Foxtrot likes dried up grapes

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Dgenatron said:
No member with 1000+ posts deserves to be banned, regardless of how much of a troll he or she is. That's it, bring Foxtrot back.

Just because a person has 1000+ posts doesn't mean they can't be banned.
Ikerous said:
He was clearly a senior member... you don't just ban senior members ><
Its.. wrong somehow

Posting a lot doesn't make you exempt from rules.
All he did was warn of a pre-emptive attack by a evil, bloodthirsty fundamentalist group bent on world domination and the complete and total destruction of
DiSTuRbEd said:
Just because a person has 1000+ posts doesn't mean they can't be banned.

Senior members cannot be banned, it goes against the Online Message Boards and Written Communications Act of 1995 signed by former president Clinton.
Deary, deary me.

Now, if we had a working warning system, I would have given a spam warning to everyone that posted in this thread, with one warning for each goddamn post.

Now, one last time. Read this -
Absorb it. Comprehend it.

How about this for a lovely definition of irony - those of you that are openly abusing the hetaria bunch on these forums are doing exactly what you claim hetaria are aiming to do - you're destroying these very forums.

Now understand this - Foxtrot is not going to be unbanned. No amount of ridiculous signatures are going to change this simple fact.

Some of the comments in here are absolutely unacceptable. If the whole load of you idiots can't get over this situation really quickly, there's going to be even more bans.

I reall hope this is clear enough for you now. If any of you are still having reading comprehension issues, PM me and I'll make it absolutely apparent for you.

For those of you that didn't take the hint about your sigs, I'll clarify:

Foxtrot was banned by unanimous vote. There are two ways of looking at this:

1) All the moderators are "corrupt", in which case you can't do anything about it and you're probably next.

2) Foxtrot deserved the ban.

Either way, there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Change the sigs.
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