TheSomeone said:
It's only funnier because the video is making fun of people like you.
People like me... Define please, I would seriously like to know what "people like you" is supposed to mean. If it's going to be an insult, then you might want to be very careful about your choice of words.
TheSomeone said:
Care much about your computer? I thought so.
Drkpwn3r said:
People like me... Define please, I would seriously like to know what "people like you" is supposed to mean. If it's going to be an insult, then you might want to be very careful about your choice of words.

Care much about your computer? I thought so.

I feel so much hate in you.
I just did a "lame thing" on my part. I played FPS Doug's "BOOM!!! HEADSHOT!!!" video, and actually got a recording of it (just alittle snip of it).

Now anytime a guy gets killed by a headshot (in CS:S), you hear "BOOM!!! HEADSHOT!!!". :upstare: It's quite funny in bot battles (just not when I'M the 1 getting the Headshot :p).
stinger.aim92 said:
I feel so much hate in you.
Yes, it's the hate for most things about life. One of which being my father's death at age eight, another being my grandfathers' deaths within the two years before my father's. I also hate people who seem to like to say things to/about me, knowing that it annoys me and will lead to my harming either them or their computer(s).

Probably the only thing I actually enjoy is being around my girl, being able to talk to someone that actually understands me and can tell that they aren't just saying things to make me feel better, knowing that I actually have some kind of release, etc.

But of course, it's not like many people care to understand how bad my life has been, or the kind of hell I went through not having friends to be around.

Now I get to walk somewhere to be with my girl, so if I don't reply for a bit, you'll know why.
Don't threaten people over this forum, thanks.

Sorry to hear about your father and grandfather though.
I wasn't intentionally trying to threaten people over this forum, I voiced my opinion about the video, it's just kind of a natural reaction to my feeling like I'm being made fun of I guess. Doesn't help not having many friends for most of your life and to top that losing people you care a lot about.
I guess the reason I said what I did is because I've been made fun of most of my life, people I thought were my friends turned on me, etc and it has become kind of a natural reaction when I'm angry due to the people who have made fun of or have belittled me in the past.

I'm really quite a nice person once you get to know me, it's just when I get angry, things tend to come out that I don't really mean and it really messes everything up for me and others in the end.

I haven't been in the best of moods for the last week or so due to everything that has happened to me or some friends either, and I guess I ended up taking it out on everyone else I've talked to.
I should've just never voiced my opinion I guess. Everyone seems to think I'm always wrong anyway, even if they're only opinions, so why say what I'm thinking to anyone but my girl.

Probably the only reason I actually thought about what I said is because for the first time in years, I actually took a long walk, even though it was with my girl, to think about everything.

This is going to be my final post in this topic, so if anyone wants to insult me or anything beyond this, then do so on a messenger.
Drkpwn3r said:
Yes, it's the hate for most things about life. One of which being my father's death at age eight, another being my grandfathers' deaths within the two years before my father's. I also hate people who seem to like to say things to/about me, knowing that it annoys me and will lead to my harming either them or their computer(s).

Probably the only thing I actually enjoy is being around my girl, being able to talk to someone that actually understands me and can tell that they aren't just saying things to make me feel better, knowing that I actually have some kind of release, etc.

But of course, it's not like many people care to understand how bad my life has been, or the kind of hell I went through not having friends to be around.

Now I get to walk somewhere to be with my girl, so if I don't reply for a bit, you'll know why.

That was funny, because I was listening to "You Better Bet" while I was reading that.
I've seen him play in rl :)D) He just jumps up and down a lot and says "I can dance all day, I can dance all day! Go 'head try to hit me, try to hit me! Boom HEADSHOT!" He has a spray of himself pretending to hold a gun and it says "BOOM HEADSHOT" on it.
lol, probably not actually him, i've seen many imposters pretending to be him, shouting those things, spraying the spray. Funny thing being most of them got owned repeatedly

Drkpwn3r, you'll probably won't be reading this, but your past has less to do with this than your character.

My aunt died a week ago, and I'm not the one who's threatening everybody who seems to be laughing at him.

Anyway, my advice: make some friends, and move on with your life.
I wasn't intentionally trying to threaten people over this forum, I voiced my opinion about the video, it's just kind of a natural reaction to my feeling like I'm being made fun of I guess. Doesn't help not having many friends for most of your life and to top that losing people you care a lot about.
I guess the reason I said what I did is because I've been made fun of most of my life, people I thought were my friends turned on me, etc and it has become kind of a natural reaction when I'm angry due to the people who have made fun of or have belittled me in the past.

I'm really quite a nice person once you get to know me, it's just when I get angry, things tend to come out that I don't really mean and it really messes everything up for me and others in the end.

I haven't been in the best of moods for the last week or so due to everything that has happened to me or some friends either, and I guess I ended up taking it out on everyone else I've talked to.
I should've just never voiced my opinion I guess. Everyone seems to think I'm always wrong anyway, even if they're only opinions, so why say what I'm thinking to anyone but my girl.

Probably the only reason I actually thought about what I said is because for the first time in years, I actually took a long walk, even though it was with my girl, to think about everything.

This is going to be my final post in this topic, so if anyone wants to insult me or anything beyond this, then do so on a messenger.

Thankyou for sharing your life story ...... now back on topic people
Come on, that's slightly harsh, it may not be on topic but there's no reason you can't show a little compassion and let it pass.

I would agree that the best way is to move on, get on with life rather than dwell and make the most of what is ahead. I hope you are able to do this and live life to the full.
Cry me a river. build me a bridge. and get the **** over it.

you arnt a very nice person ukfilmer, i hope you know that
I found it rather funny..

..especially the: BOOM PSYCHOLOGICAL HEADSHOT!!!-part. :D

The rest was not nice indeed, but still, you guys shouldn't take everything so serious man, you're killing me. ;)
Yeah too many serious people in the world just kills all fun ...... Hmmm .... i am lost for words now so i shall go with the flow, "
your a mean person ;)" ..... *Starts Swaying to "No Women No Cry" by Bob Marley - Current Track while posting :D"
i unlike drkpwn3r am not about to start crying because people called me mean things in a forum though :D
This video does scare me a bit because I KNOW there are kids/adults out there today playing CS and getting this insanely involved in it.

I am a firm believer that you can't take anything too seriously in your life because that will take away from other parts of you life that require focus too. You have to moderate everything. More moderation means less fanaticism, whether it involves Muslims or Christians or whomever. Nothing is ever as black and white as our leaders(political, religious, etc) would have us believe.

Off-topic: If everyone who was mad about their past hurt everyone that they felt wronged them, there wouldn't be a hospitable planet here on which to live. This is the sort of thinking that lead Anakin Skywalker on his dark path. Sure, he's just a character in a sci-fi movie, but the theme is still the same. Here's an excerpt from an essay on Darth Vader and the Dark side that sheds some frightening light on this sort of behavior:

"The connection that Lucas makes between Hitler and Vader is interesting because Hitler's father died when Adolph was a boy. Reports indicate that he was somewhat unbalanced and that he was a misbehaved child and a poor student. Hitler was known as a sneaky prankster who dropped out of school before his formal education was complete. Like Anakin, however, Hitler excelled at working on his own. In Anakin's case it was building robots and fixing machines while in Hitler's case it was reading German history and painting. Hitler, of course, would go on to represent the real-life personification of the dark side."

I don't want to scare or offend anyone, but the way drkpwn3r was talking, it sounds chillingly like a description of a good boy gone bad. If these are his true feelings, then he is in critical need of therapy right away before someone gets hurt. Of course, he might just be another idiot 'tween the 'Net. Time will tell...but I hope he gets help because it sounds like he needs it.