bush figurine in my closet? Yes, its true. I worship every night before I go to bed. My Bush figurine is right next to my Fox News flag. :rolleyes:

You better apologize for stereotyping all Republicans like that.

You are so fully of paranoia it is not even funny. Fox News is biased, yes, but not to the point you are suggesting. They pulled the article down and apoligized before anybody had a chance to criticize it.
I will apologise to no one, I dont even live in your country :P

Kerry is no better, and to be quite honest the election's seem like some celebrity event, rather than serious political election's, its all a bit farceical.
CB | Para said:
Good for you.

Go watch more TV, after all it's your only source of education. :|
Good for all others and I who enjoy the freedom to set up news outlets, trade, live our daily lives, and speak out without being "Shut Down"

Where did you come up with that T.V. education remark and how was that even called for? I rarely watch television.
seinfeldrules said:
Ah, what a suprise, a liberal talking French. Do you follow their battle plans as well?

Wow, way to insult an entire nation that is allied to you!
Wait, so, - hahahah - the french are - LOL - cowards?

You, sir, win the award for "single most original racist joke ever."

Also, way to insult half the people in your country!
LOL, you called liberals "liberals".

You also win the award for "best political commentary."

And I really can't understand the debate here.

FOX supporters say they don't care is CBS was intentionally misled:
"They should have had the editors quadruple check that document before airing it!"

Yet, they excuse FOX of inserting an openly partisan lie into thier 'news':
"Well, maybe the editors just didn't check it? It happens!"
The French are'nt cowards. You try to defend the river Marne! -[DF]Panzershrek

I agree with him. The French are'nt cowards.
I may be half French, but I admit that the French are... well... French. They're not cowards, but they're not exactly the greatest fighters in the world either. I don't hold that against them. They just don't put the same kind of emphasis on war as most other countries.
Foxtrot said:
You took that seriously? If you saw it on the news(probably just their website) would you instantly belive it? Fox probably didn't think it was funny either as it was taken off and apologized for so quickly.

dude you are talking out of your arse, thye are not a satire company they are a news provider....what are you jabbering about?
the fox network rocks your world, and they appoligized geez!
wake up and smell the ashes people,

Fox are a multi billion news corp, that are bent on the one thing that exposes the worst in people, money.

the people at the top are probably all very corrupt, and probably wouldnt mind striking a deal to be pro republican, if it meant more profit.

like wise with alot of other top news company's, but Fox seem's to be much more in your face about it. But what's important behind the scenes is alway's out of sight, and out of mind.
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